Rust Weapon Pack

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The Rust Weapon Pack is free downloadable content for Dying Light. It was released on April 19, 2021 and included 3 new weapons, a new skin for the buggy and a new outfit for Kyle Crane.



The combination everybody needed! See what happens when two worlds of survival are brought together and meet in the midst of a zombie apocalypse! Don’t worry, though, we won’t leave you without proper equipment. Grab the free Rust DLC to get a set of unique items that will help you make it through the dangers of the unforgiving world.

When your life’s at stake, there’s only one thing you can do—grab whatever you find and use it to your advantage. Like that Heavy Plate outfit that’s apparently all the rage and will show everyone around how inventive you are. Or the Salvaged Cleaver with which you’ll chop both zombies and bandits as if they were veggies (quick disclaimer: do NOT eat the zombies! Or the bandits!). Prefer fighting from a distance? Then shoot your enemies with the Custom SMG or the Rust Assault Rifle, the latest advance in unconventional weapon-making. And for the final piece of your survivor’s kit—the new buggy, Rust Bucket—the capstone of your engineering skills. You can be sure it’ll put to shame all who have ever doubted your talent as well as remind you that nothing is impossible. Even building a car in the middle of a post-apocalyptic wilderness.

The bundle contains:

  • Heavy Plate outfit
  • Buggy skin—Rust Bucket
  • Short axe—Salvaged Cleaver
  • SMG—Custom SMG
  • Assault rifle—Rust Assault Rifle


For a free DLC, there's quite the content available! The outfit DOES NOT give Crane any bonuses unlike some of the paid DLC outfits and the buggy is purely cosmetic as per usual. However, if you like the cobbled together look and real, 'post-apocalypse-makeshift-armour-and-weapons' look then this pack is perfect! The weapons themselves are of the standard variety, with two firearms and one melee. The Salvaged Cleaver gives a good bleed chance, which is especially good against Rais' Men or other human enemies and it's a fast enough swinging weapon to take on Virals. The Rust Assault Rifle is your standard assault rifle mod affair for any rifle with little in the way of extra effects other than the same makeshift look and some stat changes. The Custom SMG on the other hand is a completely craftable SMG meaning all you need is the craft parts and some ammo and you're good to go! This is very handy for if you are running low on cash and can't buy an SMG from a Merchant, which is the only way to get them if not playing Dying Light: The Following. Instead of spending your cash, you can craft a brand new SMG from whatever's in your back pocket! The stats are lower than a regular SMG, the handiness of just being able to craft one on the fly for a fraction of the cost is a worthwhile trade off.


  • This is the 4th crossover bundle
  • There are gold tier versions of the weapons that can be unlocked by completing event goals