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Haluk is a character featured in Dying Light.


Early life

Prior to the outbreak, Haluk owned and operated a hotel in the city of Harran.

Events of Dying Light

He is a resident of the Tower and can be found in the lobby. He formerly operated a hotel, and reveals to Kyle Crane that he briefly rented a room to Spike before the outbreak. He informs Crane of Spike's age and real name, as well as his reason for coming to Harran.


Haluk: "Hey, you're Crane, right? I heard Aman talking about you. Don't worry, I'm not going to call you "31." We're all people here, aren't we? Not just numbers."
Crane: "Yeah, I'm Crane. Who're you?"
Haluk: "Name's Haluk. Hey, so, you've met Spike, haven't you? He's sort of our resident mad scientist."
Crane: "Yeah, I know Spike."
Haluk: "Spike will tell you a lot of things, but there's also some things he WON'T tell you. Like his real name -- it's Rudolph -- or that his birthday is coming up soon. He'll be fifty. He doesn't look that old, does he?"
Crane: "... Are you saying I should get him some sort of birthday gift?"
Haluk: "Oh, goodness, no! He HATES birthdays. It's just, Spike was renting a room from me when the outbreak happened, so I guess I probably know him better than anybody else in Harran. You know he used to teach at the University of Southern California? He decided to take a, I suppose you could call it a, ah, a sabbatical. There was sort of an accident. With a very attractive young co-ed."
Crane: "Wait -- Spike walked away from his job and came to Harran because he had an affair with one of his students?"
Haluk: "Her parents seemed to believe it was the only way for her to pass his class. Not very bright people, if had to guess. No, no, no! There was no affair! Only accusations! I don't even think it was the girl's idea."
Crane: "So... what are you asking me to do for Spike?"
Haluk: "Well... if you could... just say hi to him from me, all right? I miss hanging out."
Crane: "... I'll get right on that."