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Ayla is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

She is a resident of Fisherman's Village and lives with Gursel, the community's leader.

During the main story quest "Pact with Rais", she angrily confronts Kyle Crane when he attempts to collect a tribute from Gursel on behalf of Kadir "Rais" Suleiman and his violent gang.


Show: Pact with Rais

Crane: "Hey! Anybody in there?!"
Gursel: "Not so loud. You'll draw the monsters."
Crane: "I got rid of them. But you better reinforce that gate before more show up."
Gursel: "You got rid of them? All of them?"
Crane: "Rais sent me. Are you Gursel?"
Gursel: "Oh - you work for Rais. Should've known this was too good to be true."
Ayla: "You've taken enough! You can't have any more! Firkin, tell him!"
Gursel: "Ayla, please. Just let me talk to the man."
Ayla: "You can't just push us around like this! Firkin's gonna kick your ass! Do it, Firkin! Kick his ass!"
Gursel: "For God's sake, Ayla! Look, I don't want any trouble. But we already paid this month. You're gonna bleed us dry."
Crane: "That is ENTIRELY not my problem. Rais wants his payment. So you make the payment, or things get bad for you... AND your woman."
Ayla: "You can't threaten us! Kick his ass, Firkin!"
Gursel: "GIVE ME A BREAK, Ayla! Fine. Here. This is all of it."
Ayla: "Pffft. A real man would've kicked his ass."
Crane: "I'll leave you to it. Sounds like you have bigger problems than money."