Midnight Bride

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"Everyone knows you'll catch more fish with flies than sugar, but if you want more fish, we need more bait! And the best bait is a weed called midnight bride. Fish go bonkers for it! We call it midnight bride because it glows in the dark, just like a bride does. At least that's what I've heard. Never been married myself, for some reason. But I digress. This stuff grows in the park, but you'll need to go there at night to spot it. I'll pay well to get five samples."
Quest introduction

Midnight Bride is a side quest available in Dying Light.[1]


Objective icon.png
Collect midnight bride herbs by night
Objective icon.png
Bring herbs to Gursel



The location is marked on your map. The herbs are found in the western-most portion, in a small park outside of two apartment buildings. There are a number of safe zones within 100 meters of the target and the herbs appear between 2130 and 0600, meaning you can pick up all 5 before night and get to one of the nearby zones before 2200.


  1. Midnight Bride - Quest log (Dying Light)