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Anna is a survivor who appears in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. She is in a relationship with Hans.



Find Hans, who may have accidentally bought some poisoned water from Julian.

Stolen Goods

Investigate Teresa's flour theft, of which Anna is the primary suspect.


Show: Cheers!

Anna: "Hekh, hekh! What the hell..? Ekh hakh hakh!"
Aiden: "Stop! Don't drink that water!"
Anna: "Water? This isn't water... Ugh... That moron must have taken the wrong bottle again. Forget his own head if it weren't stuck on his shoulders."
Aiden: "What did you mean by 'the wrong bottle'?"
Anna: "He always takes a little rocket fuel with him when he goes hunting. But the booze is right here. That means he's got water."
Aiden: "Where is he?"
Anna: "And what business is that of yours?"
Aiden: "The water he got from Julian... It might be contaminated."
Anna: "He's hunting. At this... The military tower, a few hundred meters west of here. Unless he's at the courts..."
Aiden: "I'll go to the tower, you check the courts. Fast!"
Anna: "Wait, wait! Take the booze with you, in case he's already drunk some of the water. Bet what's in this bottle will kill whatever's in that one."

Show: Stolen Goods

Teresa: "I've never felt so betrated. How could you, Anna?! Got nothing to say? Where's my flour, thief?"
Anna: "But... it's you who owes me, Teresa! Months of wages!"
Survivor: "That's it. Last chance to move your asses outta here. With my boot!"
Teresa: "You bitch!"
Survivor: "Break it up!"
(After speaking to Teresa)
Aiden: "Anna? Anna? I just want to talk."
Anna: "Go away."
Aiden: "Talk to me and I'll go away. It won't take long."
Anna: "Look. I know Teresa sent you. Fuck her. And fuck you."
(Upon entering the water tower)
Anna: "Please, just go away."
Aiden: "Can we please talk? I'd like to help."
Anna: "Help what? Remind me I'm a widow? Or that I'm dirt poor? Or a heinous flour thief?"
Aiden: "I'm not making any assumptions. I just want to hear your story. I want to hear the truth."
Anna: "The truth...? You want the truth? Here's a truth: I would never rob a friend. Never. And that's the end of my story. Did Teresa tell you that about the half-year's wages she owes me? I needed Teresa to sell that flour so she could pay me. Why would I risk everything--my well-being, Teresa and her son's--by stealing it?"

Aiden: "(Aren't you best friends?) I thought you were best friends."
Anna: "So did I. Until today. Since the Fall, we've been close. I lost my child. She lost her husband. I... I became very depressed. Suicidal. Teresa got me through it. She even cooked for me and my husband, who drank heavily. I can't believe she'd accuse me of this!"
Aiden: "(You were the one who suggest to store the flour?) She mentioned you were storing the flour."
Anna: "Figured it was the best way to keep watch over it, make sure I got paid. So we put it my shed, near the tower. Went to check on it this morning and... nothing. All gone!"
Aiden: "You didn't see anyone lurking nearby? Or anything suspicious?"
Anna: "You don't think I would have mentioned that by now? I can only tell you that I did not steal that flour. I wouldn't do that to Teresa. Or to myself. The only strange thing was that nothing else was stolen. My buckwheat, my beets? Untouched. Whoever it was only wanted the flour."
Aiden: "Interesting. Mind if I go check out the shed? Maybe it just needs to be looked at with a fresh pair of eyes."
Anna: "Knock yourself out."

(After checking the shed and its trail)
Aiden: "Who had keys to the shed?"
Anna: "Me. And my husband. But he's dead."
Aiden: "Nobody else? You sure? There's no sign of forced entry, Anna. Whoever took the flour had the keys. Or made copies."
Anna: "So, you do think it was me?"

Aiden: "(It's not out of the question.)"
Aiden: "(Who else could have done this?) Calm down and think. Who else would do this? And why? Help me help you, unless Teresa's right after all."
Anna: "Hard to tell. Someone from the Bazaar, perhaps? There's Dodger. That guy's capable of anything. Then there's Benny, Teresa's son. That's all I can come up with."
Aiden: "(Why do you mention Dodger?) Why would this Dodger character steal the flour?"
Anna: "Haven't a clue, other than it's just the kind of thing I'd expect from a shady guy like him. His kind never dirty their hands with real work, they just sit there, living large off others' misfortune, but I, I..."
Aiden: "Anna, hey..."
Anna: "Got carried away, sorry. I only just lost my husband and it still hits me at random times. Sorry... where was I? Right, so Dodger kept asking Teresa about her harvest, her grain, how much, etc. I didn't think much of it at the time. I try not to pay attention to scum like that. If you want to talk to him, you'll find him at the Bazaar. But watch your back. He doesn't give a rat's arse about people. Only money."
Aiden: "(What did you do when you found the flour was missing?) Can you tell me where you were the night the flour was stolen?"
Anna: "Mourning my husband. That night. Like every night since I lost him."
Aiden: "I'm sorry for your loss."
Anna: "I'm sure you are. Let's get this over with. Accusations are devastating enough around here. I'm ruined."
Aiden: "Not if we find the flour and prove it was someone else."
Anna: "Perhaps, but in my experience, the damage has been done."
Aiden: "Maybe. Maybe not. Let's see what I can find out."
Aiden: "(Why did you mention Teresa's son?) What about Teresa's son? Why would he do this?"
Anna: "Normally, I wouldn't suspect him. Nice kid, known him all his life. He's like a son to me. But lately, he's been quiet, like he's got something to hide. And maybe he does. But no, Benny wouldn't have done this. It'd break Teresa's heart and he knows it. And even if he had taken the flour, why?"
Aiden: "That seems to be the central question for everyone involved. Where can I find Benny?"
Anna: "Not sure. He's been making himself pretty scarce. That said, I'm sure Teresa's got him guarding their storehouses, make sure what meager goods they have left are safe."
Aiden: "I'll look for him."