The Prodigal Son

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"Alexei and Kristov live by the antenna tower, manufacturing blades for Rais and his gang. But Kristov doesn't want to work for Rais anymore, and has run off to join Brecken's group. Alexei knows how dangerous Rais is, but thinks working for him is the safest way for him and his son to survive. Now he wants me to bring his son back."
Quest introduction

The Prodigal Son is a side quest available in Dying Light.[1]


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Check the Tower for Kristov
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Ask Ayo about Kristov
I talked with Ayo and it turned out that Kristov has joined our scout team. He's on a mission right now, heading toward a newly constructed skyscraper. Maybe I'll find him on the way there.

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Look for Kristov in the area around the new skyscraper
Got a message from Kristov, and he's in trouble. Guess his dad was right to be worried about him.

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Get to the Inn
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Secure a safe zone for the survivors
I found Kristov and helped him rescue some survivors on a bus. Now I need to talk to him about his father's concerns. He's not a bad runner-he might even become a good one. But he needs to resolve his situation with his father.

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Talk to Kristov
I've talked to Kristov and convinced him to give up running if his father will stop working for Rais and join him. Now I have to convince Alexei.

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Get back to Alexei
Alexei has agreed to join his son at the Tower. They'll work together to make weapons for Brecken's group (boy, could they use them!).

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Protect Alexei
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Talk to Alexei
​​​​​​Alexei has given me a new weapon schematic of his own design: an electric machete! Glad this didn't wind up in Rais's hands.


While performing the quest "Pact with Rais", Alexei will call out to Crane about needing his help. Climb up to his antenna and speak to the man. Alexei will state how his son, Kristov, has run off to join Brecken at the Tower. Crane is willing to help look for the boy, and in return, Alexei offers him a reward.

Go to the Tower and speak to Blake, he will give some insights, stating that he has seen Kristov and expects him to be on a suicide mission. Deniz also gives some more insightful information, as he informs Crane that Ayo on the 19th floor is in charge of all the new scouts, and advises him to look there for more information. Ayo tells Crane that Kristov was sent out towards a skyscraper, but hasn't been heard from since. While en route towards the skyscraper, Kristov calls out for help via the radio and announces that he's found some wounded survivors around a nearby hostel. Go out to help him.

"Alright, I've secured a safe zone.
Kyle Crane"

Clear the hostel parking lot and rooms from zombies, turn the power on and close the gate to turn it into a safe zone. Be mindful of the goon and toad. After clearing the place, speak to Kristov. He will agree to stop being a runner on the condition that Crane brings his father Alexei to the Tower. So make your way to Alexei.

Alexei is originally disappointed that Crane couldn't get his son back, but is eventually convinced to go to the Tower. Before he can set out, however, five of Rais's Bandits show up to kill Alexei, as he has produced enough weapons for them. Kill the bandits and speak to Alexei to complete the quest.



  1. The Prodigal Son - Quest log (Dying Light)