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What follows is a complete timeline of all events in the Dying Light universe.

The timeline is for the chronological sequence of all events in the Dying Light world seen or mentioned in (including, but not limited to) Dying Light, Dying Light: Bad Blood, Dying Light 2 Stay Human and all of their DLCs. Promotional material such as the novel Dying Light: Nightmare Row, the comics Stories From The Dying City and Banshee - I Am The Cure, Techland Interviews (such as videos and articles, AMAs, and Dying 2 Know), and the Harran City website are all also included.

Some chronological events are contradictory between sources, however, all events should be listed to ensure minimum amounts of faulty information. For practical reasons events experienced firsthand are superior sources to events read or listened through via other parties such as books, notes, or conversations.


(Table of contents with years categorized into time frames such as Pre Harran Incident, Post Harran Incident, and The Fall)


500-401 BC

• According to scientific research, Harran's gates’ foundations in Old Town can be traced back to the 5th century BC - same as the city walls and other fortifications.[1] This includes the first watchtower on the site of what would later become the Harran City Museum..[2]

Middle ages

• Modern Harran (the city known today) was originally settled in the Middle-Ages as an open city; a center of trade and commerce. The original building on the site of the Old Granary is constructed and initially serves as a temple.[3]

930 AD

• The settlement of Gresburg (now Villedor) is founded on St Paul's Isle, in the Turzawa River circa 930 AD. The surrounding area is marshland prone to flooding, leading to the construction of a dam around this time.

1010 AD

• Construction begins on St Paul's Church on the site of a former pagan temple in Gresburg.

1033 AD

• Gresburg receives its city charter and is renamed to Villedor by King Engelram IV. The city soon develops into a thriving trade hub.

12th century

• The building later known as the Old Granary is rebuilt countless times throughout the 12th century and two asymmetrical towers at the front entrance are added.

1115 AD

• Villedor Castle is built as Orla Castle in the late Romanesque style on a wooded hill as part of fortifications built to protect against the Vikings, who attacked via the Turzawa River.


• A Bishop is installed in Villedor and St Paul's Church becomes a cathedral.

14th century

• Harran's town hall, complete with a watchtower, is constructed.

16th century

• Villedor's Central Canal is dug. Commercial ships enter the canal via a series of locks manually operated by "Lock Masters" who reside on Culvert Island.

• Over this century and the next, Villedor grows exponentially thanks to trade with the East Indies.

Early 1500s

• The complex on the site now known as the Harran City Museum is used as hospital during a leprosy outbreak.


• All four of Harran's Old Town's gates were rebuilt by Dalsar II and decorated with Moorish bas-reliefs, which gave them their current distinctive look.[1]

17th century

Second half of the century: The Church of Saint John of God is constructed in Villedor.

Late 17th century: Villedor's Trinity district is constructed.

18th century

• The site later known as the Old Granary in Harran undergoes further reconstruction works that significantly changed the structure. Decorated clocks were installed in the towers and the entire building was repurposed as a granary, hence its current name.

• Wealthy Dutch merchant Jacob Linden builds the Chapel of Atonement and gifts it to the Reformed Church of Villedor.


• The neoclassical structure housing the Academy of Harran is constructed. The building would be later reconstructed and renovated multiple times[4].


• The Bishop of Villedor commissions the construction of the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle.


• The Great Linden Fire, beginning in a warehouse belonging to wealthy Dutch merchant Jacob Linden, wreaks havoc on the city of Villedor and destroys the Herring district. Work later begins on building the Elyseum district in its place using stone from the quarries of Old Villedor. After the fire, Linden is convicted of arson and the chapel he had built is seized by the Catholic Church of Villedor and renamed the Chapel of Resurrection. The fire's destruction of the port makes the shipment of building materials for the construction of the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle impossible and the project is delayed.


• Work on the Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle resumes.


• The Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle is completed, but the Bishop who ordered its construction never sees it finished as he died the previous year.


• The Church of the Holy Trinity in Villedor is constructed in a Neo-Gothic style.

Late 18th century

• The North Saint Paul Canal is built. During works near the Church of Saint John of God, a "mysterious crypt" is discovered.

19th century

• Villagers at a nearby fishing village begin trading with Harran, but only for goods that they cannot produce themselves.

• Buildings in the Houndfield district of Villedor are constructed.


• Construction of Harran's City Hall, designed by architect Karan Onder in the Renaissance style, is complete[5].


• The 14th century town hall of Harran is demolished, sparing only the watchtower.


• Harran's City Hall is reconstructed, adding many baroque features[5].


• The library at the Academy of Harran is founded by Galip Azmi, who finances its construction and donated his own private collection of precious manuscripts and books[4].

20th century


• In Harran, scientific research is carried out on the Old Town's gates’ foundations, the city walls, and other fortifications to determine their date of origin.[1]

1939-1945 (World War II)

• Villedor is heavily bombed destroying much of its historical center. The bombed area was later rebuilt as the city's main business district.


• Villedor's first radio antenna is constructed.


• Using funds from the European Recovery Program, a new dam is constructed in Villedor on the site of the previous ones.


July 6th: The first services on the Villedor Metro System start running.


• The VNC Tower, the tallest building in Villedor, is completed. It houses the Villedor News Corporation.


• Saint Joseph Hospital in Villedor is completed, replacing the "old, dilapidated infirmary" in Trinity.


• A new tradition was set for every newly elected Governor to use the tallest gate in Harran's Old Town district, known as King's Gate, to enter the city during the official swearing-in ceremony.[1]


• Villedor mayor Marius Cheatkins commissions the construction of Villedor's Metropolitan Art Gallery,


January 31st: The Metropolitan Art Gallery in Villedor officially opens.


• Harran's City Hall is modernized[5].

Mid 90s

• The Quarry End Swimming Pool, an Olympic-sized pool, is constructed on the orders of Conservative mayor Cornelius Dobbs.


• September 1st: The Harran Public School, located in the Upper Town, was founded.[6]


• Harran's City Hall is modernized for a second time[5].


Villedor's North Loop and South Loop Radio Towers are constructed simultaneously. The North Loop tower provides radio broadcasting coverage to the Wharf and Muddy Grounds district, while the South Loop tower covers the Lower Dam Ayre and Dam areas. The towers are the last addition to Villedor's Communications Tower network.

As part of the Millenium Horizon Initiative, Villedor's multiple coal-fired power stations are modernized by the Metropolitan Power Company.

21st Century


• The Global Relief Effort (GRE) is founded.


November: As per a presidential initiative, Harran's anthem can be heard at noon every day from its City Hall's clock tower[5].


• The Harran City Museum is modernized.[2]


• The construction of The Harran Public School's new building began, and was being funded from the city's budget and profits from hosting the Global Athletics Games.[6]


• In Dying Light, Kyle Crane can find a book titled "Do It Yourself - A Horse Head Mask" during the quest "Spare Glasses", which he considers "very 2013".


• May 3rd: Jade "The Scorpion" Aldemir was advertised to meet her fans at Harran Kings Hall through posters in the city.

• Spring: GRE agent Kyle Crane takes an aircraft ride into the city of Harran with the intent to track down Rais and recover a lost file containing vital information about a potential cure for the virus in which he succeeds in the end but not without some personal losses of his. The events of Dying Light's story starts here.

• After the completion of the quest "First Assignment", the Run Boy Run cinematic trailer takes place and shows Harris Brecken and his team of 3 others fail to secure an airdrop (and how he gets his infamous head injury).

• After the literal and symbolic fall of Rais, his gang is left without a leader. What's left of Rais' Gang is unknown.

• Soon after the events of the main game, the DLC "The Following" takes place. After hearing of rumors of a cure in The Countryside and with not enough Antizin to go around, Kyle Crane gets out of the main city through the sewer system and into the isolated lands to the south. He meets many new people and decides the fate of himself and Harran forever.


• April: The World Premiere of "Killing Cloud" is advertised to take place on billboards in Harran around this time.

• October 11th: A newspaper article titled "Harran designated an "exclusion zone"" reports that a decision has been made to "seal all passages through the wall and isolate the city" to prevent the spread of THV.


• Both Mia and Aiden Caldwell are born.

• Villedor Castle is closed to the public.


• October 11th: A Newspaper Article titled "5 Years Later, Who Remembers Harran?" Is published and details the current state of Harran and its residents.

The Fall


• Aiden and other children are taken to a hospital to be experimented on against their will by Waltz and some other scientists to find a cure for THV, specifically for Mia. A fire then breaks out in which Aiden & Mia are separated from each other for the next 15 years.

• March 7th: A newspaper article titled "Playing with the plague" reports that the GRE and Vitaminn have been accused of attempting to create a bioweapon out of the Harran virus DNA. The article states that it appears "almost certain that the GRE comissioned Big Pharma group Vitaminn to conduct secret research on the Harran virus as early as 2015.".

• September 10th: At 3:32 PM, an unnamed man calls someone named Koziński regarding an ongoing fire at a virology lab within Villedor.

• October 20th: GRE Head Doctor, Dr. Katsumi, records her first report on the THV pandemic. She thanks Dr. Stephens for his support as she takes over as Cheif Physician of the GRE. He was expulsed as a scapegoat for the higher ups for the virus leak incident. At the time, only an epidemic, with the first cases in Zurich and Paris, the plague spread like wildfire as it is deadly and highly transmissible. It is now deemed THV and a variant of the 2014 strain. She recommends immediate action: All European borders must be closed immediately and all civilian air and rail services suspended. National governments must introduce civil procedures as follows: Isolate individuals thought to be infected, quarantine anyone in close contact with them, issue shelter at home orders immediately, and dead bodies should be incinerated. This will help slow the spread of the virus. They need time to make a vaccine with help of private sector in the coming weeks.

• December 19th: GRE Head Doctor, Dr. Katsumi, records her 2nd report on the THV pandemic. A news report starts circulating about the leak originating from a GRE lab and damages their credibility in the eyes of the world. The THV strain is far more contagious than previously known. Tested in Villedor and the other 20 candidate cities, only Antizin and UV light can stop the spread of the virus, but it doesn't eliminate it from the body. It is expected that in a few weeks more than half of humanity will be infected. Phase II of Protocol is recommended: Governments should outlaw: operation of any business not deemed an "essential" service, gatherings of more than 4 people not sharing the same household, free movement by any civilians who are not first responders or essential workers. In short, recommending Martial Law be declared, hoping there's still a chance to bring the situation under control.

• December 21st: A newspaper article titled "Alarming deaths terrify Europe" reports on a number of deaths in Zurich, Paris and London with similar symptoms, including "respiratory illness, high fevers, then metal and physical decline followed by a gruesome death.". The article states that this was initially attributed to an outbreak of rabies but that the newspaper has investigated and revealed the cover-up of a new strain of the Harran virus "which appears to have originated in a Level 4 GRE Laboratory located near Geneva.".

• Some Electrical Substations within Villedor start to fail and plunge some of the city connected to the grid into darkness.


• February 1st: The scheduled date of the Wrath Against the Virus concert at the Queenbuns Arena in Old Villedor. The concert is cancelled due to the pandemic.

• February 7th: Dr Veronika Ryan, director of the GRE Field Laboratories Department, is presented with a certificate of appreciation by the GRE in recognition of "dedication, commitment and outstanding contribution to crucial GRE research".

• March 7th: The scheduled date of the Outrageous T.H.V. concert at the Central Dome in Garrison. The concert is cancelled due to the pandemic and Outrageous dies of THV a few weeks later.

• March 11th: At 5:17 PM an unnamed man calls another man named Martin about grabbing a big stockpile of goods at a store and needing a ride home.

• March 11th: At 5:40 PM the same unnamed man claims its getting dark, going to rain, and has a runny nose, still wondering where Martin, and his ride home are.

• March 11th: At 5:52 PM the same unnamed man yells on call about how some psycho attacked him; walked up and bit him before the "psycho" got dragged away kicking and growling like he was possessed.

• Spring: In Villedor, Containment Barriers are erected to allow the GRE to seal off entire zones of the city if the incidence rate of THV exceeded a specific ratio. As troops often remained stationed in these zones, supplies of goods are delivered though airdrops.

• March 21st: At 5:35 PM, an unnamed woman and her 2 children call their husband and father wishing him a happy birthday and hope he drills up lots of oil, gets rich, and buys a helicopter to fly to them because they miss him.

• March 23rd: At 6:13 PM, the same children call their father telling him to not go back to them just yet as their mom claims their city is dangerous and she cried all night long. While their mom is asleep, his son then asks to bring him back a shark skeleton.

• April 6th: At 2:57 PM an unnamed mother calls her husband in Villedor, informing him about the birth of their child and how she will be released from the hospital the next day.

• April 13th: At 9:12 AM the same unnamed mother calls her husband informing him that there's been some kind of emergency and she is still not allowed to leave the hospital.

• June 9th: A newspaper reports on the "recent failure of the United States power grid" and the country's subsequent descent into chaos. It is reported that the US government has collapsed and the military has attempted to wrest control.

June 14th: A mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of refugees, "the largest in human history", begins across Europe. VNC News journalist Clarissa Mortimer interviews some of those fleeing and reports that martial law in the United States is "aggravating a country already in chaos over fuel rationing", Japan has been "decimated" by a variant of THV and borders across Europe are closing.

• July: Rapper Silencio vanishes at the end of the month.

• August 24th: The scheduled date of the Silencio concert at the Central Dome in Garrison.

• September: Construction of Villedor's containment walls is completed.


The Carriers' Guild in is founded in Villedor.

• January 6th: At 10:22 AM an unnamed man sends a voice message talking about the newspapers reporting that "Due to the alarming increase in cases of infection, authorities are planning to isolate Horseshoe.".

• January 24th: GRE Chief Medical Officer Dr Katsumi Kobayahi provides a report on the state of the epidemic, stating that infection numbers are increasing. She adds that the mortality rate in Europe has risen from 45,000 cases per week to 320,000 and that the number of cases in Ukraine and Poland has increased by 400% per week. The doctor states that healthcare systems in Russia and Spain are "completely overwhelmed". She also reports that despite military mobilization, the closure of borders and the implementation of containment measures in the 20 most impacted cities, the "Protocol" is failing to improve the situation. She adds that Russia's military has begun a campaign of genocide against those suspected of infection. She declares that "nowhere is safe" and that there is "little hope of survival for most of the world's current population". Dr Kobayashi suggests that the GRE must switch its focus to preventing mankind's extinction and that it must be prepared to make immediate and radical decisions.

• March: The Council of Mankind is founded by former heads of state (the Party of Nations), the GRE and the Army. Their mandate is to protect what remains of civilization.

• March 21st: The first session of the Council of Mankind is held. It is unclear whether the Council was founded on this date or just before.

• March 21st: At 8:00 pm, an event named "The Last Spring Party" is thrown in a house outside of Villedor where the party goers, not wanting to endure the apocalypse, poisoned themselves together after writing their goodbyes.

• July: The (New) British Prime Minister dies of THV.

• July 17th: The seventeenth session of the Council of Mankind is convened. Reports confirm that Pakistan has dropped a nuclear bomb on Jammu, India. Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, Austria and Finland are confirmed to have been among the countries lost to the virus. General Pratt states that streets, checkpoints, electrical substations and water towers are under the army's control. Pratt states that the army's cooperation with the GRE has been "exemplary". The General also adds that "despite initial opposition from workers" that the Dynamo Cars electric car factory has been successfully converted into a solar power plant. An individual named Dr Kobayashi (labelled Dr Katsumi in the subtitles) announces that the first tests of the THV-GenMod compound have been successful, being highly chemically stable and having a remarkable ability to degrade the DNA of infected cells. General Pratt calls for THV-GenMod samples to be provided to the Army for experimentation, but Dr Kobayashi objects on the grounds that it is too soon and that, historically, rushing can lead to catastrophe. General Pratt submits a motion for the GRE to provide samples to the army and submit to military supervision over the GRE itself. The motion passes 5-3. In addition to Dr Kobayashi and General Pratt, some of those in attendance are individuals named "Hughes", Bastien" and "Klapovskiy".

• September 22nd: At 11:12 am, an unnamed woman relating to the Council of Mankind sends a voice message instructing someone she loves to find a gun and some ammo she has hidden and to go to the the Mount Lucid Observatory Council where she will meet them just before 4pm in order to leave Villedor.

• October 4th: At 10:05 AM an unnamed man calls someone named Vincent regarding accidentally grabbing a wrong case. The case has unknown military supplies.

• October 4th: At 11:54 PM the same unnamed man calls Vincent, stating that he contacted everyone he knew, however nobody knows what the supplies are; not even Tomson, a man who buys a lot of GRE gear from them. The military supplies look like some sort of chemical weapon. He states he will be going underground to avoid the consequences of the accident.

• November 6th: At 11:42 AM Lisa Larson from a preschool calls the mother of Adam, who she says has bit another teacher hard. Both have been sent to the hospital, though it has taken three people to restrain him. Larson states that it is if he had the strength of a full-grown man.

• December 31st: By the end of 2023, 98% of the global population had been lost to THV, the variant of the Harran Virus which escaped from a lab in 2021.


• March 6th: The March Massacre occurs within Villedor where 64 people were gunned down by soldiers loyal to Colonel Williams, later known as The Butcher, for refusing to follow the strict curfew and the mandatory confiscation of citizens private firearms.

• May-June: Ten of thousands of migrants from Asia amass at Villedor's gates. The largest refugee camp in Europe, located in Greece, collapses, with its population now reportedly heading toward Villedor.

• June 9th: All power at the VNC Tower is shut off by General Pratt to contain news concerning the full extent of virus outbreaks in Villedor. In a session recording, Klapovisky, the representative for Russia on the Council of Mankind, is revealed to have known about this plan and alludes that other members of the Council were arrested to contain news about the full extent of the outbreaks.

• June 20th: Telephone service is suspended across the city of Villedor.

• June 20th: Journalist Clarissa Mortimer is arrested at the VNC News studio by the General Pratt's soldiers as she attempts to reveal that the authorities have lost control of the THV situation in Villedor, adding that the "recent martial law declaration" was not to restore order but to contain THV. She elaborates by saying that an outbreak has occurred in Villedor and that the authorities have attempted to cover this up. She also adds that the so-called "Sorting Centers" are actually used as mass graves by the Army.

• July: An angry mob raids a supply ship moored in Villedor, damaging it.

• August 8th: Dr Katsumi Kobayashi describes how uncontrolled rioting is gripping the city. She also describes how immigrants deemed "useful" are being allowed entry to the city, a process that provokes further outrage and violence. An enraged General Pratt berates Dr Kobayashi for allowing the treatment of wounded rioters at her Central Loop clinic, unintentionally causing an outbreak of THV, with four doctors testing positive. General Pratt orders the clinic to be quarantined with immediate effect. General Pratt also tells Dr Kobayashi that he is shutting down the VNC Tower transmitter.

• Late 2024: A mutiny occurs and General Pratt dies, though it is unclear as to whether his death is related to said mutiny.

• October: Dr Kobayashi, distressed, gives her final GRE report on the state of the epidemic, this time without specifying a concrete date. She states that GRE scientists are finally getting positive results in tests but that the riots have gotten out of control. Rumors have spread reminding the people that the GRE was responsible for the virus in the first place. She adds that defamatory flyers against the GRE have been circulated and that some of her colleagues suspect the Army of this. She also adds that Pratt has "cut off communications with the GRE" and that it appears that the Army is attempting to use the GRE as a scapegoat "for all this turmoil". At the end of the recording, an unidentified group of individuals break in, shouting that Kobayashi is "one of those murderin' doctors". Dr Kobayashi insists she is trying to help, though it appears that she is then killed by the intruders. Her last words are "If you blame science, we're all going to d-".

• November 11th: A newspaper article is published titled "The man we need" with a picture of Colonel Williams.

• December 16th: Cpt. Posner records a report for Colonel Williams. He states that he is performing an undercover morale assessment and that news of General Pratt's death has had "little emotional impact on the men". He adds that they did not respect Pratt, believing he had lost control of the situation along time ago and that he was incapable of making difficult decisions. Addressing Williams directly, he claims that they have "a lot of respect" for him. Posner also states that he has spoken with Jack Matt, who did not mention Williams, which is significant. Posner adds that Matt has a group of loyal soldiers at his beck and call, that he "clearly revels in his power" and that he exhibits the behavior of someone who will always seek more power. Poser ends the report by saying that he will soon find out of Williams can count on Matt.


• January 3rd: Cpt. Posner records a report to Colonel Williams. As ordered to continue his observation, he finds that Major Matt is an efficient commander, greatly respected by others, and runs a tight ship. When informed of a possible THV GenMod bombardment, he reacted with great agitation and considers the act too risky as he believes that there could be other ways to save Villdeor. Posner confirms William's reliability concerns with Jack Matt by stating he gives the impression of being unpredictable and without due respect of chain of command. Jack barely conceals his dislike for Williams due to the belief he stymied Matts career and holds a grudge. He ends the report by stating it's unprofessional and potentially dangerous.

• January 6th: At 8:00 AM, the Black Monday bombings occur in which the military under Colonel Chris Williams ordered aerosolized THV Gen-Mod to be dropped onto areas of Villedor, assumed evacuated but in reality still inhabited, via drones, military trucks, and planes. Manufactured as a weapon against the infected to save the citizens, spreading the chemicals turned out to be a huge mistake as, mixed with water, the chemicals penetrated the soil, killing plants and turning most people into infected. Those who survived the chemical raid took refuge on the rooftops. This resulted in the death of two million citizens, sometimes equated to half the population of Villedor, The Colonel was subsequently dubbed "The Butcher". This event is shown in detail in the Dying Light 2 Stay Human prequel comic "Banshee - I Am The Cure".

• January 6th: Cpt. Posner records a report to Colonel Williams. He starts by saying the THV GenMod bombing ended tragically with thousands to possibly hundreds of thousands dead. He states the infected the GenMod was intended to kill, simply rose back up. He went to a nearby outpost to restock, but the ammo rack was destroyed. Matt and his some of his men were there, but many died in the bombing. Matt claims he received no orders, wasn't warned, and wasn't evacuated.

• Colonel Williams prevents Villedor from being destroyed by missiles that were intended as a fail-safe against the spread of the THV contained within.

• February 10th: Cpt. Posner records a report for Colonel Williams. He states that Major Jack Matt's rebellion is gaining momentum, with many soldiers joining him believing Williams intentionally neglected to inform Matt of the evacuation and left his squad to die. Posner retorts by stating according to his investigation received the order but ignored it and is responsible for the tragedy himself. Now Matt is hiding that from the others. The civilians now hate the Army and attacks are being led by Juan Rainer as head of the Revolutionary Committee. Rainer and Matt have joined forces and started a Civil War/a Revolution against the army. Old Villedor is where most of the fighting is being done where many soldiers have died, and morale is low. It was brother vs brother and Matt is the main target for the Army.

• May 7th: Cpt. Posner records a report for Colonel Williams. Jack Matts men have now regrouped on an Old Container ship in the Central Loop known as the Missy. Here the Peacekeepers were now being formed where they have their own hierarchy and military ranks led by Matt himself. Posner claims Matt has delusions of grandeur even though he is a traitor as he has broken his military oath and his men now plead allegiance to him alone. Their slogan is Dignity, Peace, Brotherhood, all the while Posner claims since Matt started the Civil War, he's a hypocrite for boasting those ideas. He is labeled as a "sick, dangourous man". His main goal is to kill The Colonel to keep the truth about him hidden. The Army has a man on the ship who feeds them intel so they can kill Matt first.

• June 11th: Cpt. Posner records a report for Colonel Williams. Posner is heavily breathing as he is injured while recording his final message. He had Matt with his back against the wall until he stabbed Posner in the gut. He says The Army lost the Triumphal Arch, but they can't lose hope, and that somebody needs to stop Matt as the fate of the people can't be in the hands of such a man. He hopes his men will deliver his tape to Colonel Williams and ends the tape with "Colonel... It was an honor to serve with you." before presumedly dying.

• The Nightrunners are disintegrated following the botched plan to take over the VNC Tower and its radio station. Frank, the leader, then becomes an alcoholic and everyone stops talking to him.


• The last of the Electrical Substations of Villedor shut down and plunge the parts of The City that were connected to the grid without independent electrical sources into darkness for the next 10 years.

The Modern Dark Ages


• Aiden Caldwell begins his journey on the road as a Pilgrim to find the man who experimented on him, Waltz, and reunite with Mia.


Aiden Caldwell and Spike meet up for the last time until they meet up again 2 years later outside of Villedor.


• Spring: The bridge over the Skra between the settlements Villedor and Garry is swept away by a flood.

• Fall: The events of Dying Light 2 Stay Human occur. Aiden Caldwell, a Pilgrim, travels into Villedor to find answers as to where his experimenter, Waltz, and sister, Mia might be.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (https://harran-city.com/visitors/monuments/city-gates): "According to scientific research carried out in 1930s, the gates’ foundations can be traced back to the 5th century BC - same as the city walls and other fortifications. In 1530 all four gates were rebuilt by Dalsar II and decorated with Moorish bas-reliefs, which gave them their current distinctive look. The tallest gate is King’s Gate, located in the southern part of the city. Since 1973, every newly elected Governor has used it to enter the city during the official swearing-in ceremony."
  2. 2.0 2.1 https://harran-city.com/visitors/monuments/museum
  3. https://harran-city.com/visitors/monuments/old-granary
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://harran-city.com/visitors/monuments/academy-of-harran
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 https://harran-city.com/visitors/monuments/city-hall
  6. 6.0 6.1 (https://harran-city.com/residents/school): "The Harran Public School, located in the Upper Town, was founded on September 1st, 1996. The construction of its new building began in 2012, and is being funded from the city's budget and profits from hosting the Global Athletics Games."