Treasure Hunt

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"Bart, the PK deserter, gave me a coded message that he stole before he left his post. He couldn't figure it out, but he thought the key to decoding might be in the ship's library."
Quest description

Treasure Hunt is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


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Decode the note to find hidden treasure.
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Read the book.
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Decode the note to find hidden treasure.
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Find the hidden treasure.


Having lied to Meyer during the previous quest and kept the "map", Aiden will now have to find a way to decipher it. Andy and Bart mentioned Bart tried to decipher it himself using the Peacekeeper library, but did not have the time to do so properly. So head on over to the Peacekeeper library and speak to Albert and ask him for any books about cyphers and codeturning. Albert will place "Bacon's Cipher" on a nearby table to help Aiden.

The encrypted message appears to be a bunch of gibberish, and is found on the table next to "Bacon's Cipher". Both of them can be read and state the following.

Bacon's Cipher:
"A creation of Sir Francis Bacon, some believe it proves the theory that Bacon wrote works attributed to William Shakespeare. Some proponents of the Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship, such as Ignatius L. Donnelly and Elizabeth Wells Gallup, have claimed that Bacon used the cipher to encode messages revealing his authorship in the Fist Folio.......he used two different type faces slightly differing in weight (boldness).......each of which would represent one character in hius plaintext..... A - aaaaa B - aaaab C - aaaba D - aaabb E - aabaa F - aabab G - aabbaa H - aabbb I, J - abaaa K - abaab L - ababa M - ababb N - abbaa O - abbab P - abbba Q - abbbb R - baaaa S - baaab T - baaba U, V - baabb W - babaa X - babab Y - babba Z - babbb"

Encrypted message:

When decrypted using Bacon's Cipher, the message reads:
"Muddy Grounds Water Tower Basement Zero Three, Two One, Six Seven."

Head on over to the Wharf Water Tower in the Muddy Grounds district and head down to its basement. Below the water, on the east side of the wall located a top a grade next to a hard-locked chest is a safe. Use the code from decrypted message (3-21-67) to unlock the safe and get the reward: three level 1 DIY Grenades. Upon obtaining the grenades, the quest is completed.