Chasing Past

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"Tariq has rescued a young boy, who experienced some real trauma. The kid had a voice recorder with him - the only thing that could help me find out what happened to him. I should go to the place where he lived - at Dolma Street, 11/2 - and check it out on the spot."
Quest introduction

Chasing Past is a side quest available in Dying Light.[1]


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Find the apartment at Dolma Street 11/2
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Find clues in apartment 11/2
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Search other apartments
It seems that Tom and Mike pretended to be detectives, searching for their missing father. Tom recorded everything he saw. In this recording he mentions a "strange man" who lives in flat number three.

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Check the basement
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Search apartment 3 for basement keys
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Investigate the basement
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Kill the cannibal
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Inform Tariq what has happened here
That poor kid walked right into the lair of a cannibal. Mike was the boy's dog. Both the dog and Tom's Father were killed by that monster. I hope Tariq will take good care of him. God knows they both need it. Hard to keep your sanity in these crazy days.

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Find the reward



Talk to Zhanna, located in a safezone in the northern part of Old Town. She will state how Tariq has a child under his wing and could use some help. Go and speak to Tariq. Tariq will state that a boy that he found is a burden to him. He was promised help and the mission is to help him and the kid by uncovering the reason behind the child's traumatized state. Go to Dolma Street, located in the far south of old town - to the east of the algea site in Emerald Pond, and investigate the building. Once inside, follow the quest marker and enter the living room of an appartment to trigger the voice recorder. After having done so, check the other apartments.

A second voice recording indicates that whatever happened might have happened in the basement, so head there. Once inside, head to the third basement door, with a bloody handmark on it. The door is locked, so head up to apartment three to find the keys. They can be found atop a small table located just beyond the front door of the apartment. Take them and head back to the basement door.

Enter the basement belonging to the third apartment to find an improvised butchery, with a bloody floor and even some human remains. The dog on the table turns out to be Mike. Take his collar and Umar emerges from his room next to the workbench, ready to attack. After defeating him, enter the room to find the legendary blueprint God's Hammer.

After uncovering the truth, return to Tariq. He will give the keys to the museum's basement, which can be accessed by an underwater tunnel. Inside are a small locked (hard) chest and two white locked (hard) chests, containing weapons and other goods.


  1. Chasing Past - Quest log (Dying Light)