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"Jade knows where we might be able to get more Antizin. I'm supposed to meet her in one of the box cars near the school."
Quest introduction

Siblings is the fifth story quest available in Dying Light.[1]


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Meet with Jade in the boxcar
Rais's men turned a school building into a supply depot, and Jade thinks if we sneak in we might be able to find some Antizin. Brecken would never let us try anything this dangerous, but at least it's not as crazy as Rahim's plot to blow up that volatile hive. Anyway, Jade's waiting for me near the school. I better hurry.

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Find an entrance into the school
Saw Tahir at the school. He and his men were hauling all kinds of stuff out of there. The hell are they up to? I mean the fucker executed some survivors in front of us. Nearly saw us. Time to sneak into the building. I hope there's some Antizin in there somewhere.

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Get inside the school
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Look for Antizin
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Turn off the alarm
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Search the place for Antizin
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Find keys to the basement
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Meet Jade in Storage C
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Eliminate Rais's thugs
Shit... Jade and I went looking for Antizin and found explosives instead. Now we need to get the hell out of here before Tahir comes back.

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Leave the school
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Meet with Jade back at the Tower
Jade called me. She's taking the explosives to Sa'id. She wanted me to talk to Rahim about the volatile hive and how she wants him to stay the hell away from it.

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Talk to Rahim about the hive
I talked to Rahim. I admire his determination, but he's too damn young. Plant explosives and blow up a volatile hive for his first mission? I hope I got that stupid idea out of his head. Now I should ask Dr. Zere about that weird Infected I saw in front of the school... maybe figure out how to get my hands on his research.

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Talk to Zere about the strange Infected at the school
Zere asked me to bring him a sample from that bolter I saw in front of the school. He said they've been spotted in specific areas of the city, so I should focus my search in those places. He also said I needed to get that sample back to him while it was still fresh, so I gotta move.

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Talk to the quartermaster about the bolters
The quartermaster showed me where to look for Bolters. Great, nothing I like more than running around the city after the sun goes down.

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Sneak close to a Bolter during the night and get a tissue sample
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Let Zere examine the sample
Finally hunted one of those suckers down. Slippery bastard. Unlike me, they never get tired.

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Look for Rahim on the overpass
Rahim and his friend took the explosives and tried to take out the hive on their own! Now I gotta find them before they get themselves killed!

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Check the last point of contact with Rahim
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Search the bodies
I found Omar's body on the overpass. Rahim must have gotten away. At least I hope so. I told him to hide in the train yard, so there's a chance he's still alive.

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Check the trainyard buildings for Rahim
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Look for Rahim
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Kill enemies near the railroad track
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Talk to Rahim
I found Rahim. He's alive, but he cut his leg and he's bleeding like a stuck pig. What's worse - he already armed both bombs! Now I've gotta leave him here while I go place these charges in the nest.

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Place the bombs in the Volatiles' nest
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Leave the nest before it explodes
We did it! We blew the building, destroyed the nest and every volatile in there. Now I just need to get Rahim back to the Tower.

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Help Rahim get back to the Tower
Rahim is dead. He lied to me about that bite, because he wanted me to blow up that fucking building. I don't know what the hell I'm gonna tell Jade.

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Talk to Brecken about Rahim's death
I told Brecken about what happened to Rahim and Jade overheard every word. She ran off before I could stop her.



Rais has turned a nearby school into a supply dump, and Jade believes he is also storing Antizin there. With the low supply at the Tower, she asks Crane to help her in breaking into the school and check for Antizin there. Meet Jade in one of the train carts near the school, and make your way over there quietly. In the school's parking lot, Tahir and his men execute a couple of prisoners before entering the building itself. Jade recommends going seperate ways to make less noise. Head for the main entrance to find it locked. Jade recommends trying the back entrance, but this one is also locked. Head to the roof and enter the school from there.

Accessing the roof is easiest by running past the nearby police vehicles and jumping on top of one of the standing quarantine walls. From there, jump on a ledge and onto the roof. Be careful as there are two toads on the roof, as well as bombers both inside and outside of the outbuilding. Enter the school to find several body bags and corpses. Check the classrooms for Antizin.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day for this shit, and this is the last place I want to be at night! Did any of you idiots think to check the basement? Of course not, because the key is still up here! Get your shit together!
Rais' thug over the loudspeaker"

It is noteworthy that there are several military crates, which unfortunately cannot be accessed, and even a door is marked as belonging to the military. The presence of beds with canvas bags and military camo also indicates that the building was used as a military field HQ. The cafeteria is full of body bags, and the room next to it is home to three of Rais's Bandits, who turn on the alarm the moment they spot Crane. Jade quickly advises Crane to turn it off to prevent the infected from coming in, and directs him to the janitor's office, where the switch should be. Upon turning off the alarm, another of Rais's Bandits bursts through the door. Deal with him and move on.

The classroom after this point has another of Rais's Bandits along the way who will attack on sight. Go up the stairs after dealing with him. The aftermath of the alarm now becomes clear, as three infected bursts through a door and shamble towards Crane. Enter the library behind them to find four more Bandits and dispatch them. It is clear that the library was used as the commanding area, with maps, crates, and radio equipment being found here. The basement keys can also be found in one of the nearby closets. The road to the basement was blocked off by a closet and a lock, which will have to be moved and destroyed to move on. Be mindful that there are several infected and virals on the way to the basement. Do also take care when going down the stairs, as a bomber will enter the hallway from the bathroom, and another will be found in the basement itself.

Once inside the room with Jade, help her in opening a military crate only to find it filled with explosives. With noises coming from outside the area, Jade takes off to the Tower with the explosives while Crane fights off three more of Rais's Bandits. Leave the building only to find it dark outside. A bolter is spotted outside, rummaging through garbage, and runs off upon spotting Crane. Make your way back to the Tower, but be mindful of the infected and volatiles who will be active now.

Arriving at the Tower, head for the roof and speak to Rahim. Rahim has already started the process of turning the explosives into bombs, but is persuaded by Crane to not make a move himself. He then directs Crane towards Dr. Zere to talk about the bolter that Crane spotted at the school. Go to Zere, he will talk about wanting to do experiments on the bolters and needs some fresh tissue from them in order to do so. He directs Crane to the Quartermaster, as he has been keeping track of them.

"Okay, Doc... here comes your chunk of zombie guts.
Kyle Crane upon obtaining bolter tissue"

Leaving the Tower with the updated map, Spike radios in to inform Crane that he will be at the ferry station as opposed to being at Dr. Zere's trailer. Wait for night to fall and head to one of the bolter feeding grounds. Some of these are located near safe zones. To avoid the bolters running away, one can try to shoot them quickly with a firearm when leaving a safe zone and then quickly recovering their tissue before volatiles or other infected show up. Make your way to Dr. Zere and speak to him about the bolter tissue. It might be a breakthrough in research on a cure, but there is still much to do before Zere can send Crane to Dr. Camden so he can properly analyze the research material.

Not long after leaving Zere's trailer, Rahim will call Crane and inform that he and Omar went out with the explosives but that they ran into trouble on the overpass. Crane tells him to go to the trainyard and wait for him there. While on his way over, Crane calls Brecken to inform him of the situation. Once on the overpass, several corpses can be found, including Omar's, but Rahim is nowhere to be found so he must be at the trainyard. Go there and look for him.

Rahim in his train wagon"

Rahim can be found in one of the train wagons inside a warehouse, surrounded by infected. Kill the infected and open the wagon to talk to Rahim, be mindful of the toad who will jump down when trying to open the wagon the first time. Rahim will say that he has already armed the explosives and now tasks Crane with planting them.

"There's a sewer entrance here in the terminal, near the west wall! Use that tunnel - it'll take you straight to the hive!

Go to the sewer system and swim towards the hive. Once there, find the place swarming with infected. Because of the time restraint based on the bombs, it is smart to either kill them quickly or distract them so they don't stand in the way. Having planted the bombs, run out, either go back the way you entered, or leave through the wall that the goon just broke open. Regardless of which option is chosen, the building will collapse upon reaching the sewers. Crane tries to contact Rahim, but fails. So make your way back to him.

"Rahim, it's me! I did it! Rahim! You should have seen it! The whole damn building came down! Shit! No no no - Rahim, stop! Rahim, it's me! It's me, buddy! It's Crane! Oh Jesus... Rahim, stop! That's a fucking bite wound... You GODdamn STUPID fucking KID! Oh God... Jade...
Kyle Crane upon finding Rahim as an infected"

Having found Rahim as an infected, Crane has no option but to snap his neck in order to survive. Brecken makes contact afterwards and quickly discovers the bad news, and urges Crane to keep Jade out of it for now. Return to the Tower to speak to Brecken in person. Jade overhears the conversation and runs off, Brecken stops Crane from giving chase. The quest ends here.


  • The survival skill camouflage is very useful to hide yourself from volatiles that may be nearby.
  • You can use your regular flashlight to scout out the area around the bolter prior to sneaking up from behind.
  • See the following tips on Bolter Hunting.


  1. Siblings - Quest log (Dying Light)