Harran Police Department

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The Harran Police Department was the law enforcement agency of Harran prior to the outbreak of the Harran Virus.

Notable members

  • Chief Kerim Demir, the chief of police who went missing shortly after the outbreak of the Harran Virus.[1]
  • Captain Enver Halim, a police captain who was involved in messages to- and from the public.

Law Enforcement

The citizenry of Harran was permitted to own firearms, given that they had a justification for using it. Gun permits were handled by the Harran Police Department, and could be denied in the interest of public safety.[2] The citizenry could also reach out to the police in the event where they suspect someone of planning a crime.[3]

The Harran Outbreak

Just before the Harran Virus itself escalated, the Police Department thought those who were infected were simply crazy, as people going berserk at random increased shortly before the Global Athletics Games. These people were most likely virals as they reportedly became very angry and uncontrollable before commiting an act of violence, while also shouting.[1] The police appeared to have been well aware of such cases just before the Games themselves would occur, as they sent out several policemen after suspected infected.[4]

Two weeks before the Global Athletic Games would take place, a violent incident occured. Police officers shot and killed a man who was making threatening moves towards people on the street, and when confronted by the officers, he attacked the police. As these incidents only rarely occurred in Harran, and because it occurred close to New Town, the media was all over it. Chief Demir could not attend a city council meeting shortly after, as the police department was very busy at the time.[1] The police received many missing persons reports, missing persons who were all known as having been sick at the time of their disappearance. Not long thereafter bodies started showing up in the streets, victims of murders who had been attacked by someone or something. The majority of them having died from fatal wounds resembling animal bites, on occasion entire chunks of a body had been chewed off.[4]

Chaos at the Global Athletic Games

During the Global Athletic Games, on the final parkour race concluding the event, the Infected had infiltrated the Harran Stadium and began attacking the spectators in the crowd. Not long thereafter Harran policemen dressed in riot gear appeared on the field, firing at the Infected. Helicopters were also sent in, as well as more policemen and military due to the chaos. They were ill-equipped and unprepared, and as a result, they were massacred. Those who weren't killed shot ay anything that moved, Infected or not.[4]

Following the parkour race which concluded the Games, the police created and enforced a curfew.[4] The police also created various road blocks in attempts to prevent people from leaving the city.[5] In the week thereafter, combined police and military units fought against the Infected, with gunfire and explosions being heard throughout the city. Unfortunately, by the seventh day the streets were silent but the Infected were still around. The police could not defeat the Infected.[4]

What remained of the Harran Police Department set up an improvised safe zone in the city, using buses and several cars to create a bottleneck into it. A whole block was secured by the police this way, as they shot Infected during the day and hid inside during the night. These would eventually be killed by a group of bandits, however, who were out scavenging for supplies.[4]

Uniforms and vehicles

The standard Harran Police held five different kinds of uniforms. Infected officers wearing these uniforms can be found in the Old Town District. They are found the most around the Forever Foundation.

In both Old Town and the Slums, a more militarized police unit can also be seen walking around, carrying two shotgun shells on their uniform. The Demolishers also used to be members of the military and riot police personnel. Focused on intense physical training and strength, the virus spread throughout their bodies in moments of weakness and intensified those body parts which were strong.[6]

The Harran Police Department also made use of both Police Vans and Sedans.

Arms and armor

A Harran Police riot shield.

The Harran Police Department used some form of protection for some of its officers. The more militarized police made use of combat vests, while the demolishers made use of riot gear, providing them with bullet proof armor and helmets.

The Police Department furthermore made use of Police Rifles, Military Rifles, Semi-Automatic Shotguns, and Police Batons, the former of which were supplied by the Harran Arms Company, which specifically crafted the weapons for law enforcement use or export.[7] The police officers have holsters for pistols, most likely for either the German 9mm Pistol, the American 9mm Pistol, or both.
