Brother Orcan

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Brother Orcan is one of The Faceless, that appears at the sixth story quest At the End of the Tunnel . When the player finds him by defeating all bandits and opening the container, he sees Orcan's body, still alive, his mask nailed to his face, tortured.

From Orcan's words, Bandits / Rais' Gang were following him, so they can get the cure, but they couldn't "open" it. So, they asked about The Mother, but Orcan refused to answer. He told them nothing. His final words are " Lighthouse! Light ... House..." , before succumbing to his wounds, due to torture. This directly refers to where the player should go next, to search for Vials.

" Yeah, it was Rais' gang and, yeah, they kidnapped Orcan. Poor guy got his mask nailed to his face. In his dying moments he told me that they're headed to the lighthouse. He said they had some problems with... some containers? They might have the vials I'm looking for! ,,


The Following