Electric Cage

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Electric Cage is a Driver skill available in Dying Light.


  • This skill essentially damages anything that tries to touch the Buggy which does have a number of applications
  • For one, this can allow the player to shake off any enemies surrounding their vehicle while trying to start it
  • When combined with Remote Control, it can clear the way for the player to get onto their Buggy which can be useful if they had used Car Alarm previously
  • It can be used to shake off Virals that have grabbed onto the Buggy
  • Because it deals damage, it can be used against enemies that do not die upon getting hit by the Buggy, such as Goons and Demolishers
  • At night, it is often outclassed by UV Safe Zone which has a bigger range and scares off the more dangerous Infected of the night


  • The name of the skill is based on a Faraday Cage, a device capable of blocking electromagnetic fields. Perhaps it is how Kyle Crane can sit in The Buggy and be perfectly fine despite the rest of it being electrocuted