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Jasir is a character in Dying Light: The Following expansion pack. He is the father of Ezgi, another character linked with several side quests.

Jasir is responsible for many of the survivors within The Countryside, his farm is the first safe zone then Kyle Crane finds when he enters the area. In addition to the safe zone Jasir is also one of the central characters with the story quests for The Following as well as a number of side quests and diversions such as collecting Bolter livers and finding missing survivors.

After completing The Gathering, Jasir gives you a Military keycard. It is useful to access crates in military outposts across the Countryside. These crates contain weapons and blueprints to create parts for your buggy.


Show: The Way Out

Jasir: "You will not see him again! Do you hear me? I forbid it!"
Ezgi: "Father, please! Can't we talk about this?"
Jasir: "No, no! End of discussion!"
Ezgi: "Fine... Fine!"
Jasir: "Ezgi... wait. Ezgi!"
Crane: "Uh... I don't mean to interrupt, I'm looking for Jasir."
Jasir: "I am Jasir. But if you want food, we have only bread."
Crane: "No... No, I don't need food. Listen. I'm from Harran, and I've come because I heard that the people here are immune to the virus. That they don't turn, even if they get bitten."
Jasir: "Oh? And who told you this?"
Crane: "A dead man, I'm sorry to say."
Jasir: "You might as well keep listening to him. I'll tell you no more than he."
Crane: "Fucking hell, why won't anybody here help me? The virus is all over the city, people are dying!"
Jasir: "And yet, you still live. Take some bread, my friend, and go back to Harran. No one wants you here."

Show: Gaining Credence

Jasir: "You don't even know what you just did for us. Our wells have been polluted for the last month, and people were getting sicker and sicker... Maybe I was wrong about you, stranger."
Crane: "So... Any chance you'll answer my question now? About that medicine?"
Jasir: "Follow me, please."
Crane: "(After Jasir sits) Jasir, in Harran... We're running out of Antizin. I'm looking for anything that could save my friends. If you have anything..."
Jasir: "Yes, stranger, we do. We have our faith and our prayers to the Mother."
Crane: "Faith...? I, uh... I mean no disrespect, but... you're telling me that prayers keep you from turning?"
Jasir: "That's your problem - you lack faith, just like the other outsiders. We believe in the Mother, and she protects us! We have no need of... Antenzin... or whatever you said."
Crane: "Okay, okay... Well... Is there any way I could maybe speak with this Mother?"
Jasir: "She is sacred. She speaks only with those known as the Faceless. But maybe - maybe - you could get them to notice you. If you do enough good for our community."
Crane: "At this point, I'll take anything. So what kind of good are you looking for? What needs to be done around here?"
Jasir: "You're serious about this? Hmph. All right, then. Me, I take care of this farm, and my friend, Bilal, keeps the gas station near town safe. Look around, you'll find more work than any one man could handle."

Show: Drought

Jasir: "We know you did everything you could about that running water... But our people got even sicker once it came back on. You need to get back here."

At the farm:

Crane: "Jasir, what's wrong? What's going on?"
Jasir: "We don't have a clue. Everything seemed all right... and suddenly people started feeling sick. I hoped you'd know something about it."
Crane: "Well, I don't. ...But I'll see if I can figure out what's going on."

After clearing the pumping station:

Crane: "Jasir, I'm at the pumping station. Send some people here ASAP. And don't let anyone drink this water."
Jasir: "What happened?!"
Crane: "Some bandits threw corpses into the water. Clean out the bodies, and the water should clear up again. You got that?"
Jasir: "Of course. Thank you. We'll take care of it as soon as possible."

Show: The Gathering

Crane: "Jasir, that was one cryptic message."
Jasir: "I didn't want to get into details over the radio. One of the men from town just died from the water poisoning."
Crane: "I'm sorry to hear that..."
Jasir: "Yes. We all were. He was military, and he asked us to give away all of his possessions. The last thing we have left is this card. I don't know what its purpose is."
Crane: "That's a military keycard. And if it's properly authorized it could open any military electronic lock."
Jasir: "Well, then... here. You take it. Maybe it'll help you. Besides, we wouldn't even know what to look for."
Crane: "Thanks, Jasir!"

After taking the keycard:

Jasir: "We all saw it. The Mother accepted you into the Following... So we should accept you into our community, too. You are welcome now among the Children of the Sun."
Crane: "Thank you, Jasir."

Show: Going Postal

Crane: "Hmmm. Jasir, who drew this?"
Jasir: "Oh. That's not important. The kid keeps drawing them. I keep throwing them away."
Crane: "But... what's it about?"
Jasir: "Something the kid's hung up on. His mother took a job in Harran before the outbreak, left him with his grandparents. She was supposed to send him a gift, I guess. But you know what happened. It doesn't matter. Just toss it."
Crane: "(After taking the note) So this whole time, the kid's been waiting on a present? Christ..."
Jasir: "Sad, I know. But the sooner he gets used to being sad, the better."

After checking the postal office:

Crane: "Hey, Jasir? I've got that kid's present. Can you get it to him?"
Jasir: "You... risked your life to make a child happy? All I can say is... thank you."

Show: Two Roads Diverged/Ascend Over Flesh

Crane: "I saw your note, Jasir... Who's this Sabit? He was supposed to get you guys some medicine?"
Jasir: "Yes. Yes, he was. He was bringing us fresh herbs every single week... But we haven't heard from him for too long now. I know. He's probably dead. But we can't be sure. You don't know the man. He wanted to become one of the Faceless. He wouldn't let himself get killed easily."
Crane: "Well... Any idea where I should look for him, then? And what about those fevers? You still need some herbs, right?"
Jasir: "He lived in a hut, out on that rocky island... And yes, he always kept medicine there. Just be careful. If something got to Sabit, it's no laughing matter."
Crane: "Tell me about this Sabit guy... Before the outbreak, what was his job?"
Jasir: "He was a forest ranger. A proud and brave man, always said he felt better in the company of animals than people."
Crane: "Yeah, I think I know the type. So he was a natural fit for the Faceless."
Jasir: "No, that idea came alter. He wasn't a believer at first. It was only when he received the Mother's blessing that he decided to help achieve her goals however he could."
Crane: "That's when he started bringing you medicine?"
Jasir: "Taking care of some of the needs in our community, yes."
Crane: "And he still lived in a hut? That's... quite a commute, especially on foot."
Jasir: "And that's what was special about Sabit. He just wasn't afraid. Not of monsters. Not of the dark, even. He wandered around in the night as if it were nothing special."
Crane: "Thin line between bravery and madness, huh?"

At Sabit's hut:

Crane: "Jasir, there's a goddamn Volatile hive under this hut. Half of Sabit's stuff ended up down in a cave. I'll check it for those herbs you wanted, but I doubt he's still alive."
Jasir: "That's the end of it, then. Don't you dare go in there yourself. Those hives are certain death."
Crane: "Wait, I think I heard something..."

Upon returning:

Crane: "This is what you needed, right?"
Jasir: "It is. This'll help a lot."
Crane: "I'm sorry about your friend."
Jasir: "Thank you. Don't worry. At least we know what happened to him... And it's no shame to die that way."

Show: Run, Bolter, Run

Crane: "Jasir, I've gotta ask... Why the hell do you want Bolter livers?"
Jasir: "Those damn filthy Bolters! They keep desecrating the graves of our beloved! They eat the corpses we've laid out for the wind to take!"
Crane: "Okay...but... the livers?"
Jasir: "For heaven's sake, don't they teach you anything in the city? It's about the smell! You can use it to attract more of the same kind... It's the phremo... phesmo..."
Crane: "Pheromones?"
Jasir: "Yes, that's what I said."
Crane: "Or... could you use it to scare them off?"
Jasir: "And that's what I wanted to say. You learn fast, boy."
Crane: "Okay. So these Bolters are attracted to fresh bodies you... leave for the wind?"
Jasir: "Yes. If you see a Bolter, just run it over with your car, okay? That'd be much appreciated. And remember about the livers!"

Upon returning with the liver:

Crane: "Jasir, got you a Bolter liver. I–"
Jasir: "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Get away from me with that stink! There's a barrel behind the barn, go put it there!"

After depositing the liver:

Crane: "OK... It's in the barrel."
Jasir: "Thank you. And please, if you get more, just leave them in the barrel. That stink is just unbearable."

Show: Lazarus

Crane: "Jasir... Those bandits who took over Ercan's farm. Aren't you afraid they're going to target you guys next?"
Jasir: "Here, we can handle them. But we're no soldiers, I won't send people to die out there. Well, your... set of skills might come in handy in this situation. Just talk to Ezgi. She'll explain the kind of scum you'll be dealing with. And... maybe try to find Polat too. He used to work at Ercan's farm. Maybe he'll have something useful to tell you."

After finding Ercan:

Crane: "Jasir, are you there? I don't know how this happened but — Ercan is alive. He's a wreck, though."
Jasir: "Ercan's alive?! And you really did get rid of those bandits?"
Crane: "Listen, he doesn't know me, I can't get through to him. And he's in deep shock. The farm's clear so, I don't know, maybe you could ask your guys to bring him back?"
Jasir: "Of course. Of course. We'll take care of it. Thank you."

Show: The Ties That Bind

Jasir: "Son – can you see me? There's a private matter I'd like to speak with you about."

At the farm:

Crane: "Jasir? What's up?"
Jasir: "Son, I know you have a lot on your mind... but I need to ask you a personal favor."
Crane: "Sure thing. What do you need?"
Jasir: "I hate to ask, but... I won't stand a chance out there. It's about my daughter. I think she's run away from home."
Crane: "Ezgi? She ran away? Why?"
Jasir: "Good question! I've never been able to guess what's going on in that crazy head of hers!"
Crane: "Okay, well... Do you have any idea where she might have gone?"
Jasir: "The only place I can think of would be Ozan's house. They were... close."
Crane: "Boyfriend, huh? That's what you guys were fighting about when I first got here?"
Jasir: "That little prick. He never worked a day in his life! No respect for his elders! Always with an idiot's smile, and that damn cap worn backwards!"
Crane: "Relax... I'll look for her, don't worry. Where does this Ozan live?"
Jasir: "He lives on a farm that's pretty close to Oasis. And thank you...I'm sorry for asking this. Just... If you find her, tell her to come home, please."

After reading the letter from Ezgi:

Crane: "Jasir, are you there? The infected go into Ozan's place. He's dead."
Jasir: "Is Ezgi there? Is she all right?"
Crane: "No, there's no sign of her. There's another girl here, though, who didn't make it. I'll keep looking. Don't worry, Jasir."
Jasir: "A father always worries. Good luck."

Show: Exercises in Futility

Crane: "Jasir. I found some of Ezgi's things near a tunnel. Looks like a smuggling route. I'm pretty sure it leads all the way to Harran."
Jasir: "She's... going to Harran? Will she... could she be safe in the city? You've been there! Tell me!"
Crane: "I won't lie, Jasir, it's a dangerous place... But I'll reach out to my friends there. They'll help her."
Jasir: "I... I... Thank you, Kyle."

After Ezgi contacts Crane:

Crane: "Jasir, I have some good news."
Jasir: "Good news? That'd be nice for a change..."
Crane: "Ezgi's alive. She's on her way to the Tower — the safest place in Harran. She's with my friends."
Jasir: "Really?! Praise the Mother, Kyle! Praise her name!"

Show: The Thrill of the Chase

Crane: "Jasir, what's this about a weapons collection?"
Jasir: "Ah. Yes. It's something I've wanted to take care of for a while now. There was this man, Adam, who lived in town. A bit eccentric, but everyone liked him. Especially when he got drunk. Well, he had a huge collection of weapons. Famous for it. And he was a good shot with his precious revolvers. But then, when he started getting older... ...he got paranoid that someone was going to steal them. And the rumor is, when he died, his house turned up completely empty. No weapons anywhere."
Crane: "Okay. But how does this saber fit into the picture?"
Jasir: "Ah... Adam was crafty. Years ago he got hold of my grandfather's saber, and nothing I could do would persuade him to give it back. I just hope — if he hid his other weapons — that saber is among them."

Upon returning with Jasir's saber:

Crane: "Got a present for you, Jasir."
Jasir: "I can't believe it! You really found it!"
Crane: "Took some doing. Listen, if this thing is that important to you, how come you let Adam get his hands on it?"
Jasir: "That's a long story... and one that I'm not really proud of. Let's just say that I got careless one day. But now I have it back. Thank you!"
Crane: "Come on, don't leave me hanging like that, Jasir! What happened?"
Jasir: "I would rather not talk about it."
Crane: "It can't be that bad. What was it, a dare or something? Oh... was there a woman involved?"
Jasir: "[sigh] A woman... and a chicken."
Crane: "... A chicken?"
Jasir: "This was five years ago. Ezgi's mother had been gone for eighteen months, and... I was getting... lonely. And there was a widow here, in town. She liked chickens."
Crane: "What, like fried?"
Jasir: "No! She kept them as pets! And Adam has this spectacular rooster... and a weakness for cards."
Crane: "Wait... Jasir, are you saying you lost your grandfather's sword in a card game over a chicken?"
Jasir: "You might remember, boy, that I said I wasn't proud of this."
Crane: "Well? What happened with the widow?"
Jasir: "What do you think happened? Adam had the rooster and won my grandfather's saber. The widow married him."

Show: The Fate of the Fool

Crane: "Jasir, please don't ask any questions, just hand this stuff to the Acolytes when you have a chance. It's very..."
Jasir: "... Important to the Mother, I know. They told me already. I'll tell them I have it."