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Bebbin is a survivor who appears at the Bazaar in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.



Ed will come with Bebbin, who accuses Julian of selling her husband poisoned water. He will later be found confronting Julian with a murder charge after Bebbin's husband, Luuk, has passed away.

Out of Your League

Find Scott, the son of Nerys, who is missing.


Show: Cheers!

Julian: "Don't recognize me? Or are you allergic to making money...? Listen, Pilgrim. We can make a killing, you and me. You just need to get me some... beets? Radishes? Parsnips?"
Bebbin: "There he is! Grab him, Ed! He's a murderer!"
Julian: "What?"
Ed: "Julian, Luuk's been poisoned. From the water you sold him, Bebbin says."
Julian: "What? But... I don't sell water!"
Bebbin: "Liar! Luuk told me he got it from you. Whatever's in it has him ranting and raving now."
Julian: "You sure he didn't blame me after he starting ranting?"

Aiden: "(Maybe he is a little suspicious...) Wouldn't call it proof, but he was just trying to rope me into some shady deal."
Bebbin: "All I need to know! You're done, Julian."
Aiden: "(What's your proof?) Wait a minute. Do you have proof?"
Bebbin: "Of course! The water came in a bottle... Luuk got that water in one of YOUR bottles. When I tell Carl about this, you'll hang!"
Julian: "Bebbin, wait... I swear! I don't even sell water, dammit!"
Ed: "If you are lying, Julian, you're fucking toast."

(After having confronted Marco)
Aiden: "What's going on?"
Ed: "Bebbin's husband is dead. Julian's been accused of murdering him by poisoning his water."
Julian: "Aiden, please, tell them it wasn't me."

Aiden: "(What's in it for me?) What's in it for me to say anything?"
Julian: "A clear conscience? Though I hear, not many Pilgrims can claim one of those..."
Ed: "Aiden... please, don't make this a negotiation. A man has died!"
Aiden: "(The water from the supplier was tainted.) Julian is innocent. A viral fell into his supplier's storage tub. The guy drunkenly sold Julian contaminated water. It wasn't a murder."
Ed: "You'd swear to that before the Bazaar Council?"
Aiden: "Yeah."
Ed: "Where's that supplier? He's going to stand trial in--"
Aiden: "Marco... is dead. I... I killed him."
Ed: "Then my job here is done."
Julian: "It's okay, I forgive you! That scum Marco got what he deserved. Thank you, Aiden. Half of my flour is yours!"
Aiden: "The flour mixed with plaster?"
Julian: "Huh? Ummm... no! Where did you hear that? Oh... yeah, so once, but... y'know, it--"
Aiden: "Keep the plaster. Just pay me and we'll be even."
Julian: "All right... I'll tell Bebbin what happened."
Show: Out of Your League

(As a Survivor)
Aiden: "Hey, have you seen a kid named Scott?"
Ed: "Nerys's brat? Like I told her: no!"
Aiden: "He's gone missing."
Ed: "Yeah, well, I'm just a gate guard, not a babysitter."

Aiden: "(If you see him, tell Nerys about it.)"
Aiden: "(Seen anything suspicious?) You've seen anything suspicious?"
Ed: "Look, my duty is to keep the Bazaar safe from infected. They don't pay me to keep tabs on every single person that comes in and out of here. If they got a biomarker, that's all I need to know."

(As a Peacekeeper)
Ed: "Takes balls for you to come here."
Aiden: "Have you seen a kid named Scott Gunter?"
Ed: "What's it to you?"
Aiden: "The boy's gone missing."
Ed: "So follow his example and get lost."

Aiden: "(If you see him, tell Nerys about it.) If you see him, tell Nerys."
Ed: "Don't tell me what to do, Peacekeeper."
Aiden: "(Seen anything suspicious?) You've seen anything suspicious?"
Ed: "Don't piss me off, PK dog. Do what you have to do, then get the hell out of the Bazaar. I'm warning you."