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Teresa is a Bazaar survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


The Only Way Out

Upon reaching the Bazaar, Teresa and Benny can be found at their stall inside the church. She will give Aiden some honey and state she doesn't believe all Pilgrims are bad.

Stolen Goods

Investigate who has stolen Teresa's flour.


Show: The Only Way Out

Teresa: "Can I help you?"
Aiden: "Hopefully. I'm looking for work."
Teresa: "I'm sorry. Harvest's already in. All milled up and ready to go."
Aiden: "I see. Thanks anyway."
Teresa: "Wait. Take this. A little sweetness for the sour puss."

Aiden: "(Do you often give away things for free?) Do you often give away honey and backhanded compliments like that?"
Teresa: "Honey and wisdom... both my gifts to you. So much darkness in the world, why not brighten it with a smile? Might open more doors for you."
Aiden: "(Thanks for the gift.)"
Benny: "Mom! Don't you know who that is? He's a Pilgrim!"
Teresa: "He's no criminal, Benny. Look at him, in his eyes. Do you see what I see? We must judge people with our own hearts and eyes, and not based on rumor or innuendo!"
Aiden: "Thanks."
Show: Stolen Goods

Teresa: "I've never felt so betrated. How could you, Anna?! Got nothing to say? Where's my flour, thief?"
Anna: "But... it's you who owes me, Teresa! Months of wages!"
Survivor: "That's it. Last chance to move your asses outta here. With my boot!"
Teresa: "You bitch!"
Survivor: "Break it up!"
(When met again later)
Teresa: "Good morning, Pilgrim. Have I already thanked you for... the water...?"
Aiden: "I hear you were robbed?"
Teresa: "By my best friend, no less. I'm devastated, really."
Aiden: "And why on earth would you jump to that conclusion about your best friend?"
Teresa: "I didn't want to. But who else could it be? She was storing it for me, to keep it safe, she said. And now it's conveniently... gone. Me and my boy are left with nothing. If only she'd admit it and return the flour. I'd forgive her. I swear I would. Lord as my witness, if she is in trouble: I'll help her. But she's a stubborn one. We'd had quite a harvest, too. Wouldn't have had us living on easy street, but now... now we'll starve!"

Aiden: "(What did Anna say about it?) How did Anna explain the disappearance of the flour?"
Teresa: "Theft, not a disappearance! And she didn't explain anything. She's lying through her teeth."
Aiden: "How do you know?"
Teresa: "See it in her eyes! It's a lie! I look back and realize... Anna's been a liar all along!"
Aiden: "(How about evidence?) Do you have any proof that Anna did this?"
Teresa: "Not exactly. But was in her shed, wasn't it? And here, I thought she was doing me a favor, offering to store it. Turns out, she was just making it easier for her to screw over me and my boy! Talk to her, would you? She won't listen to me. Maybe a stranger could get around her stubbornness. We can put this behind us if she gives it back. And if she stole it because she was hungry, she can keep what she needs. Her shed's near the Water Tower. Please... go talk to her."
Aiden: "I'll think about it."

(In the south warehouse)
Benny: "Look, mate. I haven't done anything. God as me witness. Let me go, please."
Aiden: "First answer a few questions. But I want the truth. Did you steal the flour?"
Benny: "No. I don't even know where it is."
Aiden: "So why did you attack me?"
Benny: "Thought you mighta been one of Dodger's boys, come to collect."
Aiden: "I see. You're in deep with Dodger and used your mother's bountiful harvest for collateral?"
Benny: "I was hot that night, mate. And the pot was big enough, we coulda bought the Janson's fields. With the water back on 'n' all, Mum 'n me woulda been sitting pretty for the rest of our days! But then things got ugly and, ain't no other way to tell it: I lost."
Aiden: "So did Dodger take the flour? To settle up?"
Benny: "Doubt it. Coulda just made me bring it to him. And I would have. He's too lazy to do anything himself. But, you know, mate... don't tell him I said that."
Teresa: "What is the meaning of this?!"

Aiden: "(You are guilty of stealing the flour.) Stealing the flour was your job, Teresa."
Teresa: "So, you Pilgrims really are crazy!"
Benny: "He's off his nut, Mum!"
Teresa: "You shut your trap and listen, young man. I've had enough of you as well!"
Aiden: "Benny wouldn't have pulled this off on his own. He's not exactly the brightest chap. No offense ma'am."
Teresa: "None taken. Lump of coal for brains, that one."
Benny: "Mom?"
Teresa: "Very well. I did it ... but I really had no choice, Aiden."
Aiden: "(Your son is guilty of stealing the flour.) Your son's a thief. I'm bringing him to the guards for a chat. Unless he'll say where he hid the flour. Right now."
Benny: "I told you, mate. I didn't do it!"
Teresa: "Of course he didn't. Are you daft?"
Aiden: "This will be a bitter pill, I'm sure. But all signs are pointing to your son. Especially the most important sign of all: he had a motive. Time to come clean, Benny. Tell your mother about your debt, the card game you lost."
Teresa: "Please! You really think I don't know what's going on with my own son? He has nothing to do with this. Let him go. I'll be the one confessing here."

(Regardless of the decision made)

Teresa: "We worked for months on that crop. Worked our fingers to the bone! It yielded enough to last for months! There'd be bread, enough to feed the whole Bazaar. But you know what Dodger would do if he got it? Sell it back to us. For triple the price. We'd end up paying for our own flour. A cruel joke! All because of a stupid card game. We'd be ruined! I couldn't allow that. I wouldn't."
Aiden: "So where is the flour?"
Teresa: "Under the Water Tower. You must understand. It can't go to Dodger."
Aiden: "Why not? he won it fair and square."
Teresa: "Dodger? Fair and square? Hardly. He's a cheat. Everyone knows it. We just can't prove it. Okay, say you are right. Is there a middle ground? Can we give him something else instead?"
Aiden: "Someone like Dodger doesn't seem all that flexible."
Benny: "He's got to be, mate. Talk to him, please. Ask him for more time. Anything! We're begging you!"
Aiden: "Let me think about that."

(If the debt was settled through the challenge)
Teresa: "Any luck with Dodger?"
Aiden: "Yeah. He won't be hassling you about your flour anymore."
Benny: "Mate! How did you do it?!"
Aiden: "I won a bet for him. A strange one."
Teresa: "But... now we're in your debt! We'll never be able to repay you."

Aiden: "(All I need is a reward for completing the task.) All I need is a reward for completing the task."
Teresa: "God knows it's not enough. Please don't think too ill of me."
Aiden: "(Then pay it forward. Apologize to Anna.) Then pay it forward. Start by apologizing to Anna."
Teresa: "Yes. Yes, of course. God, what have I done...? I'll go right away. Maybe it's not too late to repair things."
Benny: "I've been such a prat. This is all my fault."
Aiden: "Just try to keep your nose clean from now on. For your mother's sake, if not your own."

(If the debt was settled through payment)
Teresa: "Any luck with Dodger?"
Aiden: "Yeah. He won't be hassling you about your flour anymore."
Benny: "Mate! How did you do it?!"
Aiden: "Simple. I paid him."
Teresa: "But... now we're in your debt! We'll never be able to repay you."

Aiden: "(All I need is a reward for completing the task.) All I need is a reward for completing the task."
Teresa: "God knows it's not enough. Please don't think too ill of me."
Aiden: "(Then pay it forward. Apologize to Anna.) Then pay it forward. Start by apologizing to Anna."
Teresa: "Yes. Yes, of course. God, what have I done...? I'll go right away. Maybe it's not too late to repair things."
Benny: "I've been such a prat. This is all my fault."
Aiden: "Just try to keep your nose clean from now on. For your mother's sake, if not your own."