At the End of the Tunnel

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"The Faceless 'received information' about a group of bandits matching the description I gave them - so Rais' men really are somewhere around here. They've probably occupied the granary. I have to head there and see if they've captured one of The Faceless, Brother Orcan."
Quest introduction

At the End of the Tunnel is the tenth story quest of Dying Light: The Following.[1]


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Head to the granary
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Find Brother Orcan
Yeah, it was Rais' gang and, yeah, they kidnapped Orcan. Poor guy got his mask nailed to his face. In his dying moments he told me that they're headed to the lighthouse. He said they had some problems with... some containers? They might have the vials I'm looking for!

Objective icon.png
Get to the lighthouse
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Defeat the bandits
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Take the vials
I found the last remaining vials of the medicine. I took them with me - they're still intact and they MIGHT be the solution we've been looking for. Problem is: The Faceless seem to be in some kind of trouble. I need to get to them before the bandits do.


Sometime after having completed the previous quest, an Acolyte of The Faceless will contact Crane and inform him that a group of bandits matching the description Kyle provided has occupied the granary. The Acolytes suspect they hold their lost brother Orcan and perhaps the items stolen from the military convoy which was ambushed in the cave a few quests back. Head to the granary.

"Ugh. The REAL Harran virus."
Kyle Crane

At the granary numerous infected are found roaming around. A number of Rais's men are found on the granary installation itself. Be mindful, as they make use of Military Rifles and Police Rifles. Head to the top of the granary and start looking for the lost Faceless. He is found in a container on the northwestern portion. One of Rais's thugs will burst through the door just before reaching it. Orcan is found inside, badly wounded and almost dead. Orcan mentions the lighthouse just before dying to his wounds. Contact the Faceless to inform them of what happened before heading to the lighthouse. Lena will contact Crane on the way over there.

At the lighthouse, use the window at the highest level to head inside and go up the stairs. At the top, upon accessing the door, the finale of The Following is started, which can only be played in single player mode. After opening the door, Kaan is found. After a brief conversation it becomes clear he works with Rais's men and is headed for the Mother. Some of Rais's men show up and use a rocket launcher to destroy the lighthouse.

"Find him! Show me the goddamn corpse!"

There are five bandits, armed with Military and Police Rifles. The rocket launcher can, unfortunately, not be obtained. After defeating the bandits, take the vials which are located near Kaan's corpse to start the next and final quest.



  1. At the end of the tunnel - Quest log (Dying Light: The Following)