Wall of Valor: Missing in Action

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"When I collected all the dog tags, it turned out that there was one more - Leon's. Although it was hard to find, I couldn't leave it like that and promised Cyra that I would get it."
Quest description

Wall of Valor: Missing in Action is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. It is the final quest of the "Wall of Valor" quests.


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Find Leon's body.
I went back in there... The interior of the VNC Tower was obviously still not a safe place to explore. Sadly, I was right to fear the worst - Leon was no longer himself.

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Defeat Leon.
I had no choice but to fight the turned Leon.

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Collect Leon's dog tag.
I wished it didn't have to come to this, but in the end, I managed to retrieve Leon's dog tag.

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Return to Cyra.
When Cyra saw Leon's dog tag, she was moved beyond gratitude. I returned the last missing dog tag of the 404 Squad to Cyra. The memory of the "Brothers" - and Sister - will live on.


Having returned all the other dog tags, Cyra asks Aiden to aid in the recovery of one more: Leon's. Head over to the VNC Tower in Garrison and use the elevator to go back down to the basement of the complex. Then return to the place where Leon was found during the main quest "Broadcast". Upon arrival, it appears that Leon has moved from the location where he was last spoken to. Use survivor sense to follow the trail which leads to him.

The trail will lead to the recording studio, where several Infected are located, as well as Leon - who has turned into a Viral. Slay Leon and search his body to retrieve his dog tags, then return to Cyra on the PK Floating Fortress. There is an option to tell Cyra whether Leon was turned or not, if told he did not suffer she will be glad to hear he died quietly. If told that Leon was turned, she will become upset, but understand that Aiden had no choice. She will thank Aiden for his help, completing the quest.