Salma Togan

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Salma Togan is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

She is a survivor residing within The Tower, along with her husband, Dawud. She and her husband have a distant relationship, and his only focus is their son, Sammy.

Salma is one of the first residents of the Tower to speak to Kyle Crane. Unlike the other Tower residents, who are initially cold to Kyle due to his rescue resulting in the death of Amir Ghoreyshi, Salma attempts to be helpful to Crane and explains to him what is going on. She mentions that she is the Tower's 18th infected person, with Crane being the 31st.

During the side-quest Gunslinger, Dawud takes their son Sammy and leaves the Tower by force using a gun Crane provides to him, unaware of Dawud's plan. Salma explains that Dawud wished to take Sammy and find a safer place to live against Salma's wishes, and that the two of them had been fighting about it for weeks. She explains that she and her husband have been estranged for a long time. A note found in Dawud's pawn shop indicates she may have been the victim of domestic violence. A regretful Crane vows to find Dawud and return Sammy to his mother.

In Old Town, Dawud fails to find a safer place to live, and ends up bitten by a zombie. He manages to hide his son in a closet and sends out a distress call before turning. Crane receives the call, kills the zombified Dawud, and rescues Sammy. With her son returned to her, Salma remembers her husband as a flawed, but good intentioned man, and notes that he loved his son and died protecting him.


Show: Awakening

Salma: "31. That's your number."
Crane: "Excuse me?"
Salma: "Your number. You're the 31st infected. I'm the 18th. Everything is counted here. One fewer doses of Antizin. One more new Infected. One more runner gone..."

Show: Gunslinger

Crane: "What happened? Where's Dawud?"
Salma: "He... He's gone! And he's taken my boy!"
Crane: "Can you tell me what happened?"
Salma: "He's wanted to leave for weeks, but I thought it was too dangerous. We've been fighting about it. Then he got a gun and took all of our money and kidnapped Sammy! HE TOOK MY SON!"
Crane: "Do you know where he's going?"
Salma: "He said he found a way out, but I don't know what it means. He wouldn't tell me. How could he do this? How did he get a gun?"
Crane: "I'm sorry, Salma. I got it for him. He said he would use it to get both of you out."
Salma: "Dawud doesn't want me. He hasn't wanted me for a long time. Now he has what he wants."
Crane: "I'll get your son back, Salma. I don't know how, but I will."