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Karim is a character featured in Dying Light.


Early life

Karim is a native of, and was born in, Harran. Prior to the outbreak, he worked as the personal driver and bodyguard of Erol Asani – the provincial governor.

During the beginning of the outbreak, Asani is bitten in the leg by an infected. Karim takes him to Randall, the only doctor Karim knows in The Slums, who advises them to amputate the leg. Asani protests the amputation, having received contact prior that Antizin drops would begin shortly. Without knowing how long it would be until the Antizin drops, Karim and Randall has Asani's leg amputated, resulting in Asani firing Karim from his bodyguard position, leaving the two embittered toward each other as they part ways.

Karim wanders the city for a short time before joining Kadir "Rais" Suleiman and his gang, quickly earning trust and rising through the ranks.

Events of Dying Light

He is the quartermaster of criminal warlord Rais, based in The Garrison within the slums. As such, he manages the supplies and organizes Rais' Gang to collect airdrops from the GRE, before The Tower runners can get them.

During the story quest Pact with Rais, Kyle Crane completes a series of objectives for Karim in the hopes of earning Antizin for The Tower from Rais. However, Rais later refuses payment and admonishes Crane for acting as a lackey.

Later, during the side quest Cease and Desist, while Crane is assisting former provincial governor Erol Asani, he learns of Karim's history before working for Rais. Crane assists Asani as he believes Rais' gang is after him due to the fact that Rais views him, a former political leader, as a threat.

Crane eventually finds the raider party massacred by the infected, and an active radio by one of the bodies. Using the radio, Crane searches the apartments for any remaining raiders, only to find Karim alone as the last survivor of his group. He reveals that he had been a former bodyguard for Erol Asani, and mentions that it was not actually Rais' orders to have Asani killed. Karim wanted to confront Asani about their past conflict during the beginning of the outbreak, and try to possibly find a ride out of Harran with the governor.

After the governor escapes Harran and leaves airdrops behind for Crane, Karim is found waiting with the supplies. Karim mentions he considered taking the supplies for himself, but felt as though Crane had earned them, and thus leaves them to be collected by Crane out of respect.

Following the story quest The Pit, Karim ensures Kyle is able to retrieve his weapons following his escape from Rais' coliseum.

In the final story quest Extraction Rais shoots and fatally wounds Karim while Crane is ascending Rais' tower to confront Rais. Crane approaches the wounded Karim who tells Crane that this is what he and his friends deserved for trying to work with Rais, noting his fellow dead comrades around him. Karim then warns him that Rais has trapped the next two floors with explosives, before finally succumbing to his wounds. He is one of the few people Crane shows remorse for after dying.


Killed by

  • Rais
  • Himself (indirectly caused)

Rais shoots Karim due to believing that his group was no use and also because he found out Karim was helping Crane in his survival.

When Crane decides to stop Rais he finds a mortally wounded Karim sitting by the wall. He tells Crane that Rais has wrapped the next floors with explosives and warns Crane not to go up the stairs. He dies shortly after from blood loss.



Show: Pact with Rais

Karim: "There you are. Rais said you'd be coming by. I'm Karim."
Crane: "Crane."
Karim: "An American. I have an uncle there. Lives in Texas. You from Texas? You a cowboy?"
Crane: "I'm from Chicago."
Karim: "Okay, Al Capone, we'll be in constant contact over the radio. That way I can make sure you get where you need to go."
Crane: "And where's that exactly?"
Karim: "You're going to be climbing antenna towers and switching on shortwave radio modulators. Most of my men are too slow, too fat, or too drunk to climb a tower like that without killing themselves."
Crane: "And if I do this, I'll get the Antizin?"
Karim: "That's between you and Rais. I know better than to speak for him. Just don't fail. He doesn't handle disappointment very well."
After having spoken to the GRE:

Karim: "Hey, Al Capone, you ready to do this?"
Crane: "What exactly am I doing?"
Karim: "Radio communication has been pretty spotty in the quarantine. These modulators will help boost the signal so Rais can communicate with outposts at the far reaches of town."
Crane: "That's a benefit for everyone-not just Rais."
Karim: "Perhaps. But the emperor must monitor his empire."

Upon reaching the first antenna:

Crane: "Karim? I'm at the first antenna."
Karim: "If the power's not on, you'll have to turn it on. There will be a switch in the small building at the antenna's base."

Upon seeing the toad:

Crane: "What the WHAT THE HELL-!"
Karim: "Crane! Why are you shouting?"
Crane: "I'm shouting because this fucked-up infected motherfucker with guts hanging out his mouth just spit a bunch of toxic snot at me!"
Karim: "... Not a bad reason."

After turning the power back online:

Crane: "THERE. The power's fucking ON."
Karim: "Good. Now head up to the top."

After opening the switch box:

Crane: "Oh, shit, Karim, someone already scavenged this thing for parts. There's nothing up here to switch on."
Karim: "Fuck... I was afraid of that. All right, head to the next antenna tower. It's not too far from there. Just use the zipline and head east. You'll see it."

En route to the second antenna:

Crane: "Karim, what do I do if the second transmitter is trashed?"
Karim: "The better question is, what will you do if you disappoint Rais? And the answer is probably, "Die horribly"."

Upon arrival at the second antenna:

Crane: "Karim, I'm at the second antenna tower, and the fence is electrified. I think someone's inside."
Karim: "That will be Alexei. And perhaps his son, Kristov. I find them tiresome. Don't let them stand in your way. You've got to get inside and turn on that transmitter."

After using the second antenna:

Crane: "Hey Karim, the second transmitter is up and running. Is it working? Karim, do you hear me?"
Karim: "Loud and clear. Nice job. You know the way back, right?"
Crane: "Right."

After speaking to Rais:

Karim: "Ah, my friend. Rais likes you, I can tell..."
Crane: "How?"
Karim: "Because you are still among the living. The task at hand is as easy as can be. You simply have to make a few pickups from some nearby settlements."
Crane: "Which ones?"
Karim: "The first is Jaffar's Wheelstation. It's just east of here. But bear in mind, not everyone you talk to today will be in a... cooperative state of mind. I'm sure you can be convincing, though, no?"

Upon reaching Jaffar's Wheelstation:

Crane: "Karim? I'm by the Wheelstation."
Karim: "Took you long enough. Get the job done, and make it fast. This is just the first stop."

After collecting Jaffar's protection money:

Crane: "Karim, it's me. I just threatened to break an old man's legs."
Karim: "And it worked, didn't it? Next you collect the tribute from the Fishermen's Village. Head east, to the tunnel entrance. Their messenger always meets us there."

After being attacked by a bomber:

Crane: "Karim, I just saw something I've never seen before. This huge, bloated Infected just fucking exploded!"
Karim: "Yeah, we clal them bombers. Some of our guys use them to kill other Infected. Shoot them and they take out everything in a three-meter radius."
Crane: "Are you kidding me?"
Karim: "Keep your distance and you'll be fine. But what about the courier? Was he there?"
Crane: "No, I didn't see anybody, just fucking zombies."
Karim: "All right. You'll have to go to the Village directly, I suppose. Look for a man named Gursel."

Upon arriving at the village:

Crane: "Okay, Karim, I'm outside the village, but there's a whole horde of infected in there."
Karim: "So clear them out. We get paid for protection. Do some protecting."

Upon obtaining the money of the village:

Crane: "Okay, Karim, I got Dursel's money. I fucking hate myself now, but I got the money."
Karim: "The self-hatred fades eventually. Just one pick-up to go, at the ferry station on the old pier."
Crane: "There's a ferry?"
Karim: "There was until the navy sent it to the bottom of the bay. Dozens of people were stranded there, waiting for another one that never came."
Crane: "Are there any boats left?"
Karim: "Yes, but any boat that tries to leave the bay gets blown right out of the water."

After getting the protection money from the ferry harbor:

Crane: "Okay, Karim, I made the collection at the Ferry Station. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to Hell."
Karim: "Join the club. Now, come back and claim your prize. Good job today."

While on the way back from the ferry station:

Karim: "Crane. How close are you?"
Crane: "I don't know - about halfway back, I guess."
Karim: "Good. I need you to make a quick detour."
Crane: "Why?"
Karim: "One of our patrols went off the grid somewhere near the market."
Crane: "How is that my problem?"
Karim: "I'm making it your problem. See if you can find them or don't bother coming back."

Upon finding the lost patrol:

Crane: "Karim, I think I found your lost patrol. Something ripped them limb from limb."
Karim: "Search the bodies, look for some blueprints in a small envelope. And don't damage them! They're worth more than all those dead assholes put together."

While investigating the site: —
Karim: "Did you find the envelope?"
Crane: "Not yet. Wait a sec."

Upon obtaining the envelope:

Crane: "Okay, got it."
Karim: "Good. Bring it back to me right away. You're going to be a hero around here."

While en route back to Rais's headquarters:

Crane: "So, I think it's safe to say Rais isn't the most popular person in town, huh?"
Karim: "No, but he is the most feared. And you know the old saying? "It is better to be feared than loved if one cannot be both"."
Crane: "Machiavelli."
Karim: "Correct. Smart fellow, that one."

Upon returning to the headquarters:

Crane: "All right, here are the blueprints."
Karim: "Excellent. You're a lot more dependable than most of these drunks. Rais is waiting for you. Maybe we can work together again sometime."
Crane: "God, I hope not."

Show: Cease and Desist

Crane: "Karim, it's Crane. Drop your weapon or you're dead."
Karim: "What the hell's your problem? This doesn't concern you!"
Crane: "Sorry, Karim, but Erol Asani is my concern."
Karim: "You're working for him? You're a fool! I was his bodyguard. Okay? After everything got fucked up and they built the wall, we got overrun. He got bitten on the leg... I took him to Randall, the only doctor I knew in the Slums... and we cut it off. Clean. It was the only way... he would've turned if we hadn't done it. But the stubborn bastard never forgave us. So, we parted ways."
Crane: "So why are you trying to track him down now?"
Karim: "Early on, the authorities evac'ed all the political bigwigs out of the zone. Erol told us there was a chopper on the way to take us out with him. Then he got bitten, and with all the shit that happened after that, we missed the flight. But after you turned on the transmitter, we heard Erol asking for evac. And a couple of days ago somebody responded... from outside! The old bastard's got a flight out, and I want a seat on it."
Crane: "What about Rais? Does he care about this guy?"
Karim: "Not a rat's ass. This was my business. I just want to get out of Harran."
Crane: "Well, it looks like you won't be making that flight, huh?"
Karim: "That had already dawned on me. But I'd like to walk out of here."
Crane: "Look, if I see you again, I'm going to assume the worst. You got it?"
Karim: "Fair enough. Good luck, Crane. You're going to need it."

Atop the school:

Karim: "Hello, Crane. How's your day been?"
Crane: "I thought we had an understanding."
Karim: "I think we have a better understanding now. But... If you want to shoot me."
Crane: "Another time, maybe."
Karim: "He did leave you a few goodies. I was going to nick 'em, but I thought, no, Crane's earned 'em. Let him have them."
Crane: "You're almost okay, Karim."
Karim: "Almost... Until next time."
Crane: "Good luck, Karim."
Karim: "Exactly."

Show: Extraction

Karim: "Crane. Rais said you would come..."
Crane: "You've been shot! What the fuck is going on?"
Karim: "This is... what we get for... trying to make a living. Rais... betrayed us all."
Crane: "Yeah, I'm on my way up there, Karim. I'm going to kill that motherfucker with my bare hands."
Karim: "Not... this way. We've laid mines on the... two floors above us... Go through the second block... As high as you can... Then... you can come back..."


  • If the player completes the story quests before starting Cease and Desist, Karim will still appear despite having been killed.
  • On the PC version of the game, Karim will continue to blink following his death.
  • Prior to the release of the Enhanced Edition, Crane said "Goody, Karim," upon his death.
  • Karim oddly seems to be speaking with a Russian accent which may possibly indicate that he is Russian, partly Russian, or of Russian descent.