Buggy Grail

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"Bilal said that I should check out a Silas truck stranded on a highway. It's probably filled with useful parts we could use to maintain and upgrade my car."
Quest introduction

Buggy grail is a side quest available in Dying Light: The Following.[1]


Objective icon.png
Get to the Silas truck stranded on a highway
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Talk to the trucker


After arriving at Bilal's Tar & Dust Workshop and speaking to Bilal he will mention a Silas struck stranded on a highway which he claims will be worth the effort. Head over there. The highway is located south of Bilal's workshop.

At the truck itself, it becomes clear that the truck's driver is still alive and armed:

Crane: "Oh shit - sorry! I didn't think there was anybody here!"
Trucker: "I'll be ya didn't! Thievin' little sumbitch!"
Crane: "Well relax, it's not like that! I was just looking for some parts to fix up my ride, I wasn't going to steal anything!"
Trucker: "If it's parts ya want, it's parts you can damn well buy. Jacob Greaves is the name."
Crane: "Kyle Crane."
Trucker: "Good to meet ya, Kyle Crane. Now, listen here: these parts is mine. You want some, I'll sell ya some. But ain't nothin' for free."
Crane: "Understood."

After the conversation, the quest is completed.



  1. Buggy grail - Quest log (Dying Light: The Following)