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Nerys is a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. She is the mother of Scott and Moe.


True Friends

Help Nerys find her sons, Scott and Moe.

Out of Your League

Help Neryss find Scott after he has gone missing again.


Show: True Friends

Nerys: "Why won't you help me? You are worthless, heartless, selfish and--"
Aiden: "Everything alright?"
Nerys: "No. Everything is NOT alright. Please. It's my boys. They've gone missing. I haven't seen them for hours. Moe is 13. Scottie's 16... Please..."
Aiden: "Boys their age do tend to wander off."
Nerys: "Not my boys! They always tell me where they're going and when they'll be back. This time was no different, but... My birthday is coming up. It'd be just like them to get into trouble planning a surprise. I'd die. You understand? If something happened to them I'd--"

Aiden: "(Would you offer a reward?)"
Aiden: "(Let me help you.) All right, I can try to find them. As a Pilgrim, I did plenty of tracking."
Nerys: "What? A Pilgrim? You're lucky this is about my children. I know what sort of people become Pilgrims. Otherwise, I'd want nothing to do with you."
Aiden: "I just want to help. Where should I start to look?"
Nerys: "Right here. Sometimes they play with this filthy little boy by the church walls."
Aiden: "I'll check it out. You stay here and wait."

(After finding Scott and Moe)
Dominik: "I already checked around the church, but he wasn't there either. C'mon guys, Buddy's your friend now, too. Help me look!"
Nerys: "Now is not a good time, Dominik. Please leave my boys alone."
Dominik: "But what if something happened to him? We gotta do something! Scott... Moe! Say something... I'm asking nicely. Please?!"
Nerys: "Maybe your uncle can buy you a pet or something. He seems to be a man of some means. Now leave my boys alone!"
Dominik: "Hey! It's you, mister. You seen Buddy anywhere?"
Aiden: "So... you haven't told him anything yet?"

Aiden: "(Buddy died saving Scott and Moe.) I'm sorry, kid. Buddy's dead. But... he died saving your friends."
Nerys: "They... only just told me themselves. We didn't know how to tell you. That's why I asked you to leave. I didn't mean to be so harsh. It's just... such a shock. I'm sorry, Dominik, I-- Thank you for protecting my sons. And Dominik. He's so young. As for you... maybe you Pilgrims aren't just criminals after all. Here you are. You take care now."
Aiden: "(Scott and Moe lied to you.) Buddy's dead..."
Dominik: "Did... did you know about this?"
Aiden: "They lured Buddy away to hunt him. To kill him for food. But the Infected were swarming inside the building. If it hadn't been for Buddy, they'd be dead, too. Or worse."
Scott: "He's lying. We would never do that, Dominik. I swear!"
Aiden: "Moe explained it to me when I saved him. A birthday present for their mother, he said."
Dominik: "Is that true? Is that the reason you suddenly started playing with me and Buddy? Was that it?!"
Scott: "He's lying!"
Dominik: "Moe?"
Nerys: "You need to leave now."
Aiden: "The kid deserves to know the truth."
Nerys: "The truth...? An honest Pilgrim? Ha, that's a good one! People don't shun you for telling the truth, but for lies! Get the fuck out of my house before I call the guard."
Dominik: "I can't believe they'd do that. If they'd told me they were hungry, I would have helped. Especially for their Mom's sake. But now... I never want to see them again. Thanks for finding Buddy, mister. Now I'm sure he would have liked you. You're a good guy."
Aiden: "(Scott and Moe will tell you everything.) Buddy's dead... Scott and Moe can tell you what happened."
Dominik: "You saw--something happened? What happened to Buddy?"
Nerys: "Tell him, boys."
Moe: "Dominik... I'm sorry."
Scott: "Shut up!"
Moe: "Buddy... It's our fault."
Scott: "Shut up, dumbass!"
Nerys: "Be quiet, Scottie. Let him talk."
Dominik: "Your fault? How? What are you saying?"
Moe: "We... we lured Buddy away to hunt him. To... to kill him. But it was for our Mom. I swear. It's not like we were doing it for fun."
Dominik: "But... how could... Is that the reason you suddenly started playing with me and Buddy? Was that it?! Because unless you became friends with him, you knew Buddy wouldn't let you catch him?"
Nerys: "I'm sorry, Dominik. It's... it's my fault. We have so little and it's all the boys could think to do for my birthday. Forgive them, please. They meant you no harm, just the dog--"
Dominik: "JUST the dog? He was my best friend. And you... you all... I hate you, hate you, hate you!"
Scott: "But Mom... we just wanted to..."
Nerys: "I know... but what you've done. To Dominik. To that poor dog. Despite everything, I thought I raised you two better than that. I can't look at you right now. Thank you for finding them, and saving them. And giving them the chance to take responsibility for what they've done. You're a good man... for a Pilgrim. Take care of yourself."
Show: Out of Your League

(If a Survivor)
Nerys: "Aiden!"
Aiden: "Nerys, what's going on?"
Nerys: "It's Scott. He's gone missing again. I've been everywhere, asked everyone... but no one has seen him."

Aiden: "(I'll look for Scott.)"
Aiden: "(Maybe Moe knows something?) What about Moe? Is he gone, too?"
Nerys: "No, he's at home, safe and sound."
Aiden: "What does he know about Scott's whereabouts?"
Nerys: "Nothing. And that worries me. They usually get into trouble together."
Aiden: "If you want, I can look for your son."
Nerys: "Thank you, Aiden! You're a godsend!
Aiden: "Tell me about Scott's disappearance."

(If a Peacekeeper)
Nerys: "I'm begging you, send a patrol at least!"
Peacekeeper: "Not gonna happen."
Nerys: "You want me to get down on my knees and beg, is that what you want?"
Peacekeeper: "Are you aware of our Commander's murder? Unless you have any information about that we can't help you."
Nerys: "Why, I don't know anything about that."
Peacekeeper: "Nothing we can do, then."
Nerys: "So what should I do?"
Peacekeeper: "Maybe find someone who does have the information we're looking for."
Nerys: "I don't have time for that! My son is in danger, dammit!. Aiden!"
Aiden: "Nerys, what's going on?"
Nerys: "It's Scott. He's gone missing again. I've been everywhere, asked everyone... but no one has seen him. So I came to the PKs. After all, they did promise to protect us."
Aiden: "And...?"
Nerys: "They won't help. Turns out, we could all die and they wouldn't care."

Aiden: "(Try to understand.)"
Aiden: "(I'll look for Scott.) I'll look for Scott."
Nerys: "You'd help someone from the Bazaar? I thought you were working for the Peacekeepers."
Aiden: "Not really. Our interests are aligned... that's all. Tell me about Scott's disappearance."

(Regardless of faction allegiance)

Nerys: "He left in the afternoon, without Moe... and never came back. He was gone overnight!! Even more strange, some men came around that evening looking for him."
Aiden: "And what did they want?"
Nerys: "Wouldn't say, so I chased them off. But later I saw Ruud--Ruud Weghorst--talking to them. I got a bad feeling... he's had it in for my boy lately. Maybe he has something to do with this. Scott has a huge crush on Ruud's daughter, and Ruud is not having it. Started treating my boy like trash."
Aiden: "(Might Scott have run off with the girl?) Could Scott have run off with the girl?"
Nerys: "It's possible. He's completely head-over-heels for her. Loes should be at the Bazaar. I was ony my way to look but ran into you."
Aiden: "(Know who those men were?) These men... any idea who they were?"
Nerys: "Said they were after someone without a biomarker. But that oculdn't be Scott, of course. They're not from the Bazaar, that's for sure. And not the kind of people we like here."
Aiden: "I'll talk to Ruud. You go home and keep an eye on Moe."
Nerys: "Thank you! I'll pray for you, Aiden. Every day."

(After sending Scott home while retrieving the necklace)
Nerys: "Aiden. Thank you, thank you for getting Scott home safely."
Aiden: "Can I talk to him?"
Nerys: "Sure, of course. Scott!"
Scott: "Aiden! You made it! Do you have... the necklace I gave you?"
Loes: "What? What are you talking about, Scott?"

Aiden: "(Tell Loes her father set Scott up.) Sorry Scot but... Loes, your father sent Scott for his aunt's necklace, sending him into grave danger. There's no way Scott could have done this on his own, but because of his love for you, he tried his best!"
Scott: "Hey wait a minute! I could have--"
Aiden: "Scott had vowed to do what it takes to win over your father, so he could be with you. To make sure this wouldn't happen, your father also sent two thugs after Scott."
Ruud: "You piece of shit! I shoulda turned you over to them while I was at it."
Loes: "Dad! Is Aiden telling the truth? Did you...?"
Ruud: "He's no good for you, honey. You see that, right? Look, I'm just trying to do what's best for you, Loes. Believe me!"
Loes: "I--I'm so ashamed. I know you didn't like Scott but... How could you?! That's it. I'm done with you, father. Miss Gunter, please, may I stay here with you?"
Ruud: "That's nonsense, Loes. Come on. We're going home. Now!"
Scott: "Touch her and I will kill you. I swear, I will kill you."
Ruud: "Yeah? Let's see you try."
Nerys: "Enough, Ruud. Leave or I'll call the guard. And I'll go to Carl with this, I swear. What you tried to do to my son! You disgust me, you monster."
Scott: "Mom, does this mean you'll let Loes stay with us?"
Nerys: "Scott... You know I've got enough mouths to feed."
Aiden: "(Stay out of it.)"
Scott: "But mom... please! We can think of something."
Loes: "Why did I even come here?"
Scott: "No, Loes! Wait! There must be a way..."
Nerys: "You're a rare breed, Aiden."
Aiden: "Do you think they'll be fine?"
Nerys: "Scott will be fine. As for Loes, I feel sorry for her, but she's her father's responsibility. I'm just glad my boy is safe. You know, pilgrim... people here say horrible things about you. But they have no idea what you are really like."
Aiden: "See you later, Nerys. Look after your son."
Aiden: "(Use necklace to convince Nerys.) Maybe this necklace will help. Probably worth a small fortune. Think of it as a dowry."
Nerys: "Well... This does change things."
Scott: "Aiden. Looks like I owe you another one. Big time."
Aiden: "Put it on the tab. I'm just glad it all worked out."
Loes: "I don't know how to thank you."
Nerys: "Okay, save the waterworks. Both of you, inside, before I change my mind. So... you returned my son to me. And threw in a bonus daughter-in-law. Don't expect a bonus reward for that."
Aiden: "You've also got a new enemy."
Nerys: "Nothing new about that, trust me. And you know, this could have ended in far worse ways."
Aiden: "(Give necklace to Scott pretending he got it.) Yes, here's... ... the necklace you got from that apartment. I looked into it, like you asked. You were right. It's worth quite a lot."
Scott: "See? Ruud! I got the necklace! Now you have to give me Loes."
Ruud: "No... this can't be. How did you...?"
Scott: "I did what you asked. Loes belongs to me now."
Loes: """Belongs"? I what now?"
Scott: "We can finally be together."
Loes: "Wait, you nearly got yourself killed, scaring your mother and me half to death, just to win me like a carnival prize from my father?! So I can "belong" to you?"
Scott: "No, this was all for you. Really, you should have seen me out there."
Aiden: "It's true. He was brave... heroic even."
Loes: "I just... I mean... I don't even recognize you anymore."
Scott: "Loes! Wait... Loes! This was for you. All for you!"
Ruud: "Just tell your boy to keep away from my daughter."
Nerys: "With pleasure. Well, drama aside, at least Scott made it home in one piece, thanks to you. Take this."
Aiden: "Do you think they'll be okay?"
Nerys: "Scott and Loes? Who knows... I love my boy but you know... he's a bit of a handful... and at that age...!"

(After sending Scott home without retrieving the necklace)
Scott: "Why can't she stay with us?"
Nerys: "I've got enough mouths to feed."
Scott: "Aiden! You're here. You're the hero. Be the hero. Help us!"

Aiden: "(Not my place to interfere.) You're not gonna like this Scott but I've gotten too deep into this already. You're safe. The rest is a family matter. Not my place to interfere."
Loes: "Why did I even come here? What was I hoping for?"
Scott: "No, Loes! Wait!"
Nerys: "Well, hopefully, that's the end of that."
Aiden: "Do you think they'll be okay?"
Nerys: "Scott will be fine. As for Loes, let her monster of a father worry about that. I'm just glad my boy is safe, thanks to you. Here."

(After sending Scott home without retrieving the necklace)
Loes: "Where's Scott? Have you found him?"
Aiden: "He's at home with his mother, safe. Scott survived your mission, Ruud. You must be disappointed."
Loes: "What is he talking about?"
Ruud: "Loes... you know I love you, don't you? I only want what's best for you!"
Loes: "What did you do, dad?"
Ruud: "Listen, honey. You know Scott's no good for you. Thought this would knock some sense into the boy, and he'd give up--"
Loes: "Give up on what? Or who?? ME?!"

Aiden: "(Ruud sent Scott on a suicide mission.)"
Aiden: "(It would be best if Loes heard the truth from you.) Tell her. It would be best if she heard the truth from you."
Ruud: "Stay out of this."
Aiden: "I'm not joking, Ruud. This is your last chance."
Ruud: "Fine! Alright! I'll tell her! I tried to get rid of Scott. For good. I'm sorry."
Loes: "You did what?! I know you didn't like Scott but... How could you?! That's it! I'm done with you, father!"
Ruud: "Well... I hope you're happy."
Aiden: "You admitted your mistake, that's something."
Ruud: "Damn you to hell, pilgrim."