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Osman is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a survivor residing within the northern tunnel in the Slums of Harran.

He first appears during the main story quest Pact With Rais, in which Kyle Crane witnesses criminal warlord Kadir "Rais" Suleiman cuts off Osman's right hand with a machete.

Later, Crane meets with Osman in the northern tunnel and Osman asks that Kyle search for his missing brother, Nazim. As a reward for finding his brother, Osman rewards Crane with three keys to supply stashes throughout the Slums.



Show: O Brother Where Art Thou?

Osman: "Who's there?! Don't move!"
Crane: "What is it?"
Osman: "So you remember me? I know I remember you. You were at Rais' camp when I lost my hand. You're one of Brecken's guys. If you were anyone else, I'd kill you."
Crane: "Lucky me."
Osman: "That's right. As for Rais, I'll settle with that psycho in my own time. But first I need your help to find my brother, Nazim. He's the one who helped me escape. He went for food at the supermarket, but he hasn't been back since. I'll pay you to find him."
Crane: "What do you intend to pay me with?"
Osman: "Are you kidding? My brother and me worked for Rais. You know what that means? Collecting stuff. That's all we ever did. We look for stuff, we find stuff, we take stuff. Well, we wound up with a lot of stuff. Some of it we'd turn over to Rais. Some of it we kept ourselves - you know, in case things got too crazy. Not like stealing, but protecting for the future. That's just smart, right?"
Crane: "Until you got caught."
Osman: "We've still got plenty left. Weapons, medicine, money. We've got stashes all over the city. But now Rais's men are looking for us, so I have to be careful going out... So we've got a deal?"
Crane: "I'll think about it."
Osman: "It will be worth your while... I promise!"

Upon returning:

Osman: "Another minute and I'd be a dead man. I thought maybe you sold me out."
Crane: "Rais's men got your brother. He talked before I could get to him."
Osman: "So Nazim is dead?"
Crane: "No, no. He's all right, though you're both short a few fingers now. Anyway, he says he wants you to meet him at the Red Wall stash. He said you'd know what that means."
Osman: "It means you didn't double-cross me. You're a straight shooter, Brecken's guy. You want to join me and my brother?"
Crane: "Yeah... No. I'll just take my pay."
Osman: "Fair enough. I promised you good, this is good. These keys will open three stashes in different parts of the Slums. If you can get to them, they're all yours. Good luck, Brecken's guy."