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Urban is a survivor who appears at the Bazaar in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


The Only Way Out

Urban is one of the characters who can be spoken to at the Bazaar during this quest.

Stolen Goods

One of the ways to settle a debt owed to Dodger is by completing a challenge between Dodger and Urban.


Show: The Only Way Out

Urban: "Hey! Hangman. How's the neck?"

Aiden: "(Very funny.) Very funny."
Urban: "Let me tell you something. If I were you then ... I'd have wished for them to end me. Would you rather have needless deaths on your conscience?"
Aiden: "I wish you didn't hang the innocent here."
Urban: "Well, it al worked out, didn't it, Pilgrim? You didn't kill anyone and you're free. Win-win!"
Aiden: "(Who is Barney?) Who is Barney?"
Urban: "Everyone knows Barney here."
Aiden: "I don't. Tell me."
Urban: "I wouldn't bother yourself about Barney. He doesn't like nosy people. Liable to piss him off if he finds out. And you don't want that kind of trouble."
Aiden: "Now I definitely want to know more."
Urban: "Okay. He's Sophie's younger brother. Some say he's crazy, but he's a pillar of the Bazaar. The PKs are afraid of him and they should be. Barney is no one to fuck with."
Show: Stolen Goods

Dodger: "Let's make things lively. One hundred more."
Urban: "No frickin' way. Unless you're willing to cut the time by ten seconds!"
Dodger: "Deal!"
Urban: "Livin' dangerously! It was already an impossible task."
Dodger: "We'll see about that! Aiden! Find my flour yet?"
Aiden: "That's what I'm here about. Teresa and Benny are in dire straits. Can you forgive their debt? Or at least give them more time?"
Dodger: "Fuck that! How many times do I have to say, I'm not running a charity! I didn't force Benny to play cards. You know, a man can't pay his debts, well, he's not a man, is he?"
Urban: "Stupid is as stupid does. Maybe when they got nothing left but the skivvies on their butts, they'll have learned a valuable lesson."
Dodger: "Know what, Aiden... Actually, I think I got something to help everyone. Honestly, who cares about flour. I'm gonna be baker alluva sudden? I don't think so. But I do want what I'm owned and me 'n Urban we got this bet..."
Urban: "Wait! Whoa! No fair. Not him! He runs on walls!"
Dodger: "Of course it's fair. Ain't no rules against having him get'em. Pull this off Aiden, and what Urban'll have to pay me will more than cover my losses on the flour. And there'll be extra I can throw your way."
Aiden: "What exactly are you talking about here?"
Dodger: "You see, on top of the church, there's this, well, let's call it a flag. Can't see it from the ground, but this flag, well, it's not a flag... You'll know it when you see it. Urban and I made a bet that I could find someone who could nab it for us. I've been raising the stakes for years, and Urban's called me every time. With the amount on the line now, it'd be a sin not to give it a try."
Urban: "Eh, I'm in no hurry. Rather you just keep raising the stakes, til it gets real juicy."
Dodger: "What's that? Fear suddenly got you all puckered?"
Urban: "Nah, I'm just looking out for you. It'll ruin you if you lose now, bein' out the flour and all..."
Dodger: "I'm game if Aiden is. The time limit's pretty fucking brutal, but I got faith in Aiden here. You in?"

Aiden: "(I'll do it.) Let's do this."
Dodger: "Then let's just get to it, shall we? Three... two... one... go! Andale, Aiden! Make me proud!"
Aiden: "(Let's settle this another way.) I don't have time for games. Let's figure something else out."
Dodger: "Ehh, a cryin' shame. Our bet will have to wait. But that flour's worth a lot, Aiden. For me to forget that debt, you'd have to make me whole some other way. And I mean whole! Unless you tell me where the flour is. Because in that case, I'll just send my men to retrieve it."
Aiden: "(Tell him it was Teresa.) Fine. The flour is by the Water Tower. Teresa hid it there."
Dodger: "Figures. Thanks for the tip. I'll go round up some guys with shovels. They'll take back what's mine. Thanks, Aiden. You did good. Urban, you coming with me?"
Urban: "I'll, uh, supervise. But no digging for me. Bad back."
Dodger: "You're one lazy bastard, you know that, right? Take this, my new friend. You saved the day."
Aiden: "(Pay Teresa's debt.) Okay, I'll pay you."
Dodger: "Great. Bring me some loot and I'll forget the debt."

(If chosen to do the challenge)
Dodger: "Did I tell you, Urban? I told you! Been waiting years for this! We've got a winner! The Undie Challenge has been conquered! Way to go, Aiden!"
Urban: "Alright, alright. Don't get so excited. You're ugly when you gloat, you know that?"

Aiden: "(What's the story behind this 'flag'?) What's the deal with this 'flag'?"
Urban: "It's a pair of Carl's old undies!"
Aiden: "You put Teresa and Benny's life at stake for some old underwear?"
Dodger: "This was more about the bet itself. But the undies are symbolic. There's a great story behind them, too. No one remembers when exactly, but long ago, a wild wind blew Carl's laundry off his line and it got stuck on the roof. Carl wanted mount some big mission to rescue his clothes. Can you believe that? Everyone refused, of course. No one could climb that high. Off and on, a good wind would sometimes bring down a sock, maybe a shirt. But Carl's undies stuck there, flying proud. Urban bet me that I would never find someone who could fetch them for us. But I did!"
Aiden: "(You'll forgive Teresa and Benny's debt now?) You'll cancel Teresa and Benny's debt now?"
Dodger: "Like it never existed. And you, my new friend, you saved the day! Take this with my thanks."

(If chosen to pay off the debt)
Dodger: "And? You still mean to pay Teresa and Benny's debt? You got the goods?"
Aiden: "Yeah. Sure."
Dodger: "Excellent. Case closed."
Aiden: "You'll leave them alone now, yeah?"
Dodger: "Mother Teresa who?"