The Saviors (quest)

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This article is about The Saviors (quest). You may be looking for The Saviors (faction).

"Jade hooked up with a group called "The Saviors" - apparently they can get people to Sector 0. I gotta find them and locate her contact - a man named Cenk."
Quest introduction

The Saviors is the seventh story quest available in Dying Light.[1] This is a long quest that marks the player's transition into Old Town out of the Slums. It is a journey through a tract of sewers.


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Locate the people who can take you to Sector 0
At first Cenk was reluctant to even talk to me, but after I mentioned what I did to Rais, the Saviors decided to give me a hand. They'll help me get to Sector 0.

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Find the tunnel leading out of the Slums
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Meet the Saviors in the tunnel
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Follow your guide
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Talk to Hazan
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Follow the marked path to Sector 0
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Survive the ambush
Saviors my ass. Bastards are working with Rais. They ambushed me, and I barely got past them... So much for trusting people.

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Find your way to Sector 0


Having survived Rais's pit, Crane wakes up at the pier after having fallen unconscious from his infection. Brecken informs him that Jade never arrived at Dr. Camden and that the air drops have stopped coming in. He informs Crane of the Saviors, located in the Cauldron district, who smuggle people to Old Town, where Dr. Camden is located. After mentioning the contact Cenk, Crane makes his way out to meet them. Cenk is rather uncooperative at first, until Crane mentions he cut off Rais's hand.

"I got a guy here who claims he's the one who took Rais's hand off... ...Crane... ...Yeah, that's what he said.... Really? Are you sure? ...huh, ok... right."
Cenk to another Savior

After verifying Crane's story, Cenk is willing to help Crane and tells him to go to a sewer entrance in the tunnel which used to lead to Old Town before its collapse. The tunnel can be found in the far south-west of the map, and is part of the main road. Knock on the door and be greeted by Hazan, who will escort Crane to a waiting area where other survivors are located. Dawud can be spoken to here about his decision to abandon Salma. Speak to Hazan again to start the process of leaving to Old Town. Crane gets to go first, to the disproval of other survivors:

Smuggler: "We need to do this one by one. And this man needs to go first."
Survivor: "But he just got here. We've been here for hours!"
Smuggler: "I don't make the rules. Wait here."

The smuggler will open up a floorboard, jump down and swim to the next area. Use parkour to climb up and follow the arrows. You will end up in a large ditch filled with infected and virals. Either fight your way through, distract them, or climb up to the platforms to jump over them. At the end of the ditch is a goon and a gate which has to be opened to continue. Be careful, as there is a bomber in the large pipe connected to the gate. At the end of the gate, there is a small storeroom with some loot, but the path itself leads to the right side to a chamber where a toad is found standing in toxic waste. From here, use the pipes to climb up to the platform leading to the doorway.

The doorway leads to another ditch where the pipes are used to advance again. At the end of the ditch is a large, downward pipe. During the slide down, Hazan apologizes because he has betrayed Crane to Rais because Rais holds power over him. Follow the arrows to end up falling into a large room filled with water - Rais's Bandits are there and will open fire, so make use of the concrete pipes in the water as cover. After reaching another room, swim to the right and upwards and you should find a ladder out of the water. Prepare yourself for the battle. Be mindful, as all seven of Rais's men are armed with military or police rifles and are able to shoot from almost anywhere if the previous room is entered.

Having dispatched the Bandits, follow the sewers again and make your way to the surface. You will enter the basement of a building, where another three of Rais's Bandits are found, again armed with rifles, in conversation about what's taking the others so long. Dispatch them, contact Brecken, and head for the roof.



  1. The Saviors - Quest log (Dying Light)