Camouflage Attack

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"Camouflage Attack" is a Survival skill available in Dying Light.

Camouflage Attack is a passive ability that allows the player to attack infected while in camouflage without triggering the aggression of any infected around the player.


  • It's best to combine this ability with the Takedown ability due to Camouflage allowing you to position yourself behind most infected
  • Due to Virals being faster than Biters, you will usually end up killing the viral in a considerable distance from any hordes. Camouflage yourself using the Viral's corpse before wiping out the Biters
  • It is highly suggested not to attack any infected that will not be immediately incapacitated upon being attacked as the infected would still retaliate upon regaining the ability to do so
  • As such, it is highly suggested not to use this ability on Goons and Demolishers
  • On Virals, it is suggested to use the Takedown ability on them as they have the innate ability of getting up quickly
  • This ability is especially useful against Bolters and Screamers as the former may be surrounded by Volatiles while the latter attracts infected upon noticing the player
  • Biters are a unique case as due to their slow speed and recovery, knocking them down will often result in them losing aggro upon getting up
  • Because of this, the Windmill skill, 2-handed weapons, and weapons with impact upgrades are particularly useful when combined with this skill


  • Just like the previous skill, this ability does not work on humans.