Nick Pesto

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"Man, I love all this combat stuff! Like, you probably noticed that I'm super-good at it, 'cause I used to study Hapkido, which I thought was going to be like ... hopping. Turns out it's weapons. But the sensei made me quit, because he said I was dangerous to everyone around me. So, that's how deadly I am. Anyone in my vicinity, I can totally kill. It's a scary ability, I can tell you."
Nick to Kyle Crane.

Nick Pesto is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is an American tourist-now survivor found within slums of Harran. He is found during a random encounter in which he can be found trapped in a van in the car park of the Stuffed Turtle supermarket.

While passing through the lot, Kyle Crane may hear someone shouting for help, coming from inside a van belonging to Rais' Gang. Once freed, Nick explains that he is an American who came to Harran as a tourist for the Global Athletics Games, intent on supporting Team USA. He admits that after the outbreak, he joined on with Kadir "Rais" Suleiman and his gang until he had a falling out with his new comrades and he fled the Garrison. He was tracked down and captured, but the van broke down on the way back to Rais and the men escorting him were either mauled or fled. Crane agrees to escort Pesto back to the Tower.

First, he leads Kyle to a nearby group of Rais' thugs so that he can retrieve his skull ring, stolen during his capture. He then asks Crane to help him retrieve his passport, which he was unaware he even needed to get back to the United States. Once he has his passport, Nick will agree to an escort back to the Tower.

Once safely in the lobby he thanks Kyle and rewards him with a blueprint for the Zappo.

He is also the author of Note 27, a collectible found inside the Hotel in Old Town. In the note he describes an encounter with a native woman, explaining she "tried coming on to me, mumbling in that groany gibberish language they have here." While getting away he was bitten, and soon after began feeling strange.



Nick: "Finally."
Crane: "Who are you?"
Nick: "Nick Pesto. I'm American, much like yourself. Came for the games. I'm one of those guys who yells, U-S-A! U-S-A! The Harranies hate it. Makes me laugh. Screw 'em, right? Bunch of foreigners! Can't stand 'em."
Crane: "Looks like the Harranies had had enough of you too."
Nick: "Yeah, when this whole zombie-thing came down, I was like, "whoa, this sucks." So, I figured, Rais seemed like my kind of guy, so I was hanging with his mob, but then things went all pear-shaped."
Crane: "And they kicked you out in the streets with your hands tied."
Nick: "That's his version. Anyway, I thought I'd try the Tower. Here's the deal: Get me to the Ivory Tower and I'll hook you up with something that nobody in this whole shawarma-eating bunghole's got."
Crane: "Alright, Nick. Let's get you out of here."
Nick: "Yes! Nick Pesto is back in the game! Excellent. You will not regret this. Now, before we go to the Tower, there's a couple things I need to pick up."
Crane: "No. We don't have time."
Nick: "Then there's no time to argue. Follow me!"

At the overpass:

Nick: "Man, I love all this combat stuff! Like, you probably noticed that I'm super-good at it, 'cause I used to study Hapkido, which I thought was going to be like ... hopping. Turns out it's weapons. But the sensei made me quit, because he said I was dangerous to everyone around me. So, that's how deadly I am. Anyone in my vicinity, I can totally kill. It's a scary ability, I can tell you. There it is. The ring of power. One ring to rule them all! Okay cool. One down and two to go. The next one is my passport. See, I thought I just needed it get into Harran, but it turns out you need it to get out too. Who knew, right? But it was weighing me down, 'cause it was in my butt pocket, and I could feel it restricting my leg movement, so I tossed it at this bakery. I think I remember where it is."
Crane: "Nick, you're starting to get on my nerves, you know that?"
Nick: "Ding-ding! Wish I got a dollar for every time I heard that."

At the bakery

Nick: "Hey, there's my American Beauty! Back in my butt pocket with you."
Crane: "Is that it?"
Nick: "Yeah, all set. To the Tower, Jeeves!"

At the Tower:

Nick: "My new home!"
Crane: "Try to behave yourself in there, Nick. These people have been through a lot."
Nick: "Don't worry, grumpy-guss, I'll fit right in. You know why? I'm a team player. I just need to bring them up to speed on the way things should be done from now on. Here's your reward, pal. You want any more combat lessons, just give me a shout. I'll make you a master-killer. Later, skater."


  • "You want in on this? Don't let me have all the fun!" – In combat.
  • "When you deal with the master, your fate is disaster!" – In combat.
  • "Ooooh, slow moving monsters! I am sooooo scared. Not!" – In combat.
  • "You, I'm going to hack to death." – In combat.
  • "Stop biting me, ya freaking weirdos!" – In combat.
  • "Ouch-wouchy, did that hurt?" – In combat.
  • "When you deal with the best, you die like the rest!" – In combat.
  • "Nick Pesto is all over them. It's incredible! He's like a one man human lawnmower!" – In combat.
  • "Okay, you keep fighting, and I'll just sort of ... move along." – When fighting an enemy far from Nick.
  • "You're doing great. I'll go ahead and look for some beer." – When fighting an enemy far from Nick.
  • "First, we're going to recover my awesome skull ring. One of Rais's goofballs stole it off me when they tied me up. Anyway, I know where they went, so it's payback time. It's serious finger-bling, 'cause its like a skull with these red jewel eyes. I think they're either rubies or glass. I'm not sure which." – At the overpass.
  • "Hey, I'm done here! You want to stand around and kill everything? There is something wrong with you, man." – At the overpass.
  • "Look at this guy. Bet he's benching 300, maybe 350." – At the Tower when facing the Goon.



  • He was voiced by Adam Gifford, who also voiced Kaan in Dying Light: The Following.
  • In the Enhanced Edition of Dying Light, Nick now wears a respirator mask and bicycle helmet, covering his face.
  • He mentions studying hapkido, a Korean martial art which employs joint locks, grappling, and throwing techniques as well as training in traditional weapons. Pesto thought it was the art of hopping, and was later removed from the class by his sensei for being a danger to those around him.
  • After finding his ring, he may reference British author J.R.R. Tolkien's 1954 epic high-fantasy series Lord of the Rings by quoting the famous poem; "One ring to rule them all, and one ring to find them."