Faruk Korkmaz

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"Hose 'em, and close 'em. That's what I say."
Faruk to Kyle Crane.

Faruk Korkmaz is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a surivivor found within the slums of Harran. He is found during a random encounter in which he can be right outside the Tower.

When approached by Kyle Crane, he explains that he is employed by Zerp Cleaning Products and Services and was a mere three sales away from being awarded "Salesman of the Year". Considering the outbreak, he believes his company will be closing out the year early and thus has a limited amount of time to make the deadline. He asks that Crane escort him to three locations in order for him to complete the deliveries.

The first two deliveries go rather uneventfully, with nobody answering the door so Faruk just leaves the product outside. However, during the third delivery the pair are ambushed by a member Rais' Gang. Crane kills the thug while Korkmaz makes the delivery before escaping towards the Tower.

Once safely in the lobby he thanks Kyle and rewards him with a blueprint for the Fire Launcher, as well as naming him an honorary employee of Zerp.



Faruk: "Sir! I really must speak to you on a matter of great urgency. You will profit in both pocket and wisdom, if you just give me a moment of your time."
Crane: "No offense, but you sound like a salesman."
Faruk: "But I am a salesman!. I am Faruk Korkmaz, Expert Sales Associate of Zerp Cleaning Products and Services. And I have a wonderful opportunity for you today, Sir."
Crane: "I don't really want to buy anything."
Faruk: "Of course you don't - and I do not want to sell you anything. Except one thing. An idea: You helping me."
Crane: "Oh, boy."
Faruk: "Sir, I am just three sales short of being Salesman of the Year. That is assuming that with all the death and zombies, we'll be closing-out the year early... which we will."
Crane: "Look, I'm pretty busy."
Faruk: "We are all busy. I'm busy. You're busy helping me. But these sales are already made. I just have to make delivery of three bottles of Zerp Stain Remover, so I can post to billing. Then the sales are complete, and I am Salesman of the Year."
Crane: "Yeah, but..."
Faruk: "...But what's in it for you? Glory! What else? Rewards! Yes, some good useful treasure for someone like you. Plus, you get the Zerp Gaurantee of satisfaction."
Crane: "Alright, Faruk, let's get going."
Faruk: "You will not regret this! It's tough-times for sales. It's really death out there, what with all the death and so forth."
Crane: "And yet, you soldier on."
Faruk: "Hose 'em, and close 'em. That's what I say."

At the second delivery site:

Faruk: "Zerp Chemical. Delivery! Probably out getting Antizin. Hope you find some! Your Zerp is waiting at the door. Also, it's automatic re-order, so you'll get two more bottles next month. Enjoy your stain-free existence. Sometimes they start shooting at me. We should get going."
Crane: "I usually feel good about helping people."
Faruk: "What are you, the Peace Corps?"

Back at the Tower:

Faruk: "Thank you, Sir. You are now an honorary employee of the Zerp Chemical Company. Congratulations."
Crane: "Uh ... Thanks."
Faruk: "Here is your payment. Good luck to you, but stay out of my territory. If I catch you poaching my customers, I'll shoot you. Goodbye."


  • "Hose 'em and close 'em!" – During combat.
  • "Buy this or die!" – During combat.
  • "Zeeeeerrrrrrp!" – During combat.
  • "Here's a sample!" – During combat.
  • "Get out of my territory!" – During combat.
  • "NO REFUNDS!" – During combat.
  • "He's doing the hard sale on me! Get him off!" – When being bitten.
  • "This territory is exhausted. Time to move on." – After winning a fight.
  • "He was a good customer. I hated to kill him." – After winning a fight.
  • "Zerp Chemical. Delivery! Perhaps they are out killing someone. I'll leave it at the door. You'll be billed later!" – At the first delivery site.
  • "Zerp Chemical! Delivery!" – At the third delivery site.



  • In the Enhanced Edition of Dying Light, Faruk now wears a dust mask covering his face.
  • If Crane falls behind while escorting him, Korkmaz references Willy Loman, the protagonist of American playwright Arthur Miller's 1949 Death of a Salesman.