Foster Family

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"Hugh told me his son was missing. The boy was likely in danger at the Water Tower. Hugh asked me to find him."
Quest description

Foster Family is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


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Find the lost boy.
I found the boy, who was called Match. He said that Hugh forced him to work and is not actually his father. The boy wanted me to leave him alone.

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Confront Hugh.
It turned out that Hugh mentored orphans, using them as spies and thieves. He believed that he has taught them valuable survival skills and that they should be thankful.


While in the northeastern part of The Wharf, on a balcony of the apartments just south of the entrance to the PK Floating Fortress, a man named Hugh can be found. Hugh states that his child went off to the water tower six hours prior and has not returned since, causing him to worry. With three other children to look after, Hugh asks Aiden to go to the water tower and look for the missing kid. He tells Aiden that if he finds the kid to bring him to his place at Lower Dam Promenade.

Head over to the Wharf Water Tower, which is the facility in the Muddy Grounds district, and look for the child inside. Be mindful as there are Biters and Virals at the water tower. Once inside, head down to the lower level to find the boy named Match. Match appears hesitant to return to Hugh, and upon being pressed, will state that Hugh is not his father and that he is instead working for him like a slave and hid in an attempt to stop doing do. Unwilling to leave the water tower, Aiden has to return to Hugh on his own.

Hugh is located on a balcony of an apartment complex in southern Muddy Grounds, alongside three other boys, so head over there and confront him with the information Match provided. Despite some hesitation, Hugh will tell Aiden he is training the boys how to survive, by teaching them how to steal and spy for anyone who pays for the service. Upon concluding the conversation, the quest is completed.
