The Deserter

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"Meyer accused a Peacekeeper named Bart not only of desertion, but claimed that he stole a map, with top secret information. If this information got out, it would spell disaster for the Peacekeepers."
Quest description

The Deserter is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


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Ask Meyer for details.
I learned that Bart would be executed for desertion, but others could be in danger if I didn't recover the map. Soldiers in Bart's barracks might have an idea where he's gone.

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Talk to PKs who could know Bart. (OPTIONAL)
Mateo insisted Bart was innocent - and wouldn't say any more. He directed me to someone named Garrett.

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Search Bart's bunk.
I found a child's drawing at Bart's bunk.

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Talk to the nearby Peacekeeper.
The old man told me that Bart had no children, so he didn't know where the picture came from.

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Ask Stach about Bart.
Stach was certain Bart was being set up by some of his fellow PKs. He suggested that I ask field workers atop the office building at the intersection of Van Peel and Saint Paul Boulevard for information about the REAL Bart.

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Ask the field workers about Bart.
I learned that Bart often looked after Andy's son, Liam, and that both Bart and Andy were great guys. The day before they were serving everyone drinks in Andy's apartment.

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Search the apartment.
Bart and Andy must have just left the apartment. I found something strange: a playing card with the name "Steve" written on it. My search was interrupted by a headhunter who was also looking for Bart. We agreed to join forces and go after this "Steve" together.

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Find Steve.
I didn't know where to find Steve, but Stach did: the Fish Eye. Stach agreed to radio me when Steve came in to the canteen.

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Interrogate Steve.
Easily intimidated, Steve admitted that he was supposed to escort Bart, Andy and Liam to the Butcher's Stronghold. Instead, they split from him before they reached their destination. He described the area where I might look for them.

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Ask Steve about Bart and Andy.
Steve clearly knew more about Bart than he was telling me.

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Rap for Steve.
I can't believe I did it, but I rapped for Steve in front of everyone at the Fish Eye.

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Talk to Steve.
Steve admitted that he was supposed to escort Bart, Andy and Liam to the Butcher's Stronghold. Instead, they told him to leave them at an old cafe by the E12, next to the metro station.

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Look for Bart near the old coffee shop.
I went to the place Steve told me about to look for Bart and the others.

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Search the area for Bart.
Bart told me that he deserted to escape mistreatment from other PKs and needed the "map" as an "entry fee" to the Stronghold. However, he offered to give me the map if I told the Peacekeepers that I killed him and Andy. I refused. Bart attacked me.

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Kill Bart and recover the map.
I was forced to kill Bart. But when I searched his body, I didn't find the so-called map.

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Talk to Andy and recover the map.
Andy, fearing for Liam, gave me the map, which was actually a coded message. Then Clint's henchmen showed up. I wouldn't let them kill Andy and Liam, reneging on my deal with Clint.

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Report back to Meyer.
I told Meyer that I had killed Bart and gave her the coded message. I saved the PK from having to scrap a lot of careful planning.


While on the PK Floating Fortress in The Wharf, at the mission dispatch, Meyer will ask Aiden for help. She will mention that a Peacekeeper named Bart deserted his post after having had problems with other soldiers. She also states that he did not only desert the Peacekeepers, but also stole a "map" which could get other Peacekeepers killed if it were to fall into the wrong hands. She asks Aiden to return the "map" and to leave Bart for her, recommending to start by checking out his bunk a floor above, in the barracks.

Use survivor sense when at Bart's bunk, which features a Peacekeeper helmet next to the pillow, a locker, and a Peacekeeper chestpiece. Underneath the top bunkbed is a drawing: Liam's Drawing #1. Upon taking it a nearby Conscript will ask if Aiden "found something", so walk up to the man and ask him if he knows anything about Bart. He will eventually point Aiden to Stach, over at the Fish Eye Canteen, as he has seen the two together a few times.

Head over to the Fish Eye Canteen in New Dawn Park. Head into the bar and to the top floor, where Stach can be found leaning on a wooden railing. Aiden will have the option to declare that Bart is a thief or that he is a deserter. If mentioned that he deserted, Stach will be happy for Bart and ask Aiden if he heard anything else, to which the thief option becomes available. Stach will deny the accusation as Bart is an honest man, but will say he has had a problem with the other Peacekeepers. He will recommend Aiden to go to the fieldworkers on top of a nearby old office building for more intel.

The office building is located just east of the Fish Eye, so head over there and speak to the fieldworkers, some of them will not provide useful information, but some do. One of them will mention that Bart has not been in the fields for a while, and is probably watching the kid of Andy, Liam, as Bart was doing that lot recently. He does not know where Andy or Liam are, but recommends asking around to find out. Another, located at the end of the bridge connecting the two buildings, also provides some intel. He describes Bart as being brave, kind, caring and loving of children. He will also mention Andy again and elaborate that Andy and Bart are best friends. When asked where Bart may be found, the worker recommends going to Andy's home as they were there the night before handing out drinks.

Head over to the building just east of the rooftop plantation and go inside. Jump up a floor and use survivor sense when entering the hall connected to the bedchamber. Here, the fifth drawing of Liam is found on the floor. Enter the room at the end of the hallway and use survivor sense to find the third and fourth drawing on the couch. On the bed, using survivor sense, a playing card adressing a "Steve" can be found. Upon picking it up, a man named Clint will enter the room and believe Aiden to be bart.

If told Aiden is bart, Clint will attack. After dealing with Clint, Aiden will then contact Stach to ask him about Steve, who is apparently a shady character. Stach will mention knowing Steve and will inform Aiden that he will contact him when he shows up at the Fish Eye. Wait until nightfall and Stach will call Aiden to inform him that Steve is at the Fish Eye. So head over there. Steve can be found leaning against a wall of the bar.

If Clint is told Aiden is not bart, Clint will ask if Aiden is Andy. If told no again, Clint will explain that he was also hired to find the "map" that Bart stole. Unlike with Stach, working with Clint enables Aiden to approach Steve directly.

When showing him the card, Steve offers Aiden his services. He will deny knowing Bart and Andy, leaving Aiden to either offer an exchange or threaten with the Peacekeepers. If the Peacekeepers are mentioned, Steve will start to panick and eventually admit that Bart and Andy hired Steve to bring them and Liam to the Colonel safely, but left him when they ran into a Peacekeeper patrol. He will give directions to where he dropped them off: near an old coffeeshop not far from the Fish Eye, by the offramp from the E12.

The coffee shop in question is found in Garrison, just north of GRE Anomaly C-A-55. Head on over there and use survivor sense. A dead infected can be investigated in one of the corners of a building, with a weapon still stuck in the body. Use survivor sense to find and follow a nearby trail, which leads to the entrance into a building where the second of Liam's drawings can be found. Climb up the building until it can be entered, then head inside and use survivor sense to further follow the trail.

The trail leads to a door, upon knocking on it the deserter, Bart, will open it and demand to know who Aiden is and what he wants. Bart will recognize Aiden and ask if Meyer sent him, to which Aiden responds by saying he was sent to find Bart and retrieve what he stole, shortly after which Andy will come to the door and ask the two to keep it down. He will state that the "map" is technically not a map, but does detail the location of some secret Peacekeeper stash. Bart will state he was planning to use it as payment to the Colonel in return for safe passage for Andy, Liam, and himself. He will ask Aiden to return to Meyer and lie to her by telling Bart and Andy are killed, offering to give him his dog tags and the coded message as proof.

Aiden can either agree to help, or decline.

If chosen to help, Andy and Bart will be grateful and give Aiden the required items to fake his death. Before parting with it, they will mention that they will stay at their hideout for now until deciding what to do. If chosen not to help, Bart will fight Aiden and have to be killed. After doing so, head to Andy and ask for the map. He will give Aiden both the "map" and Bart's dog tags and tell Aiden to go.

Regardless of the choice made, a group of bounty hunters will appear on the site. Aiden can either choose to fight, or to try and avoid it if Clint was partnered with. If Clint was killed, or not partnered with, the bounty hunters will attack. Regardless of the choice made, head back to Meyer on the PK Floating Fortress and report about the situation. Aiden can either be truthful and say Bart is alive, or say that Bart is dead. If told he is dead, Aiden will say that he had to kill him out of self defense. If truthful, Aiden will tell Meyer that Bart, Andy, and Liam tried to escape and he let Bart live.

Meyer will then ask if Aiden has the map, to which Aiden can either choose to give or keep it. If chosen to give it, Meyer will be grateful and thank Aiden, finishing the quest. If chosen to keep it, Aiden will deny having it and Meyer will ask what happened to it, to which Aiden responds by saying Bart ditched it, which makes Meyer more frustrated as not knowing where it is could be worse than it falling into enemy hands. Aiden will point out the location where he found Bart as a way to "help" Meyer, who will be annoyed as she will have to bring this news to Jack Matt. Upon ending the conversation, the quest is finished.