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Khaliq is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a resident of the Tower and can be found on the 20th floor. Following completion of the quest Gunslinger, he moves down to the lobby and posts a bulletin requesting someone to retrieve his spare glasses, initiating the Spare Glasses quest.

He informs Kyle Crane that his glasses were broken when Dawud Tolgan sat on them and asks that Crane retrieve his spare pair, which he left behind at his Ivy Road apartment. When Crane agrees, Khaliq also asks that he retrieve his gardening guide book, which he intends to help him with a rooftop garden.

Upon completion of his quest, he will again be wearing glasses and will relocate to the roof of the Tower and tend to a garden.



Show: Spare Glasses

Crane: "Hey - I saw your notice on the bulletin board."
Khaliq: "You're a runner? Excellent. That idiot Dawud sat on my glasses in the canteen, and I'm blind as a bat. How can I help Alfie if I can't see anything? I've got a backup pair at my place - it's not far away, it's just, y'know... I can't get there myself..."
Crane: "Need anything else while I'm there?"
Khaliq: "Oh my God, you'll do this for me? Thank you! Oh, and one more thing... See, we're going to start a vegetable garden on the roof - y'know, so we can maybe not starve to death - but nobody here really knows how to do it. On my birthday I got a book on gardening. I never read it. It's "Growing Vegetables for Dum-Dums" or something like that. It should be on a bookcase, but, y'know... you might have to look around for it."

Upon returning with the items:

Khaliq: "You've got my glasses AND the book?! That's great! Good Lord - my glasses are filthy! What have you been doing with them? No, never mind. It doesn't matter. Here, let me give you something for your trouble."
