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"One thing I know. When the biters come for me... I will not resist."
Temel to Kyle Crane.

Temel is a character featured in Dying Light.


Early life

Prior to the outbreak, he worked as the superintendent for the Tower. He lived on the 11th floor with his family, but his wife and both his children were killed in the city along with his brother.

Events of Dying Light

He is one of the survivors residing within the Tower. He is found in the lobby, and when approached by Kyle Crane laments on the death of his family as well as the current status of the building. He is revealed to be contemplating suicide, or even attempting to burn the Tower down. Crane recommends Temel that should "talk to someone."


Temel: "I used to be the superintendent of this building, you know."
Crane: "No kidding?"
Temel: "There was a time when I considered this tower my own. Took pride in its upkeep. Knew the residents. Kept track of everything that happened here. But now... do you know what you'll find if you go to any of the floors between 1 and 18?"
Crane: "If it's anything like what I saw on 13... nothing good."
Temel: ""Nothing good". Well put. No, you will find nothing good. You WILL find evidence of death, and suffering, and loss. I lived with my family on 11. Now... I am the only one left. My wife, my brother, and both my children were caught in the city. I was here. Tending to this building. Doing my job. Now I fight with myself. Should I simply wander outside and let my fate befall me? Should I give in to my darker moments, and turn my livelihood here into a monstrous torch? One thing I know. When the biters come for me... I will not resist."
Crane: "Jesus, man. You should, uh... you should talk to someone."
Temel: "I'm talking to you. Isn't that enough?"