GRE Micro Recorders

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"Micro Recorders used by the Global Relief Effort, documenting their operations during and after The Fall."
-In-game Description

GRE Micro Recorders are Collectables in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


There are a total of 22 GRE Intel, consisting of, 20 recorders and 2 written papers. Like the Inhibitors, the GRE Detector will let the player know when a recorder is nearby. They can be found at various GRE Checkpoints, GRE Refugee Camps and GRE Research Sites and the GRE National Laboratory.

Marked Locations

GRE Refugee Camps

Location Name Information
GRE Refugee Camp - 012 Alpha Medical Dispatch Unit 004 A GRE officer and soldier discuss the shift rotations.
GRE Refugee Camp - 019 Delta Mobile Unit T-19 019 Delta is overrun by a horde of Infected, with a new dispatch of a total of 23 soldiers and 3 helos and 231 civilian casualties, a devastating loss.
GRE Refugee Camp - 187 Fox Medical Dispatch Unit 009 A medical unit officer reports a with new satellite footage of a large horde of Infected heading towards their location.
GRE Refugee Camp - 135 Weasel Mobile Unit D-16 A researcher discusses new findings from an infected subject.
Mount Bailey GRE Refugee Camp Medical Dispatch Unit 012 A medical camp is overrun by a special infected, which the guys at the lab referrer to as Volatiles. Also who keeps listening to this recording? It's fucking morbid.

GRE Checkpoints

Location Name Information
GRE Checkpoint - Bailey Mobile Unit Dispatch 202 Unit 202 reports one civilian casualty.
GRE Checkpoint - Track 04 Mobile Unit E-70780 Track 04 Check station is pretty much destroyed, the extent of the damage can be heard on this tape, as well as the assigned team's.... fate.
GRE Checkpoint - Cornwell Medical Dispatch 696 Some weird cult, militia, assassin, or whatever they are, raided the check station on Cornwell. Which are now identified as the Renegades.
GRE Checkpoint - E619 Mobile Unit 0563 The E619 Freeway station was vital, with it gone, nothing is going to stop those hordes...
GRE Checkpoint - Villedor Mobile Unit 434 It seems, Doctor Ryan had the intentions of with-drawing her forces, well, but we can all agree that it didn't end in her expected favor, goddamn riots.

GRE Research Sites

Location Name Information
Research Site - 0196 Researcher Note 1000 A GRE research team investigates a Dark Zone.
Research Site - 0023 Researcher Note 0234 Lt. Canvel discovers a rapid mutation in the subjects cells, explaining the evolution of Infected.
Note to Dr. Finister: His theory of the more time spent in dark zones increasing their evolution state seems more accurate each time.
Research Site - 0189 Researcher Note - 1001 A research team investigates movements of hordes.
Note: Lt. Pattinson noted that the subjects leave a stench in an area they've passed through. Samples tagged with said smell have been taken back for research.
Research Site - 0012 Researcher Note 0666 What is wrong with people? These were our fellow friends, our soldiers, our researchers. Have some respect for them. Also, who keeps accessing these recordings? Someone has a serious problem if they enjoy listening to people dying. It's seriously fucked up.
Research Site - 0231 Researcher Note 0111 A research field team investigates at Volatile colony, south of Cornwell.
Note for the C.O: Assign Private Reid to a different field task group, he nearly lost his shit and was too freaked out to enter the cave. Lt. Frazier complained it took him 12 minutes to calm him down.
The Observatory Researcher Note - 1677 REDACTED. The strain of those infected seems to increase aggression in behavior. We recommend not allowing Captain Ryan hear this one.

GRE National Laboratory

Name Information
Flight Records 0129 A flight team discuss recurring issues with the auto-confirm in their HAZMAT suits.
Flight Records 0113 Lt. Pattinson and Cpl. Allinston discuss a horde sighting near the abandoned refugee camp.
Flight Records 0089 A flight team questions the new rotations and roster set-ups. But these guys can't shut up about it, so just put this in the junk box.
Flight Records 0021 This one is ancient, Dr. Ryan and a field team head towards the Observatory in Villedor.
Flight Records 0194 A GRE pilot talks about a Banshee he encountered. His story is, um, pretty morbid if you ask me.

GRE Refugee Camps

Name Dialogue
Medical Dispatch Unit 004 Lt. Barks: Hey, you see what they got us assigned for tomorrow?

Cpl. Darmino: No, what is it?
Lt. Barks: They got us picking up more refugees.
Cpl. Darmino: Fucking fantastic.
Lt. Barks: Last week, this woman wouldn't stop crying about her phone, she kept begging me to go back and get it.
Cpl. Darmino: I know. I was there.
Lt. Barks: Yeah...
*FX Ends*

Mobile Unit T-19 Cpl. Stewart: Emergency! This is unit T-19, our camp is being overrun, over!

Lt. Russel: Stewart, hurry the fuck up! They're on us!
Cpl. Stewart: Shut it, I'm trying. Does anyone read me, over?!
*Gun Fire & Virals Screehing*
Lt. Russel: Fuck fuck fuck! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Cpl. Stewart: SHIT, NO NO NO!!!
*FX Ends*

Medical Dispatch Unit 009 Lt. Darus: No, we can't take all that, to much weight.

Lt. Pattinson: I didn't get the memo, what's going on?
Lt. Darus: Monitoring team just sent me the footage, it's bad... thousands of them... they're coming, they'll be here in less then 1 hour!
Lt. Pattinson: Infected? A horde?
Lt. Darus: No, the president's entourage. Of course it's the fucking infected. We're leaving, quietly.
Lt. Pattinson: What about the refugees?!
Lt. Darus: Ok. How many Choppers do you see out there?
Lt. Pattinson: Like 7 or 8.
Lt. Darus: And refugees?
Lt. Pattinson: I don't know about 1000, a lot, a lot more probably.
Lt. Darus: Get it?
Lt. Pattinson: We're not- gonna even tell them or warn them..?
Lt. Darus: If we say something they'll lose it.
Lt. Pattinson: But-... fine.
*FX Ends*

Mobile Unit D-16 Lt. Scoffz: Ew, this is some disgusting shit.

Cpl. Fernaz: What is it?
Lt. Scoffz: I don't know what this is. Never seen anything like it.
Cpl. Fernaz: God, you smell it? Jesus christ, that's disgusting.
Lt. Scoffz: Go get me a storage box.
Cpl. Fernaz: Yup... got it.
*FX Ends*

Medical Dispatch Unit 012 Lt. Govey: Shit, what's going on out there?!

Cpl. Sweztar: Volatiles, a bunch of em', we're being overrun!
Lt. Govey: What do we do?!
Cpl. Sweztar: Fuck, Incoming!
*FX Ends*

GRE Checkpoints

Name Dialogue
Mobile Unit Dispatch 202 Lt. Frazier: Lieutenant Frazier reporting one civilian casualty. The victim killed themselves, purpose unknown, we are now taking the body and disposing it.

*FX Ends*

Mobile Unit E-70780 Lt. Herandez: Hey, when's that next train coming by?

Cpl. Huxley: Like 3 minutes or so, should we raise the barrier?
Lt. Herandez: Nah man, wait it out.
Cpl. Huxley: Welp, guess we won't have to wait, cause they're coming.
Lt. Herandez: Oh, yeah, I see them. Wait shouldn't they slow down?
Cpl. Huxley: Yeah.. hey guys, slow down, over.
Lt. Herandez: Oh, shit. They're not stopping! Get down!
Cpl. Huxley: SHIT, GET DOWN!
*Explosion and train crashing*
*FX Ends*

Medical Dispatch 696 Cpl. Pierce: No.. no.. we're fucking trapped..

*Renegades talking indistincly*
Lt. Wilson: Corporal, do not open the door.
Cpl. Pierce: No.. Oh, no! No!
Lt. Wilson: Soldier, shut up and keep it together!
Cpl. Pierce: Nowhere to go, nowhere to run! Nowhere...
Lt. Wilson: God.. help us all..
*FX Ends*

Mobile Unit 0563 Lt. Scoffz: GODDAMNIT, GET DOWN!

Cpl. Gray: FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!
Lt. Scoffz: Mayday, mayday! This check station E619, we are being overrun!
Cpl. Gray: C'mon Doc, hurry it up!
Lt. Scoffz: Shut up I'm trying!
Cpl. Gray: They gotta pick us up, NOW!
Lt. Scoffz: Just focus on shooting those things!
Cpl. Gray: SHIT, they've broken through!
Lt. Scoffz: NO, we're trapped!
*Gun fire, Screehings and Yelling*
*FX Ends*

Mobile Unit 434 Cpl. Anderson: Doctor Ryan, come back, over.

Veronika Ryan: You guys done there, is it locked down?
Cpl. Anderson: Affirmative Doc.
Veronika Ryan: Good, now withdraw. Return to base.
Cpl. Anderson: Roger that, alright boys lets pull out!
Veronika Ryan: The hell was that?!
Cpl. Anderson: SHIT, goddamn rioters! Blew out the fucking fence!
Private Mullen: No, no, FIRE, FIRE!
Cpl. Anderson: SHIT, FALLBACK!
Veronika Ryan: Corporal, what is going on out there?! Corporal!
Cpl. Anderson: NO!
Private Mullen: NOOOO! NOOO! AGGHHHHH!
*Yelling, gun fire and screehing continues*
*FX Ends*

GRE Research Sites

Name Dialogue
Researcher Note 1000 Lt. Darus: Research Note 1-0-0-0, we have tracked Infected subjects, who seem to be taking refuge in dark areas.

Cpl. Fernaz: So, wait what does that mean Doc?
Lt. Darus: It means. These things like to hide dark areas! Think about it, we've found traces of them in; caves, buildings, anywhere that's basically dark!
Cpl. Fernaz: Okay okay, I get it.
Lt. Darus: Dr. Finister kept talking about a theory on these things can evolve if they hide in the dark? Pretty outlandish if you ask me... I'm done here.
*FX Ends*

Researcher Note 0234 Lt. Canvel: Research Note 0-2-3-4, it seems Dr. Finister's theory was correct.

Cpl. Stone: Was that the evolution thing or some shit?
Lt. Canvel: Correct, now, as I was saying, We've tracked over 4 mutations in a subject in the span of 2 days.
Cpl. Stone: Jesus, is that bad?
Lt. Canvel: YEAH, it's bad. It means these things are evolving at 2 times a day if they spend enough time in the dark. Imagine a 30 day span of mutations!
Cpl. Stone: Is that even possible? I mean we've seen what happens to the ones that sit in day light right? Biters?
Lt. Canvel: Yes, it seems these things can't handle the UV rays, especially those Volatiles.
Cpl. Stone: Goddamn. It's like a cat getting water dumped on it.
Lt. Canvel: Well said, Corporal.. now, lets move out.
*FX Ends*

Researcher Note - 1001 Lt. Pattinson: Research Note 1-0-0-1, after tracking a large group, estimate size of 213-345, we have now identif-

Cpl. Darmino: God, that smell, what is that?
Lt. Pattinson: Corporal... please don't interrupt.
Cpl. Darmino: Sorry Doc, it's just disgusting.
Lt. Pattinson: As I was saying... we have now identified a method of tracking the hordes movements, courtesy of this disgusting smell.
Cpl. Darmino: Smells awful, but it works.
Lt. Pattinson: O-kay.. um, we recommend sending a follow-up team to tag a subject, so we can have more accurate confirmation of the group's location. End report.
*FX Ends*

Researcher Note - 0666 Cpl. Grsechev: Shit, pull out!

Private Hendrix: The fuck is that thing?!
*Volatiles screehing*
Lt. Ford: I-I don't know..!
Private Hendrix: Your the damn scienctist!
Cpl. Grsechev: Doc, we're trapped!
Private Hendrix: FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!
*Volatiles screaming and gun fire, soldiers yelling and clamoring*
*FX Ends*

Researcher Note 0111 Lt. Frazier: Research Note 0-1-1-1, sorry for the delay, we had an issue with Private Reid.

Cpl. Allinston: Yeah, almost lost his shit.
Lt. Frazier: Quiet, they'll hear.
Cpl. Allinston: Sorry.
Lt. Frazier: Anyway, we've located the volatile colony, just south of cornwell. Recommend flagging this area for the books.
Cpl. Allinston: God, look at em' all sleeping like babies.
Lt. Frazier: Yeah, they won't be soon, lets move out and report back.
*FX Ends*

GRE National Laboratory

Name Dialogue
Flight Records 0129 Cpl. Stone: Dude, I was kept in de-toxication for 4 hours yesterday. There was a glitch in my auto-confirm.

Lt. Canvel: A glitch?
Cpl. Stone: Yeah.. 4 hours all because of a glitch.
Lt. Canvel: Imagine being executed for a glitch in your auto-confirm.
Cpl. Stone: No. But thanks for putting that image in my head.
Lt. Canvel: No problem.
*FX Ends*

Flight Records 0113 Lt. Pattinson: When we passed the Mount Bailey camp, did you see that horde?

Cpl. Allinston: No, Doc. Was barely awake.
Lt. Pattinson: Of course you were, anyway, it was big, did a count scan.
Cpl. Allinston: Damn, how many? Was it big?
Lt. Pattinson: It means that each horde is growing is size, rapidly.
Cpl. Allinston: Man.. can you imagine being in that shithole? Just thinking about it makes want to barf. It be like one of those big parties at you know those big places, but only with a bunch of smelly drooling violent gut eating monsters.
Lt. Pattinson: Why do I even talk to you?
*FX Ends*

Flight Records 0089 Lt. Pattinson: Just saw the shift rotations for next week.

Cpl. Allinston: So, what do they got for us this time?
Lt. Pattinson: Sample traps and checks, usual shit.
Cpl. Allinston: Good grief, never anything new?
Lt. Pattinson: Well, do I look like the C.O to you? Complain to him, not me.
Cpl. Allinston: No?
Lt. Pattinson: Well, what would you rather, see cool shit? Or stand around all day in a lab.
Cpl. Allinston: The first one.
Lt. Pattinson: That's what I thought.
*FX Ends*

Flight Records 0021 Cpl. Anderson: Hey Doc, so what are we going to Villedor for?

Veronika Ryan: They've assigned us to gather and compile research, for a cure.
Cpl. Anderson: Hmm, I see, very interesting.
Veronika Ryan: Oh don't worry, you guys get to guard the wall entrance.
Cpl. Anderson: Jesus fucking christ you gotta be kidding me.
Veronika Ryan: Nope.
*Soldiers sighing annoyedly and Veronika laughing*
*FX Ends*

Flight Records 0194 Cpl. Fernaz: Once, I had a run in with one of those long fingered Infected things.

Lt. Darus: A Banshee?
Cpl. Fernaz: Yeah, that's what they're calling it?
Lt. Darus: Yes? Now continue with the story.
Cpl. Fernaz: Ok then, anyways, the minute we saw it, we fired like hell. It jumped on my buddy and tore him apart like a sheet of paper.
Lt. Darus: Jesus.. what the fuck.
Cpl. Fernaz: These suits? Yeah they're great, protect ya from loads of shit. But not them.
Lt. Darus: Yeah, I regret hearing that story now.
Cpl. Fernaz: Definitely not your ideal bedtime story.
Lt. Darus: No shit.
*FX Ends*