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"What's happening?! What's going on?!"

Rook is a survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Crystal White

Rook is the son of Pierre who needs to be rescued.


Show: Crystal White

Aiden: "You all right?"
Rook: "I'm... y'know... yeah."
Aiden: "They injected that shit into you..."
Rook: "Who're... who're you?"
Aiden: "Aiden. Your father sent me."
Rook: "Father... Ah, Dad..."
Aiden: "You're out of danger. I'll take you to him."
Rook: "No..."
Aiden: "What?"
Rook: "I don't need you, Dad, or anybody else! I'm doing fine here. Gimme a needle."
Aiden: "Hey wait... you've got all your fingers. The bandits didn't cut one off! So it was all fake?"
Rook: "Leave me alone!"
Aiden: "There was no kidnapping... was there? You've been tricking your own father into making you free drugs!"
Rook: "Get outta here!"
Aiden: "How could you do that to your father?"
Rook: "I didn't want this, okay?! It's stronger than me!"
Aiden: "And now, what do you want? You'd rather stay here like this than be with your father?"
Pierre: "Rook! Son! My boy! Finally, I've got you back. What is it, boy? Are you alright?"

Aiden: "(Tell the chemist what his son did.) There was never any kidnapping."
Pierre: "What?"
Aiden: "It was all a show. Including that severed finger."
Pierre: "But how could that be? Rook, say that's not true."
Rook: "I tried to kick it, I tried! I didn't want to keep taking! But I started getting high with them. When I mentioned you, they realized you were their former teacher. As a chemist."
Pierre: "God, Rook..."
Rook: "I wanted to stop, to end it. But they wouldn't let me. I'm sorry..."
Pierre: "Come back home with me. We'll talk there."
Rook: "Really? After all I did...?"
Pierre: "You'll always be my son. Thank you."
Aiden: "(Don't tell the chemist what his son did.) This kid's been through a lot. They shot him up with drugs."
Pierre: "God, I didn't know... Come home. I'll take care of you. Everything will be fine... Thanks, Aiden."
Rook: "Yeah, whatever..."
Aiden: "Good luck."