Zaid's Flares

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"Zaid is a smart bastard so his flares lasts longer than normal's harder to make them though!"
In-game description

Zaid's Flares is a throwing weapon that appears Dying Light. Its Blueprint is given by Zaid after completing the quest Firebug. They behave like UV Flares, burning longer than it while also being more expensive to make. As such, any strategies applicable for Flares can be applied to Zaid's Flares.


Zaid's Flares are thrown like grenades, following a similar arc and going the same distance. During the day, using these is mostly a waste, as none of the day time infected are bothered by UV light, although they can be used to light oil puddles on fire, similar to Fire Crackers.

During the night, however, is when they become very useful. UV Flares create what is basically a mini, portable safe area at night, keep in mind that Zaid's Flares lasts for only 15 seconds. The UV light given off by the flare will keep Volatiles and Night Walkers off of you for a short time. This makes them very useful when running from a pursuit, allowing you time to recover, or acting as a barrier to halt pursuing zombies temporarily. Be careful, though, as normal biters at night will be unaffected by the flare, and Night Walker Gas Tank zombies have hazmat suits that protect them from the light.

An interesting thing to note is that Hives in Volatile Nests at The Countryside can sometimes drop these, meaning that the player will have means of defense/escape if they are trapped in the nest once morning comes.




Zaid's Flares More effective flares that burn brighter and last longer than regular flares.


  • With Crafting Expertise, 2 flares will be produced instead of 1 upon crafting Zaid's flares