Katsumi Kobayashi

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Kobayashi Katsumi (as per Japanese naming conventions), sometimes called Dr. Katusmi or Dr. Katsumi Kobayashi, was Chief Physician of the GRE from late 2021, when she took over from a Dr. Stephens, until her apparent death in October 2024. She is also referred to in the game as GRE Chief Medical Officer and GRE Head Doctor. She represented the GRE on the Council of Mankind after its founding in 2023 until the Council's dissolution in mid 2024, acting during this time as a voice of reason and with a compassionate and humanitarian outlook amid calls for drastic measures that she viewed as reckless. In particular, Dr. Kobayashi vehemently opposed the premature use of THV GenMod, the chemical compound used by the Army to bomb Villedor in a failed attempt to eradicate the virus, a catastrophic event known as Black Monday.

As chaos gripped the city of Villedor in 2024, she was killed by a group of rioters fueled by a hatred for the GRE, a hatred Dr. Kobayashi mentions may have been exacerbated by General Pratt in an attempt to shift the blame for the ongoing turmoil. Her last words, in a desperate final report, were "You're making a mistake, I'm trying to help! If you blame science, we're all going to d-".

Collectible tapes

Dr. Kobayashi features in nine collectible audio tapes in Dying Light 2 Stay Human, with six as part of her own status reports and the remaining three being records of different Council of Mankind sessions. Across these reports she places emphasis on science, reason, logic and humanitarian compassion, all while being aware that it was the GRE that caused the THV pandemic.

The tapes are as follows:

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #1

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #2

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #3

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #4

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #5

GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #6

Council of Mankind Session #1

Council of Mankind Session #2

Council of Mankind Session #3