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The City of Harran was besieged with a strange virus that caused a deadly outbreak, infecting and killing thousands of citizens. As a result, the government created a quarantine zone after being able to contain the outbreak to the western portion of the city, mostly within Old Town as well as the nearby slums, with the destruction of the Infamy suspension bridge spanning over the bay. As a result, hundreds upon hundreds of terrified residents remain trapped in quarantine, dying each day as the number of the undead climbs. While there is no rescue operation, the military has been making multiple air drops a day containing Antizin, the drug that suppresses the infection if bitten, among food and medical supplies. Those lucky enough to survive have taken up shelter in their residences or safe zones established around the city.

Quarantine Zones

Before the outbreak completely overcame the slums, the authorities declared several establishments as quarantine zones, areas marked hazardous and inhabitable and often filled with the dead.

  • Bright Mountain Tunnel - One of the first quarantine zones declared in Harran, the Bright Mountain Tunnel was a train tunnel used to transport supplies and relief to affected areas. It was also used to move people from area hospitals until the situation spiraled out of control, forcing the authorities to close off the tunnel via explosives. As a result, a train containing chemical waste spilled, covering one end of the tunnel in a deadly toxic cloud and a Good Will Relief transport was left abandoned. With the tunnel condemned, it remains overrun with zombies and filled with disaster relief supplies, making it a valuable target for survivors to raid, though many end up killed.
  • Stuffed Turtle - The Stuffed Turtle Supermarket located a short distance away from the Infamy Bridge was being used as a safe zone. The survivors inside were able to gather the food and supplies inside the store until the infected eventually broke inside, causing a bloodbath, having been drawn towards the supermarket due to the broadcasting system being utilized to call for help. With the supermarket condemned, it was declared a quarantine zone and roped off, despite survivors occasionally breaking inside to scavenge for disaster relief supplies, only to be killed off by the zombies shambling inside.
  • Underground Parking - When panic broke out in the slums, emergency services escorted a large group of healthy citizens into an underground parking garage of an apartment building that was turned into a temporary refugee camp. However, there was an outbreak inside and when all hell broke loose, the military sealed off the parking garage and any emergency exits, leaving everyone inside to die. As a result, disaster relief packages remain untouched inside the garage among the shambling zombies, including Volatiles, and bloody corpses.
  • Chemical Storage - A hazardous spill occurred in a chemical storage warehouse in the east end of the slums, mutating many of the infected into Toads. The toxic chemicals have created deadly gas clouds, forcing the authorities to quarantine the compound to prevent anyone from getting in - or out. Unfortunately, the warehouse was being used to store disaster relief packages at the time of the spill.
  • Sunny Apartments - The Sunny Apartments refers to an apartment building within the Slabs that was sealed by the military after the infection began to run rampant in the slums. Unfortunately, this meant that everyone inside became trapped as neighbors succumbed to the infection and reanimated, causing a bloodbath as the survivor groups inside attempting to barricade themselves were overrun. As a result, all of the residents of Sunny Apartments were killed. When Crane entered the building, he discovered that the central heating system had caught on fire, filling the building with smoke. Among the bloody corpses throughout the building, Crane put down the 22 zombified residents he came across, effectively clearing the building of the dead.
  • Parking Lot - The parking lot refers to an underground parking garage undergoing renovations at the time of the outbreak. Signs of the virus starting developing at the construction site when workers began turning, prompting the military in Old Town to quickly seal the parking garage, condemning entire working parties to a fate worse than death. Kyle Crane was able to clear the garage of a couple dozen of the undead, including several Bombers and Goons.
  • Dragon Hotel - The Dragon Hotel in Old Town was being used by many sports teams in town for the Global Harran Games. The authorities aren't sure if the outbreak originated at the hotel, but it was the site of one of the first reports of infections. As a result, the military quickly quarantined the hotel, trapping everyone inside. While the quarantine failed, the bloodshed overcame all of the guests and staff inside while leaving disaster relief supplies untouched and ripe for the picking.

The Ivory Tower

In the center of the slums of Harran are twin apartment buildings. While one was under construction at the time of the outbreak, the Ivory Tower has been turned into a major safe zone for the city's survivors. The lobby of the tower, along with floors 18, 19, 20, have been secured while other parts of the building have been quarantined up by barricading the stairwells with furniture. Infected survivors awaiting Antizin and families with children are among the dozens of people residing at the Tower, with many apartments fitted to accommodate up to 10 people in each apartment. Electric fences, ultraviolet lights, and armed guards are stationed in the lobby and in the nearby playing court where Dr. Zere's research trailer is stationed. Newly-recruited scouts are trained by parkour instructor Harris Brecken to effectively navigate the urban terrain of Harran and to avoid the zombies in the streets and alleyways. Undercover GRE Agent Kyle Crane was recruited by the Tower's scouts upon landing in Harran and being attacked by Rais' men. In exchange, Crane helps with various errands and missions for the people of the Tower to gain trust among them, and to help those in need. While working a deal with Rais in order to secure two cases of Antizin, an outbreak occurs on the 18th floor due to the lack of Antizin, leading to the death of many people and the permanent closure of the 18th floor. While out in the city, Crane is able to help a number of people and provide them safe passage back to the Tower where they are able to seek refuge. After the attack on Dr. Zere's trailer, Brecken, along with Spike, Timur, and Derek temporarily move to the ferry station to work with Morgan and his group.

Mark's brother was infected and turned while a scout tasked with setting up a safe zone was killed. At least thirteen (13) people were killed after an outbreak broke out on the 18th floor, trapping people and causing carnage. Jeff left the Tower to set up a personal outpost but was killed in a gas explosion. During a surprise attack on Dr. Zere's trailer, seven guards were killed.
Yusuf was a runner who escaped arrest at the Tower after selling a resident fake Antizin.
  • Jade Aldemir - captured by Rais and turned after being bitten during captivity, put down by Crane
  • Amir Ghoreyshi - killed on a supply run
  • Salma Tolgan - abandoned by husband
  • Sammy Tolgan - kidnapped by father and brought to Old Town, but returned to mother after Dawud's death
  • Sa'id - explosives expert (former bomb squad officer)
  • Yakup
  • Afra - became new gas supply expert for the Tower after Jeff's death
  • Aida - infected woman sent to the Tower by Crane
  • Yasmina - infected daughter of Aida sent to the Tower by Crane
  • Jamil - son of Aida sent to the Tower by Crane
  • Ryan - manufactured Slam pills for Rais's men until attacked by rival bandits, evacuates to the Tower after being rescued by Crane
  • Ahmet - former member of Rais's group, evacuated by Crane to the Tower

Slums of Harran

Within the slums of Harran, the outbreak created total chaos and destruction, killing thousands of people. For the few hundred that were able to survive, they have either fled to safe zones or are hiding in their homes and shops. Occasionally, a survivor may leave their refuge to scavenge for food, water, or other supplies, and many times they will be attacked by the undead or ambushed by Rais's soldiers. Fortunately, GRE Agent Crane was able to save dozens of people from harm, evacuating some to the Tower for safety.

Having fled their hideout at the Slabs, Governor Asani and his family sought refuge at the Haran Public School. With the help of Crane, they are able to call in a helicopter and be evacuated from Harran.
  • Volkan Yasif Dal - wealthy man trying to get out of city
  • Tolga - works for Volkan Yasif Dal
  • Fatin - works for Volkan Yasif Dal
  • Randall - doctor killed during outbreak
  • Asam - Ryan & Azim's associate killed during outbreak

Rais's Garrison

Kadir Suleiman, also known as Rais, a politician-turned-warlord, quickly gained control of the chaos in Harran as the outbreak progressively got worse. With a military quarantine of the city declared, Rais decided to take matters into his own hands and essentially became a warlord doing as he pleases in Harran. He set up his headquarters at an apartment complex in the western portion of the slums, where he stockpiles weapons, ammunition, Antizin, and other valuables. Having seized power, he quickly recruited dozens, if not hundreds, of brutal thugs and criminals to serve as his loyal soldiers. A solid number of his men reside at the garrison, patrolling the perimeter and rooftop while dozens of patrols are sent out into the city to secure airdrops, scavenge for supplies, and ambush survivors. Rais has also been able to force a number of survivor settlements in the slums into paying money for "protection", mostly from his own men. In addition to the garrison, Rais also seized control of a skyscraper construction site to the south, where he has essentially turned it into a gladiator pit, filled with recently-turned infected and even a few Demolishers boxed up in cargo containers. Since Dr. Zere's kidnapping, the garrison has been abandoned as Rais and his men have moved to Old Town with the intent of securing Dr. Camden and the research while eliminating Kyle Crane and Jade Aldemir. However, numerous pockets of thugs continue to patrol the slums of Harran, attacking survivors and looting homes.

In Old Town, Rais established another headquarters, located at the Harran Museum, while also establishing outposts at an office building and a radio station to stockpile weapons and supplies. According to one of the survivors, the past few weeks there has been a increase in the presence of Rais's Shock Squad in Old Town. It appears that these soldiers have been ordered to be as brutal as possible, going as far as torturing and slaughtering any survivors they come across. Fortunately for the survivors of Old Town, Crane was able to infiltrate both outposts and shut down operations, significantly reducing Rais's influence in Old Town and leaving the museum as their only base of operations in that part of Harran.

Havoc and Victor are among a group of soldiers dispatched to find Osman, but are defeated by Crane. Ozan, Hamdi, and Firat are soldiers dispatched to assassinate Governor Asani but were killed by Asani's forces. The guards stationed at the garrison were killed by Crane after he infiltrated it. Numerous other guards, soldiers, and patrols are killed by Crane throughout his time in Harran.
  • Rocket - overzealous runner found in house near the Tower

Black Serpent Bazaar

Within the slums, to the west of the Tower, is the Black Serpent Bazaar, a market where residents and tourists alike can browse the goods of local vendors. After the apocalypse ravaged Harran, a portion of the bazaar was turned into a safe zone, thanks to the wrought iron fence surrounding several of the buildings and stalls. Inside are several survivors who have gathered in safety.

Gerritsen is a woman who briefly stayed at the safe zone before leaving.

Jaffar's Wheelstation

The owner of Jaffar's Wheelstation opened up his auto garage as a safe zone in Harran, located west of the Tower and situated on a hill overseeing the nearby Black Serpent Bazaar. In addition to Jaffar, several other survivors reside at the safe zone, including a film director. Unfortunately, the safe zone is forced to pay Rais and his men for "protection" until Crane is able to liberate it. Afterwards, Jaffar remains in contact with Crane and the folks of the Tower, updating each other on happenings and notifying Crane of any ways he can assist the survivors.


Fisherman's Village

The Fisherman's Village, led by a man named Gursel, is a coastal neighborhood situated beneath the Infamy Bridge, in the eastern end of the slums. The village is popular with fisherman, merchants, and tourists alike. Due to the environmental barriers such as the bay and cliffs, the neighborhood is a perfect location for a safe zone, allowing many of the residents to remain in their homes. Additionally, the bay remains a viable food source for the residents. However, the settlement is one of many under Rais's "protection", and Crane discovered it overrun until he was able to clear it and secure the gate. Life remains relatively calm in the village as fishermen fish for food and kids play outside, despite the nearby threat of zombies on the roadways outside the gate. There was an incident where a resident kicked out an infected mother and her kids, however, Crane was able to locate the mother and have her and her kids evacuate to the Tower for care.

  • Gursel - leader of safe zone
  • Ayla
  • Victor - delivers medicine to nearby houses where survivors are living inside
  • Tom
  • Musa
  • Meliha
  • Harun
  • Tobias J. Bagwell
  • Sophia
  • Santiago
  • Kumi - killed after attempting to cross bay
  • Many unnamed men, women, kids

Harran Ferry Station

The ferry station served the city's residents by providing transportation across the bay to the eastern portion of Harran. However, when the outbreak hit, many of the boats left the quarantine while others were destroyed. In one instance, the Navy deliberately blew up a major ferry carrying dozens of people, killing everyone on board and sending the boat to the bottom of the bay. With escape by ferry no longer an option, survivors were forced to seek refuge elsewhere. However, a few people stayed behind and barricaded the ferry station, turning it into a small safe zone, with a man named Morgan as the leader. Several of the shipping containers were cleared out and furnished as living quarters while armed guards keep watch for any approaching threats. After the events of Dr. Zere's kidnapping, the ferry station is breached, forcing the survivors to retreat to the barge as zombies invade the safe zone. Spike, Timur, and Derek temporarily relocate to the ferry station to protect and hide Harris Brecken from retaliation carried out by Rais's men.


Embers' Tower

Within Sector Zero of Old Town, a group of survivors, known as the Embers, has taken up residence in one of the towers of the Harran Church. Communication was restored with the Embers after GRE Agent Crane was able to turn on power to one of the radio antennae towers, and Crane made contact with the group after traveling to Old Town to find Dr. Camden and Jade.

  • Troy
  • Savvy
  • Michael
  • Noah
  • Unnamed runner - killed while attempting to access antennae tower north of the slums

Old Town of Harran

In the Old Town district of Harran, the outbreak was just as deadly as it was in the slums. Signs of evacuations and containment can be seen in some parts of the city, with police barricades and checkpoints. However, the outbreak overwhelmed Old Town, turning much of its residents into the undead or corpses.

  • Dalma - woman in shock found in home in northern part of Old Town
  • Thabit Erdel - former Town Clerk, killed by Crane after he attacked him in the City Hall
  • Ishaq - found in apartment in northwest portion of quarantine zone
  • Halim - Captain of Harran Police Department, mutated into a Demolisher zombie
  • Mrs. Braithwaite - found in apartment northwest of Harran Church
  • David - found in apartment by the Royal Canal
  • Rupert - gunsmith in care of orphans at Magic Fortress kindergarten
  • Jasmine - Rupert's wife, kept in basement of her kindergarten after bitten and turned, but put down by Crane
  • Kadim - orphan found at kindergarten
  • Alya Bozkurt - diabetic orphan found at kindergarten
  • Ekrem Bozkurt - found dead in pizzeria, having been attacked when outbreak started
  • Harika Bozkurt - killed in apartment when outbreak started
  • Armed psychopath had created a trap at the Fan Zone TV station, luring survivors through a broadcast announcing women and children were in need of rescue and then brutally murdering them when they arrived to help, finally put down by Crane
  • Nineteen unnamed survivors were brutally murdered by a psychopath when they went to Fan Zone to help people
  • Deniz - a peasant woman who had turned
  • Umar - psychopathic cannibal feeding upon humans and pets, killed by Crane
  • Four unnamed orphans reside under Rupert's care at Magic Fortress kindergarten
  • Dr. Camden - remains barricaded in laboratory
  • Mr. Dooley - Tom's father, cannibalized by neighbor Umar

Rooftop safe zone

In the southern portion of Old Town by the bay, a safe zone has been established in a courtyard on the roof of a building, where survivors reside within barbed-wire walls and grow food in the garden.

  • Seda
  • Ihsan
  • Barjam
  • Tariq - museum curator
  • Tom Dooley - orphan rescued by Tariq
  • Zhanna
  • Unnamed merchant

Harran University

Harran University, located in Old Town, was barricaded in the early stages of the outbreak, but parts of the campus was lost to the zombies. However, the library of the university has been cleared and turned into a safe zone, which can be accessed from the roof. Eventually, Spike makes his way to the university from the slums and provides support to Crane when needed.

  • Fidan
  • Spider - runner evacuates here after being rescued by Crane
  • Mufid - briefly seen at safe zone
  • Rooftop guard
  • Unnamed merchant
  • Unnamed man
  • Unnamed child
  • Two unnamed women

The Countryside

Beyond the city of Harran, across the bay to the west, is a vast open region called the Harran Farmlands, or referred to as the Countryside by locals. The sprawling landscape is dotted with farms, hamlets, and campsites as well as the lighthouse, the grainery, the scenic overlook, and the Harran Dam, which provides hydroelectric power to the region. A highway overpass runs north-south of the farmlands as well as several train tracks, used to transport crops to the grainery as well as the city. Along the coast of the bay is Meryton, a seaside town popular among tourists, beachgoers, and locals alike. However, when the infection first reached the countryside, a massive wall was constructed towards the southeast as a precaution while the town of Meryton was placed under quarantine. The military attempted to evacuate as many civilians as possible, but the infection proved to be too much and many residents were killed and turned, including the military personnel. With Meryton lost, the zombie outbreak quickly spread to other parts of the countryside, overwhelming farms and military checkpoints and infecting hundreds of residents and travelers.

Shortly after Rais' regime in the city was eradicated, an injured man named Kurt made his way from the countryside to Harran and was brought to the Tower for medical care. As Lena and Kyle Crane took care of him, he speaks of The Mother and her acolytes who are refereed to as The Faceless, who are immune from the infection and have supposedly "domesticated" the zombies. Determined to find out if Kurt had any merit in his statements before dying, Kyle is dispatched to investigate. Once reaching the countryside, he arrives at Jasir's Farm, a community of survivors who receive protection and "blessings" from The Mother. In order to meet the Mother for a possible cure, Kyle is tasked helping out the survivors at the farm in order to build up trust among the Faceless. In addition to the survivors of Jasir's Farm, Kyle runs into numerous survivors around the countryside, saving them from zombies and bandits alike. He also helps out a group of survivors holed up in a gas station outside Meryton, among others at various locations throughout the farmlands.

Jasir's Farm

A local farmer by the name of Jasir has secured his farm and opened it up to survivors as a safe-zone, many of which follow the Mother alongside Jasir. The farm contains several buildings used by survivors alongside the barn and farmhouse. Food is being grown in the vegetable garden and guards keep watch at the front gate and on the rooftops. The farm inhabitants receives its water from the pump station after it is cleared out of bandits and electricity from the Harran Dam.

  • Jasir - farm owner
  • Ezgi - daughter of owner, fled to Old Town in Harran, brought to the Tower by Troy
  • Polat
  • Burak
  • Eylem
  • Kemal
  • Sinan
  • Latif
  • Sera
  • Sedar
  • Esma
  • Merkur
  • Zuhal
  • Ali - rescued at pump station, goes to power plant to maintain electricity
  • Ercan - rescued from bandits at his farm
  • Ercan's daughter
  • Jamal
  • Marwan - leaves farm
  • Kurt - left for Harran, died
  • 12 unnamed survivors
  • Merchant

Bibal's Gas Station

Bibal, an auto mechanic, is sent to Meryton where he barricades a gas station and turns it into a safe-zone for survivors. Several townspeople who survived the zombie outbreak have fled to the gas station and remain safe. The Faceless has a following at the safe-zone, including Bibal and his brother.

  • Bibal
  • Nuri
  • Serdar
  • Hanife
  • 4 unnamed survivors
  • Merchant
  • Quadmah
  • Fudail - hunter who arrives at safe-zone

Harran Countryside

The countryside is dotted with farms, houses, businesses, campsites, and other locations where survivors are riding out the outbreak.

  • Farm north of Jasir's Farm - gang of bandits killed by Kyle, farm secured as safe-zone
  • Pump station - Tarkan (leader) and gang of bandits (including Roscoe) killed by Kyle, pump station secured as safe-zone
  • Bekir and 3 bandits killed at pump station at later time for trying to poison water supply
  • Ziya and zombified son - in cave to south of Meryton, both killed
  • Arda and farmer found outside cave entrance south of Meryton
  • Jacob Greaves - safe at his truck and trailer on overpass
  • Sergeant Timur and Colonel Kurtar - killed in Meryton
  • Postmaster K.K. - committed suicide at post office
  • Arshan and Terhi - farmers killed at their farm north of pump station
  • Melih and two kids - rescued from zombies at their house by river, open a safe-zone
  • Jannah - woman found at husband's grave on islet in middle of lake to the south
  • Gokhan and friends - fled after Kyle found them at a warehouse at grainery
  • Fatma and her husband - rescued from zombies a their house, open a safe-zone
  • Ozan - Ezgi's boyfriend who lives on his farm to the north
  • Talo - Polat's brother killed in outbreak
  • Adam - gun collector from Meryton killed in outbreak

Missing Persons
Many people have gone missing throughout the countryside and signs have been posted at various safe-zones inquiring about their whereabouts. Unfortunately, many of these people have been found dead throughout the farmlands by Kyle Crane.

  • Emrah
  • Demet
  • Belkit
  • Yavuz
  • Nazan
  • Bahri
  • Ekrem
  • Levent
  • Hayko
  • Sezen
  • Kerim
  • Emre - found dead at beach pizza shop