Marcus Ryan

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"Sometimes in the face of danger lies the answers to unexplained questions we desire to have answered."
-Marcus Ryan

Marcus Ryan is a character who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human's post lore DLC; Bloody Deception. He is a high-ranking member of the Global Relief Effort, serving as a security force leader alongside Demitery Maximoff. It is speculated that Marcus is also a high-ranking agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, who was assigned to the GRE's security division during the events of The Fall.


Before the events of The Fall, Marcus was (speculated to be a high-ranking CIA agent) who had been assigned the Global Relief Effort to protect the secrets of their operations. After the Fall started he was given a promotion on being a head of the GRE's Security Division. At some point Marcus was present in Villedor alongside his wife, Veronika Ryan, and his son, Paul. He was moved however to a larger GRE facility headed by Callus Sullivan, leaving his family in Villedor.

During his time at Sullivan's complex, Marcus was given orders to defend the facility at all costs, extreme force was authorized to be used against anything that attempted entry on the facility grounds. Eventually Marcus' defenses were overpowered by a swarm of Volatiles, and the complex was overrun, however, Sullivan, Marcus and a few other vital GRE personnel managed to bug out in a GRE Chopper before being killed. A file was then created by Sullivan confirming Marcus' false death at the complex, along with his own false one, to cover up his secret operations at the newly re-instituted GRE National Laboratory.


Dying Light 2 Stay Human - Bloody Deception


After being found to be the husband of Veronika Ryan, Aiden Caldwell will attempt to track down, Marcus, first finding him heading towards a GRE chopper LZ, the player can choose a violent or passive approach when interacting with Marcus. However either way, Aiden will get caught the GRE soldiers and be taken prisoner back to the GRE National Laboratory.

Aiden is then questioned by GRE agents and Marcus on why infiltrated the LZ, also asking them does he know about their operations, the player can choose to be aggressive or passive in response, either way, Marcus will order one of the agents to taze him, but if player says "Veronika", Marcus will call off the order, and ask him what he knows of Veronika. Aiden will tell him that she was in Villedor and lie to him that she is still alive. Marcus will then set Aiden free and tell him about the GRE fragment that is currently operating.

After sharing said information, Marcus gives Aiden a GRE Radio, he can use to contact him asking him if he'll help him find Veronika, Aiden will agree either way and Marcus praises Aiden for his help. The conversation is quickly interrupted by Callus Sullivan, the head of the GRE fragment. He speaks of their recent project, and Marcus recommends Aiden to help them, Callus agrees and gives Aiden a sample trapper, which will be used to take samples from an Infected.

Where Is She? (Story Mission)

Marcus contacts Aiden, via the GRE Radio given to him. He informs him they are ready to search for Veronika, and recalls him back to base. After he returns, he, Marcus and a squad of GRE soldiers, depart in a GRE Helicopter, Marcus asks where she is, Aiden tells him she's in Villedor, and that they should start with searching The Bazaar. Marcus agrees, but one of the soldiers questions if the Bazaarians will be so fond of active GRE personnel, Marcus asks Aiden if he can negotiate with them, he says he can attempt to.

After they land, Marcus, Aiden and the soldiers begin their walk towards The Bazaar, the player can choose to either tell Marcus about the Bazaarians and the events of what happened in Villedor. When Aiden mentions Waltz, Marcus tells him that he had worked security for him once. After the group arrives at the Bazaar, Barney and a few other bazaarians greet Aiden, but become quickly hostile on the site Marcus and his soldiers. However Aiden prevents a fight from breaking out, and asks Barney to stall Marcus, since he is there looking for Veronika. After awhile Aiden returns to Marcus and the soldiers, telling him he couldn't find her. Shortly after they depart back to the GRE National Laboratory.

Her Blood on Yours Hands (Story Mission)

Marcus tells Aiden, that Sullivan needs him to retrieve samples from various sites. He states three different sites, which are in Lake Country, No Man's Land and Villedor. Marcus says he'll contact the player at a different time for each research site. He starts off with sending Aiden to Lake Country, the site is in a cave that is infested with dormant Infected, consisting of multiple Virals and Biters. During the mission once the site is reached, there are three collectibles; which are 2 UV Inhalers and a GRE Micro Recorder, Researcher Note - 0666. Aiden questions what happened to the original team sent, Marcus says, they never returned. After Aiden retrieves the samples Marcus asks him to return to base. After he returns, he gives the samples to Marcus. But before he walks away, he questions where Veronika could've gone. Aiden can ask what she was like, Marcus will tell him, that she's about s average height, had brownish/black hair, and wore a brown vest with pens and other stuff on it. He also states she had extreme claustrophobia, he states her father was abusive towards her when she was younger, which is where she may have developed her phobia of tight spaces. Aiden asks for a picture, Marcus gives him a photo from his wedding which shows himself and Veronika. Marcus says he's kept that with him for years hoping and staying devoted into finding her and Paul. Aiden says he can relate since he had been looking for his sister. After the conversation, Marcus leaves with the sample and takes it to Sullivan.

The Reckoning (Story Mission)

Marcus once again contacts Aiden via the use of the GRE radio. Telling him, he'll find the next sample in Villedor. He tells him it's near the Observatory, and that they tagged a Volatile which fled to the Metro Tunnels, which has improved DNA. Marcus says they sent a team already but they never returned. Aiden is tasked with finding the team and gathering samples from the Volatile. After Aiden reaches the tunnel entrance, it is the entrance that he used when he first entered Villedor at the start of Dying Light 2 Stay Human. After he enters the tunnel Marcus communicates with him through the radio, he asks him to also find the missing team, which consists of 4 soldiers and one researcher, Marcus tells Aiden the researcher is named; Wilson. As Aiden finds each, he reads the Id badge, the four missing soldiers are, Dawson, Curran, Gray and Hendrix. At the end, Aiden finds Wilson, he wakes up in panic, but Aiden calms him down and asks him what happened, he says the Volatile had rapidly mutated and attack him and the other team members. Aiden attempts to help him up, Marcus asks what's going on, Aiden tells him that Wilson's legs are broken and is incapable of walking. A few moments later, Wilson dies, Aiden informs Marcus of his death, and he seemed to show some somberness for Wilson's death. Before Aiden leaves, the Volatile attacks him which results in a boss fight Aiden must kill it in order to progress. After he kills it he takes the sample and returns to Marcus. After he returns to the laboratory, strangely there are no soldiers or personnel in the hallways of the lab, but Aiden continues to Marcus' office. When he enters Marcus' office, he's nowhere to be found. Suddenly Marcus' comes into the room and shuts the door behind him, he asks Aiden if he knew anything more about Veronika. He can either lie or say yes. Either way Marcus will ask him why he lied, he tells him because he didn't want him to know the awful truth about what really happened. Marcus asks what really happened, he asks where she is. At this point Aiden can't lie, so he tells him the truth and the accident that happened. He explains he has these episodes were he turns for a brief moment then wakes up after returning to his conciseness, he scolds him for not telling him the truth about Veronika, but then Marcus comes up with a plan that may work to bring Veronika 'back'. If the correct choices are made in this situation, Marcus will give Aiden a booster shot to decrease the chance of him having episodes, but it will not fully cure him.

I Have a Plan (Story Mission)

Marcus informs Aiden about his plan to somehow bring Veronika back. But he will require multiple samples, and other things for his plan to work. He first sends Aiden to a nearby by GRE medical facility with special types of drugs to help heal open wounds and make them avoid infection.