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Regus is a survivor in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


Persons of Interest Quiz

Regus is the quest giver of this quiz and conversation-based quest.


Show: Persons of Interest Quiz

The Herald: "I recognize you. You are Aiden! I, as I'm sure you well know, am Regus, the Herald. I behold and recount all that goes on in this city!"
Aiden: "Herald? Is that a real job?"
The Herald: "Not only is it real, it is of the utmost importance. Since the fall of traditional media, where else would the citizenry get their information?"
Aiden: "I see. What were you before this? A farmer?"
The Herald: "Bite your tongue, sir! I was a former VNC news editor-in-chief, a most trustworthy and well-informed source of the day's news!!"
Aiden: "Is this why you're standing in the shadow of the VNC tower? Do you miss bossing people around?"
The Herald: "Let's see if you know more about the good people of Villedor than simply to mock them. I have four simple questions to ask you about some of our interesting citizens. Answer them correctly, and I will believe you a worthy member of our community."

Aiden: "(Not right now.)"
Aiden: "(Okay, fine.) Sure, I've met a lot of people."
The Herald: "Your first question, then: Who is the shadowy figure that pulls the strings in the Bazaar, a dealer in, shall we say, ill-gotten goods?"
Aiden: "(Hubert.)"
Aiden: "(Meyer.)"
Aiden: "(Dodger.) That can't be anyone but Dodger. He's a bastard, but charming. Weird hobbies."
The Herald: "Precisely! You're off to a splendid start. Here's your next question: A rather comely woman works at the library. But I, HERALD, knower of a great many things, cannot recall the fair damsel's name. Do you know it?"
Aiden: "(Margaret.)"
Aiden: "(Sophie.)"
Aiden: "(Thalia.) I know exactly who you mean. That's Thalia."
The Herald: "Indeed. Perhaps you could introduce me to her. Sparker's not really working for me..."
Aiden: "Uh..."
The Herald: "Forget I asked. Instead, here's a more appropriate question. Meyer is very even-keeled and thoughtful for a PK. But... the mention of one person tends to trigger her. Do you know who that is?"
Aiden: "(Jack Matt.)"
Aiden: "(Her daughter.)"
Aiden: "(Her father.) I talked to her about it: her father."
The Herald: "Correct. The poor woman. She doesn't just have daddy issues. She seems to have an auto-renewing subscription! Final question, good sir! I have learned that Driscoll from the Carriers Guild has acquired an interesting nickname. Do you know it?"
Aiden: "(Babycakes)"
Aiden: "(The Captain.)"
Aiden: "(Professor.) How could I not? I gave it to him. It's 'Professor.'"
The Herald: "So you see why I respect the man."
Aiden: "The guy's got an exhaustive--and sometimes exhausting--knowledge of the history of mail service."
The Herald: "Ah, such a font of information! I shall tell his story to the people of Villedor one day! You've done very well and answered all four questions correctly! Congratulations! Maybe now you understand the power of information. And to show you I don't hold grudges despite your initial contempt, I shall gift you with a very precious recording: the last minutes on the air of the VNC. Yes Pilgrim, information matters. Enough for some of us to want to give their life to defend it."
Aiden: "Thanks."
The Herald: "...and don't forget to bear witness!"
Aiden: "I...uh...of course..."
