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Gursel is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a fisherman and the de facto leader of the survivors residing within Fisherman's Village in the slums of Harran. He lives above the market with his wife, Ayla.

During the main story quest "Pact with Rais", Kyle Crane is sent to the village to collect a tribute for criminal warlord Rais. Crane finds the village compromised and swarming with infected, and so clears the village and secures the gate.

Later, following the side-quest "Gas Mask Man", Crane learns that Gursel is responsible for sabotaging the gate in order to justify paying Rais for protection. He framed Shakur so as to avoid suspicion. However, Crane speaks with Gursel and decides not to reveal this information.

Sometime after completion of "Gas Mask Man", Gursel will stick a help wanted notice on the village's request board, requesting 5 units of Midnight Bride to enable his people to catch fish in larger quantities more easily. This is a relatively short fetch and return quest, although locating and obtaining the plants will need to be done at night or within 30 minutes to and from night-time.



Show: Pact with Rais

Crane: "Hey! Anybody in there?!"
Gursel: "Not so loud. You'll draw the monsters."
Crane: "I got rid of them. But you better reinforce that gate before more show up."
Gursel: "You got rid of them? All of them?"
Crane: "Rais sent me. Are you Gursel?"
Gursel: "Oh - you work for Rais. Should've known this was too good to be true."
Ayla: "You've taken enough! You can't have any more! Firkin, tell him!"
Gursel: "Ayla, please. Just let me talk to the man."
Ayla: "You can't just push us around like this! Firkin's gonna kick your ass! Do it, Firkin! Kick his ass!"
Gursel: "For God's sake, Ayla! Look, I don't want any trouble. But we already paid this month. You're gonna bleed us dry."
Crane: "That is ENTIRELY not my problem. Rais wants his payment. So you make the payment, or things get bad for you... AND your woman."
Ayla: "You can't threaten us! Kick his ass, Firkin!"
Gursel: "GIVE ME A BREAK, Ayla! Fine. Here. This is all of it."
Ayla: "Pffft. A real man would've kicked his ass."
Crane: "I'll leave you to it. Sounds like you have bigger problems than money."

Show: Gas Mask Man

Gursel: "What can I do for you, Crane?"
Crane: "You sabotaged the gate, Gursel. You let the Infected into the village."
Gursel: "Me? It was the crackpot with the mask. The guard saw him."
Crane: "But someone else saw you."
Gursel: "Who? Where is he? Show me."
Crane: "There's also the mask I found in your hut."
Gursel: "(Puts his items down) Yeah, well, what was I supposed to do? The village didn't want to pay tribute to Rais, and Rais was getting impatient. That's why he sent you, right?"
Crane: "So you allowed an attack on your own people?"
Gursel: "I had to convince them that they need Rais's protection. It did the job, didn't it, so what the hell do you care?"
Crane: "Now Musa wants to put a bullet in Gas Mask Man."
Gursel: "And that's a problem?"
Crane: "Yeah. Make sure it doesn't happen again, or you'll be explaining why you allowed Infected into the village."
Gursel: "Alright. I'll talk to Musa and the guard."


  • "It's you again? Tell Rais that he can bite... Hey, what's that? Have you brought the herbs? That's what I'm talking about! No more food scavenging from now on! Well, I still can't figure you out... But here's your prize. I think you deserved it." – Upon completion of "Midnight Bride"


  • Though never explained, Gursel's wife refers to him as "Firkin".