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"Thebaine... Papaverine... Isolate the morphine, subject it to acetylation..."

Pierre is a survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Crystal White

Help Pierre in rescuing his son Rook.


Show: Crystal White

Aiden: "Something wrong?"
Pierre: "No, nothing. Talking to myself, that's all..."
Aiden: "I can see something's the matter, but okay..."
Pierre: "It's just... there's nothing that can be done. There are too many of them..."
Aiden: "Too many who?"
Pierre: "Renegades. Degenerates. Six months ago they kidnapped my son, Rook. And they forced me to produce drugs for them. I was their chemistry teacher in school before the epidemic. I held one of them back a grade."
Aiden: "But what about your son?"
Pierre: "They're holding him hostage. If I'm late with the next batch of drugs, they'll kill him."
Aiden: "Maybe what these bandits need is... a lesson."
Pierre: "But there's a whole band of them!"
Aiden: "I've faced far worse odds than that. I'm not a fan of kidnapping."
Pierre: "Will you help me?!"
Aiden: "I'll try. Where are they keeping Rook?"
Pierre: "In a military building overlooking the canal south of Muddy Grounds, near Culvert Island. The entrance is on Saint Paul Boulevard, past the wrecked car carrier. Just be careful! I went there myself once, trying to free my boy. They caught me, then later brought me one of Rook's fingers. As long as these bastards are alive, they will never leave us alone."
Aiden: "I'll be careful."
Pierre: "I'll follow you, wait outside for you to come out. What's your name?"
Aiden: "Aiden."
Pierre: "Thank you, Aiden."
(After finding Rook)
Aiden: "You all right?"
Rook: "I'm... y'know... yeah."
Aiden: "They injected that shit into you..."
Rook: "Who're... who're you?"
Aiden: "Aiden. Your father sent me."
Rook: "Father... Ah, Dad..."
Aiden: "You're out of danger. I'll take you to him."
Rook: "No..."
Aiden: "What?"
Rook: "I don't need you, Dad, or anybody else! I'm doing fine here. Gimme a needle."
Aiden: "Hey wait... you've got all your fingers. The bandits didn't cut one off! So it was all fake?"
Rook: "Leave me alone!"
Aiden: "There was no kidnapping... was there? You've been tricking your own father into making you free drugs!"
Rook: "Get outta here!"
Aiden: "How could you do that to your father?"
Rook: "I didn't want this, okay?! It's stronger than me!"
Aiden: "And now, what do you want? You'd rather stay here like this than be with your father?"
Pierre: "Rook! Son! My boy! Finally, I've got you back. What is it, boy? Are you alright?"

Aiden: "(Tell the chemist what his son did.) There was never any kidnapping."
Pierre: "What?"
Aiden: "It was all a show. Including that severed finger."
Pierre: "But how could that be? Rook, say that's not true."
Rook: "I tried to kick it, I tried! I didn't want to keep taking! But I started getting high with them. When I mentioned you, they realized you were their former teacher. As a chemist."
Pierre: "God, Rook..."
Rook: "I wanted to stop, to end it. But they wouldn't let me. I'm sorry..."
Pierre: "Come back home with me. We'll talk there."
Rook: "Really? After all I did...?"
Pierre: "You'll always be my son. Thank you."
Aiden: "(Don't tell the chemist what his son did.) This kid's been through a lot. They shot him up with drugs."
Pierre: "God, I didn't know... Come home. I'll take care of you. Everything will be fine... Thanks, Aiden."
Rook: "Yeah, whatever..."
Aiden: "Good luck."


  • "I haven't been slept a wink for six months. What are they doing with my son in there? I'm so worried about him."