Aitor (Side Quest)

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"The Peacekeepers found Aitor... badly injured. Meyer insisted I see to it that Aitor survived, because Matt would want to know exactly what happened in Old Villedor."
Quest description

Aitor is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.


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Learn more about Aitor's condition.
Aitor's wife, Patricia, forbade the use of herbs from Margaret, the healer, to help her husband. However, Dr. Steven insisted on using them because he felt is the only way to save Aitor. I had to obtain the herbs from Margaret.

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Talk to Margaret, the healer.
I found the folk healer, who, despite her assistant's objections, agreed to help. I had to gather the SMALL petals from a Recluse plant. I had to be careful because the LARGE petals are poisonous.

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Collect Recluse petals at night.
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The Recluse
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Decide which medicine to use to treat Aitor.
As Dr. Steven was about to give the herbs to Aitor, Patricia explained that her husband had burned out Margaret's eyes as punishment once. I took a leap of faith and gave Aitor the small Recluse petals. He survived.

As Dr. Steven was about to give the herbs to Aitor, Patricia explained that her husband had burned out Margaret's eyes as punishment once. As I result, I agreed that the injection was the best medicine. The result was Aitor fell into a coma.


Upon arrival at the PK Floating Fortress in The Wharf following completion of "Observatory", Aiden must speak to Meyer in order to advance in the quest "Welcome On Board". While talking, a group of Peacekeepers can be heard approaching and Jack Matt ordering to make way. They carry a wounded Aitor on a stretcher, with Jack Matt following close behind. With many Peacekeepers having died to the Bazaar Survivors, Meyer states she hopes Aitor survives as he could hold some insight into what went wrong in Old Villedor. After Meyer is done talking, the quest officially begins.

Head up the stairs to the Peacekeeper medical bay, which is located on the northeastern side of the ship. Upon entering Aitor's room, Aitor's wife, Patricia can be heard arguing with Peacekeeper doctor Steven about how to treat her husband. She opposes the using of herbs to cure Aitor, but Steven notes how they do not have medicine and herbs are their only chance. She will eventually leave the room with her kids, leaving Aiden a chance to talk to Steven. Steven will state that, while Aiden is strong, he needs medicine, which they don't have. He knows that after the chemical attack some of the plants in Villedor gained healing properties, being able to function like an antibiotic, but being met with scepticism. He will elaborate that the reason for this is that the folk healers who give instructions on herb-based medication are often not correctly followed by those trying their medication, accidentally creating a poison instead of medicine.

Aiden will offer to help, to which Steven is grateful as Aitor is the only witness of what happened in Old Villedor that the Peacekeepers managed get a hold of. Steven will direct Aiden to Margaret, on Culvert Island, for the herb-based medication, so head over there. Culvert Island is located in tip of northeastern Garrison, on the border with Muddy Grounds and Lower Dam Ayre.

Upon arrival at Culvert Island, head up to the balcony of the makeshift house and knock on the door. A survivor, Gerard, will answer and open the door for Aiden upon hearing someone needs help. He will eventually agree to wake up Margaret, but before doing so he asks Aiden how he knew where to find them as Gerard does not recognize him. Upon hearing the Peacekeepers gave Aiden the information, Gerard shuts down and refuses to help Aiden further as the Peacekeepers did not come to their aid when the Renegades came and attacked Culvert Island. Even if Aiden points out he dealt with the Renegades who attacked Culvert Island, Gerard remains unwilling to help. Fortunately for Aiden, all the commotion appears to have waken up Margaret, who will tell Gerard to let Aiden in.

Upon entering the building, Margaret will be grateful for Aiden's help in defeating the Renegades. She will ask who the dying man is, but upon Aiden answering Gerard bumps into the conversation again, stating that if something goes wrong Margaret will be blamed again as she was blinded by the Peacekeepers after a previous healing attempt failed. Still, she is willing to press on. She tells Aiden to look for a flower called the 'recluse', which thrives in chemical areas. They will have to be picked up safely at night, when its petals glow. Margaret specifically points out that only the small petals have healing properties, and that the big petals are a deadly poison.

With the information head out and start looking for the 'recluse'. During the journey, Aiden will contact Lawan and ask for her insight on the plant. She will tell Aiden the plant can be found by the canal, north of All Saint Bridge, which is located in southerwestern Muddy Grounds, near the border with the Wharf and New Dawn Park. Three flowers need to be obtained to proceed. While Margaret specifically mentioned small petals, it is a waste of time to go looking for them in particular as all flowers share the same appearance. As such, taking three of any of the flowers is fine to progress the quest.

After obtaining the flowers, return to the medical bay on the PK Floating Fortress. Patricia will sit by Aitor's bedside. Steven will thank Aiden for his "help" and then tell Patricia she can go. Before leaving, Patricia asks Aiden if he went to Margaret. Aiden will have the option to either admit she was the source for the herbs, or deny knowing her, though not much difference is made regardless of the choice. Patricia claims that Margaret killed Aitor's men and that as punishment, Jack Matt had Aitor burn out her eyes. Because of this, she is certain that Margaret gave poison to Aiden, but Steven insists on given the herbs.

Aiden will be given four possible choices: radio Lawan, refuse to give the herbs, give the big herbs, or give the small herbs. Lawan will confirm that the small petals have healing properties, leaving the other three choices open to conclude the quest.

Giving the small petals will made Aitor calm down, with Steven concluding it is as effective as he had hoped it would be. He then tells everyone to clear the room to allow Aitor to rest up. Patricia will be shocked that it worked and state she will stay nearby. Steven will then tell Aiden that if all goes well, Aitor will wake up soon after the herb was admitted.

Giving the big petals will initially cause some hesitation by Steven, but he will agree to give them to Aitor. Aitor will then start frantically moving in his bed before dying, causing Patricia to get mad at Margaret and swearing to kill her for what she did. Steven will then tell Aiden to leave, completing the quest.

Not giving the herbs at all will make Aiden ask Steven to give him an injection to temporarily stabilize Aitor. Patricia will thank Aiden for having helped Aitor, and then go out for some air. Steven will state that the shot stabilized Aitor's condition but that without serious medicine he may stay in a coma. He will then tell Aiden to leave, completing the quest.



  • If Aitor is given the small petals, he can later be found sitting in a corner of the Fish Eye Canteen alongside one of his sons, Oier. Patricia and Aitor seperated after Patricia returned to her pre-Fall lover. Aitor sought to seek out Waltz and kill him for the death of Lucas and his men. If the right dialogue choices are made, Aitor will reward Aiden with The Lazarus, Commander Lucas' knuckledusters.
    • The scene of Aitor and Aiden's conversation in Canteen got changed. In the first version, Aitor and Aiden both stand still for the rest of the scene, while his son, Oier sits on the table. They will now sit on chairs in the conversation, meanwhile Oiter will lean on a wooden pillar.