Tesla shield

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"Want to turn your enemies into twitching, frying corpses? Block the right way with this baby and you can watch 'em dance!"
In-game description

Tesla Shield is an equipment and utility in Dying Light. It can be crafted upon unlocking the Shield Crafting Skill


Just like the regular shield, this item's main use to stop onslaughts of attacks if timed correctly. Due to its electrocution ability, it is particularly useful during times when the player needs a breather against swarms of enemies. As such, it is decently useful when the player needs time to heal or repair weapons while fighting hordes and humans. The fact that it guarantees electrocution means that the player doesn't need to throw Conducting Fluid first and due to the nature of electrocution itself, it can be used as a minimum risk crowd control tool.

Of course minimum doesn't mean none. As expected, electrocuted enemies cannot be approached without damaging the player meaning that while the enemies are stunned, the player cannot perform takedowns, vaults, drop attacks, or even just be backed into a corner as these actions can result in the player being electrocuted as well. This means that while this shield has incredible defensive capabilities, it is extremely risky to use in an offensive manner and many times the player would have to sit and wait out the electrocution effect to even search the bodies.

This shield obviously possesses the same weaknesses the regular shield has such as the slowdown you suffer upon raising it, its ineffectivity against ranged enemies, and its limited durability. If the player wishes for a shield that increases their defensive capabilities, this shield is for them.


Blueprint Requirement Effects/Usage
Tesla Shield Used to block incoming damage (Biters, gunshots, etc.). This variant electrocutes the target if blocked at the right time.

NOTE: Requires a Shield to craft


  • It can be assumed that this weapon possesses an insulated handle despite not being visible in game as shields are made out of metal and as such, conducts electricity