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Jeff is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He initially was a resident of the Tower and a skilled gas technician. He can be found in the lobby and works closely with Alfie, the Tower's electrical technician.

However, Jeff later has a falling out with his fellow survivors and leaves to establish his own safehouse, which he calls Fort Jefferson. When the gas supply is disrupted for the entire Slums district, Alfie sends Kyle Crane to investigate. This leads Crane to Jeff's safehouse, and initiates the Gassed Up quest.

Jeff admits to disrupting the gas supply but informs Crane on how to restore it; he tells Crane that if he wishes to resume the gas distribution, he must open three gas valves located in a tunnel, under an overpass, and near the train bridge. As Crane does so, the last gate sets off a chain reaction causing major gas leaks in the various stations. Jeff orders Crane to close the blue line's valves at the primary distribution gate, and afterwards promises to flip the master switch in his fort to resume the gas flow across the city.

Crane remedies all of the issues and returns to Jeff's fort. Jeff then activates his Apocalypse Wall, which is a deadly perimeter of open gas lines lined across his fort. The flames torch nearby zombies, but a problem causes a major explosion in his fort, killing him. Crane then tells Alfie that he has to find a replacement, in which Afra takes his place as the Tower's resident gas expert.

Jeff's body can be seen between the burning ruins, confirming his death.


Show: Gassed Up

Jeff: "This is the Fort Jefferson Tower, and you will addres me as Commander Jeff. I make the rules here. Is that clear? Not Brecken, not Rais. This is Jeffville... Or Jeffland... Or Jeffertown.... Or New-Jeff-City..."
Crane: "Look, Jeff..."
Jeff: "Commander Jeff!"
Crane: "There's an emergency. The gas it out all over the city."
Jeff: "Oh. Yeah. That... That was me."
Crane: "You shut off the gas?"
Jeff: "Installation of The Fort Jefferson Apocalypse Wall required a temporary interruption of the civilian gas supply. But I'm all ready now, so you can turn it back on."
Crane: "I think that's going to be your job."
Jeff: "No can do. I'm too critical to base operations. We'll have to send someone who's expendable."
Crane: "Commander, I'd like to volunteer."
Jeff: "You're a good man, whoever you said you are. I hate to lose you. Now, go open the quadrant allocation valves, pluse the primary distribution gate. Then report back to me, and I'll restore the city main pressure here. Hey! If you don't get killed, you can be the first civilian to witness my Apocalypse Wall."

After turning the gas lines on:

Jeff: "Fire and brimstone! What the hell did you just do?!"
Crane: "Alright, I opened the local valves, plus the primary gate."
Jeff: "Uh-huh. What about the ballast lines?"
Crane: "The what?"
Jeff: "Flaming flatulence! Do I have to tell you everything?! Obviously, you have to close all the valves on the Blue Line to keep the pressure balanced. Now hurry up, or we're going to be leaking more gas than grandma at Christmas!"

After balancing the gas line:

Jeff: "That did it. Now get back here on the double, soldier."
Crane: "Aye-aye, Commander."
Jeff: "This ain't the Navy, son. Drink some coffee and sober up."

At Fort Jefferson:

Jeff: "Well done, soldier. I'll open the main pressure gate. Then prepare your eyes for a feast of controlled pyro-combustion."
Crane: "I think I should watch this from a distance."
Jeff: "If you insist. You've got 10 seconds. ... Five... ... Four... ... Three... ... Two... ... One... IGNITION! Behold, the satanic inferno of the Apocalypse Wall! (Explodes)"


  • "I can see you real clear! Identify yourself, or you will be shot! Go away!" – During "Gassed Up", upon approaching his fortress
