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Jaffar is a minor character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a survivor and former mechanic residing within his old workshop, known as Jaffar's Wheelstation.

During the main story quest Pact With Rais, Kyle Crane is sent to the Wheelstation to collect a tribute for criminal warlord Kadir "Rais" Suleiman.

Later, Crane returns to the Wheelstation, feeling guilty for his action. He then reveals to Jaffar that he was only working for Rais to benefit the Tower. Jaffar forgives Crane and recruits him to investigate a nearby construction site being guarded by members of Rais' Gang, initiating the Steal from a Thief side-quest. Crane wipes out the thugs at the construction site and finds numerous crates of dynamite, some of which he steals and brings back to Jaffar.

Following the theft of the dynamite, Jaffar directs Crane to Wheelstation survivor Kurt, after he develops a plan to improve the explosives.


Show: Pact with Rais

Crane: "You Jaffar?"
Jaffar: "Who wants to know?"
Crane: "My name isn't important. What's important is that Rais sent me. And that you owe him some money."
Jaffar: "I've never seen you before. For all I know you're just some random asshole. Fuck off."
Crane: "Tell you what. How about I break both your legs and drag you through the streets back to Rais's place, huh? Then he can explain to you that you should've cooperated."
Jaffar: "Okay, okay, Jesus! You ARE one of Rais's thugs. You guys are the only ones who'd act this shitty. Here, here's your money, take it."
Crane: "If I have to come back here..."
Jaffar: "You won't get any more attitude! Mi casa, su casa. Just don't hurt me, all right?"

Show: Steal from a Thief

Jaffar: "Shit... it's you again? I mean... what are you doing here?"
Crane: "Relax... Relax... I don't work for Rais. That was a one-time job, and it was all about protecting the Tower. Look, I'm sorry... I mean it."
Jaffar: "Is that right?"
Crane: "Look, everything I was doing... I was doing for Brecken. You can ask anyone in the Tower, if you don't believe me... So, what do you got, Jaffar?"
Jaffar: "We've been picking up some of Rais' transmissions. One of his crews found something at the construction site, and they got very excited. They didn't say what it was, but they referred to "bringing down the entire Tower in one shot". Someone's got to find out what it is, and either confiscate it or destroy it."
Crane: "Well, I'm someone."
Jaffar: "Congratulations, the job is yours. We'll be in touch!"

Upon returning with the dynamite:

Crane: "Jaffar? Rais's men really found something."
Jaffar: "Something valuable?"
Crane: "Yeah, is dynamite worth a lot?"
Jaffar: "Dynamite is gold! We could cook you up something with that. Kurt's a natural when it comes to this stuff."
Crane: "Alright... One pack for you, the rest for me."
Jaffar: "Kurt will figure out how to give it some oomph... We'll be in touch!"

Show: Total Security

Crane: "What've you got?"
Jaffar: "Someone must have turned the antenna on. We're picking up signals from all over town. One of them is from Hanson's group. Hanson used to run security at the Tower, but he thought the building was too vulnerable. He wanted to move everyone to a new location. Of course, Brecken wouldn't have it. So him and some others up and left. We never heard from them after that - until today. You can hear for yourself."
Seref's Voice: "This is Seref, I'm with Hanson's group. There's been an accident, and we need help. I'm concerned who might be listening, so I can't be specific. Please come quickly."
Jaffar: "It just repeats."
Crane: "Does Brecken know about this?"
Jaffar: "He said until we actually talk to someone, he doesn't want to risk sending a runner out there."
Crane: "Maybe I'll go out and have a look."
Jaffar: "I'd appreciate it. Hanson ran a tight ship. I can't understand how things could've gone wrong with him in charge."

After reaching the building:

Crane: "Jaffar, it's Crane. I'm at the building. The entire outer structure is electrified."
Jaffar: "That's Hanson's trademark. He was the first to rig the electric traps. He's got a real knack for it."

After finding Hanson:

Crane: "Jaffar, I think I found Hanson. Looks like he took a fall, and then the biters finished him off. He's been dead for a while."
Jaffar: "What about the others?"
Crane: "I'll let you know when I find something."

After checking the rooftop:

Crane: "Jaffar, I've found the rest of his group. They're all dead. Killed themselves."
Jaffar: "Why? What the hell happened?"
Crane: "Looks like Hanson switched on the security grid, and then fell. The rest of his people got stranded on the roof, with no way down. Looks like they eventually ran out of supplies, and decided to cash out."
Jaffar: "They couldn't get into the building?"
Crane: "Seems Hanson had the only key. Guess he didn't trust anyone else."
Jaffar: "No, Hanson never trusted other people."
Crane: "It's too bad they trusted him."
Jaffar: "Thanks for going out there, Crane. Jaffar out."
