Kaan and Able

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"Finally found someone who's willing to speak with me, a peddler named Kaan. He told me that the locals pray to a woman that they call the Mother, and that they really do seem to be immune to the virus. He didn't want to share more. He wants me to find a car and act as his driver in exchange for more information."
Quest introduction

Kaan and Able is the second story quest of Dying Light: The Following.[1]


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Look for a vehicle at the nearest farm
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Take the car
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Drive back to Kaan
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Report your success to Kaan
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Ask the girl where Kaan is


With Jasir proving uncooperative during Crane's conversation with him in the previous quest, Kaan was more willing to work with Crane. After agreeing to provide information if Crane is able to get a vehicle from a nearby farm, Crane sets off to obtain a buggy.

Head northeast from Jasir's farm or follow the pipes in that direction to avoid the infected. Another farm will eventually reveal itself. Along the way, Kaan will contact Crane and reveal that the farm is occupied by bandits. Approach the farm carefully as some of the bandits are armed with rifles. Around ten bandits are present at the farm. After dispatching them, open the gate, take the buggy and head back to Jasir's Farm.

"OK, Kaan. I've got the ride. Kaan, are you there? Kaan?"
Kyle Crane after obtaining the buggy

Upon returning at the farm it is clear that Kaan is nowhere to be seen. Ezgi is found at his trailer, so speak to her to complete the quest.



  1. Kaan and able - Quest log (Dying Light: The Following)