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Troy is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

She is the leader of the Embers and resides within the Embers' Tower, a church tower under construction at the time of the outbreak.

During the main story quest Pact With Rais, Kyle Crane restores radio connection throughout the districts and is contacted by Troy, who offers her thanks.

Later, during the quest Find the Embers, Crane travels to Old Town in search of Jade Aldemir and must locate Troy at the Embers' Tower. Troy directs Crane to Harran University, where he is reunited with Spike and makes contact with Fidan.

Next, Troy recalls Crane to the Embers' Tower where they watch a news broadcast stating the local government's intention to bomb the city. However, Troy enlists Kyle in a plot to bomb a nearby apartment building in a controlled explosion so as to create a burning face and prove survivors are still alive in the quarantine zone. Her runner, Michael, is trapped in the basement and must be rescued by Crane. Afterwards, Crane is able to plant the explosives and detonate them, but the Ministry of Defence bombs the building and nullifies their work.

After the completion of the quest The Museum, Troy contacts Kyle and expresses her condolences following the death of Jade. She has relocated and asks Crane to meet with her, asking him to install an amplifier on a nearby radio antenna in the hopes of aborting the planned bombing run.



Show: Pact with Rais

Spike: "Hey! Crane! If you've got a second, I want to patch you through to somebody who really wants to talk to you."
Crane: "Huh? Who?"
Troy: "Is this Kyle Crane?"
Crane: "... Who wants to know?"
Troy: "My name is Troy. I lead a small group of survivors over in Sector 0. We call ourselves the Embers. Sector 0 is completely sealed off. Mr. Crane, until you restored radio communication, we didn't know if anyone else in the city was still alive. I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are. You've given us a small measure of hope."
Crane: "Uh... well... I'm happy to help."
Troy: "If there's ever any way we can help YOU, Mr. Crane, please don't hesitate to ask."

Show: Find the Embers

Crane: "Here goes nothing... Jade? It's Crane. Do you copy? ... Jade? It's Crane! Can you hear me? Dammit... All right. It's time for some local talent. Troy. This is Crane. Do you copy?"
Troy: "Crane? It's great to hear from you! What can I help you with?"
Crane: "I'm in your neck of the woods now, and I'd love to put our heads together. Where can I find you?"
Troy: "You're here? In the Zero? Fantastic! Have you seen a pair of towers, one taller than the other, with scaffolding around them? We call that our "loft." Head that way. We'll be waiting."

At the safe zone:

Savvy: "Crane! It's a pleasure, mate! I'm Savvy... need anything technical, I'm your man! I've ALMOST rigged a way to break through the comm jamming! Come on, say hello to Troy!"
Crane: "I'm Kyle Crane. It's good to finally put a face with the voice."
Troy: "You're looking for Jade Aldemir, aren't you?"
Crane: "Yeah, yeah... have you seen her? Do you know where she is?"
Troy: "(Picks up radio) Jade? This is Troy. Do you copy?"
Jade: "Go ahead, Troy."
Crane: "(Rips the radio from Troy's hands) Jade! It's Crane! Listen, I know you're headed for Dr. Camden, but his clinic's surrounded by zombies and Rais's thugs. Let me come and help you."
Jade: "Crane... stay away from me. I hear your voice, and all I can see if my brother."
Crane: "Please, just hear me out. The thing is... the GRE hired me. I was supposed to find out where Rais sent this classified file, but that doesn't matter anymore, because the Ministry contacted me. They were going to firebomb the city, but I talked them into waiting... ...because they want that research that you're carrying. We need to figure out some way to let them know that we've got it."
Jade: "You bastard. You BASTARD."
Crane: "Jade... ? Jade! ... DAMN it."
Troy: "Crane... the last time I spoke to her, she was at the University. It's due east from here. If what you just said is even a little bit true, you have to find her."

Show: Higher Education

Troy: "Crane? Troy here..."
Crane: "Copy. What is it, Troy?"
Troy: "Savvy has an idea of how to break through the radio jamming and contact the outside world. He'll be working on that while you're busy looking for Jade. I'll be in touch. And, if I may make a suggestion... avoid the Infected if you can, okay? They've always been dangerous, but now they're mutating into something even more deadly."

Upon leaving the University:

Crane: "Jade, this is Crane. Do you copy? ... Jade, can you hear me? ... Nothing. Troy, this is Crane. Do you copy?"
Troy: "Crane! I was just about to contact you! Savvy broke through the jamming and... I think you'd better get back here. You have to see this."
Crane: "Why... ? What do I have to see?"
Troy: "You have to see it for yourself. Just... get back here, all right? I'm serious!"

Back in the safe zone:

Troy: "No matter how many times I watch it, I still can't believe it. (Switches to a news broadcast)"
Reporter: "An internal Global Relief Effort document surfaced today that, if verified, implicates the GRE in a far-reaching criminal conspiracy. Instead of trying to find a cure for the Harran Virus, according to the file, the GRE had plans to weaponize it and sell it to the highest bidder. World-wide backlash has- (Gets paused by Savvy)"
Troy: "No, no, skip to the important bit. (Skips further into the broadcast)"
Survivor: "I was the last survivor left in the quarantine. I can't believe I made it out. I can't believe I'm still alive..."
Reporter: "We mourn all those who didn't survive, but as the President said in a speech here earlier today, life is for the living. Military troops have searched for survivors all over the quarantine, but now there's no one left besides the Infected. According to Colonel Taner, once his decontamination process is finished, the infection will be completely obliterated. (Broadcast gets paused)"
Crane: "The Ministry did this. They're making their excuses to the rest of the world for destroying a city."
Troy: "Look, Crane, before you go charging out of here-we already had an idea of how to send a message. We were going to plant explosives in a building and set off fires in a pattern-something the zombies could never do. Trouble is, we got a runner, Michael, over to the right building, but we can't get through to the top floors. Too many biters. As much as I hate to admit it, none of the rest of us are strong enough to do this job."
Crane: "Well, we've got to do something RIGHT FUCKING NOW, or you, me, Jade, and everybody else are going to get blown to bits. Tell Michael I'm on my way... and while I'm doing that, can you get in touch with Jade? Try to get her to meet me?"
Troy: "You have my word."

Show: Lost in Space

Crane: "Troy, it's Crane."
Troy: "Go ahead."
Crane: "I've got a little boy here. He's been through a rough ride. He could use some spoiling."
Troy: "I'll have someone there in five minutes."
Crane: "Can we get him back to his mother at the Tower?"
Troy: "I'll take him there myself if I have to."
Crane: "Thanks, Troy."

Show: Public Face

Troy: "Crane, we see it! Great job!"
Crane: "I hope it's enough... Have you had any contact with Jade?"
Jade: "Crane..."
Crane: "Jade! Is that you?!"
Jade: "Crane... I heard what you did... I SEE what you did."
Crane: "So... do you believe me now, that I'm on your side?- (A fighter jet comes flying in and blows a hole in the building) Those sons of BITCHES."
Jade: "Fuck. Crane, if you're really on our side, you've got to contact the GRE. They must stop the Ministry from bombing the city!"
Crane: "I know, but I lost my one and only way to reach them..."
Troy: "Guys! Listen... Savvy's figured out a way to break through the jamming! He just needs your help to do it!"
Crane: "Okay! Jade, you heard that? We have to meet."
Jade: "Yeah... all right. Meet me in that red building on Emerald Canal. We'll go from there. ...and Crane... be careful. The Infected here are even more ferocious than the ones in the slums."

Show: Rendezvous

Crane: "Troy! This is Crane! Rais has taken Jade - he has her in some museum somewhere. Do you know what he's talking about?"
Troy: "Museum? Yes... Rais is using it as his headquarters. Crane... you can't go there. That place was built as a fortress... you'd be walking into a massive trap!"
Crane: "It's not subtle enough to be a trap. But there's got to be a way to sneak in, right? Some way to surprise them?"
Troy: "Let me think... uh... Tariq maybe? He's the museum's curator. He should know something about the dungeons hidden beneath the fortress."
Crane: "Good, I'll talk to him."
Troy: "All right. There's a building with a rooftop garden. You'll find Tariq there. And listen-if you get the chance, find yourself some new weapons. You'll need them."

Show: The Museum

Crane: "Troy?"
Troy: "I hear you."
Crane: "I'm in."
Troy: "That was the easiest part of this. You realize that, right?"
Crane: "You really suck at pep talks, Troy."
Troy: "Not my job... But good luck."

After defeating Tahir:

Crane: "Troy, it's Crane."
Troy: "Crane? You're alive!"
Crane: "Troy... Jade's dead."
Troy: "Oh... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Crane, I mean it. What happened?"
Crane: "Jade saved my life, Troy. Again. She died... saving me."
Troy: "Crane... you've still got to call off the Ministry. That's why Jade sacrificed herself. So you could do this."
Crane: "Is Savvy there? Has he figured out how to get a message though?"
Troy: "'Yes, but to do it you need to meet me. I have to give you an amplifier, that Savvy says can help us break through the signal jamming. I'll meet you in the safe zone, halfway to the antenna, where you'll need to mount the amp."
Crane:' "Okay, Troy. On my way."

At the safe zone:

Troy: "Crane! Here is the amp."
Crane: "So. What do I have to do?"
Troy: "You need to install it at the highest place possible. That way we'll have the best chance to break through."
Crane: "So let me guess - I need to head out to that giant antenna tower at the edge of town?"
Troy: "The fastest way is through the sewers. Savvy'll guide you over the radio, so contact him when you get to the other side. And Crane... when you install the amp, make sure to set the correct frequency on your radio. Pull this off and the entire world will hear you."
Crane: "Let's hope so. See you, Troy."

Show: The Clinic

Crane: "Troy? I gave the samples to Dr. Camden. Now I'm gonna have a little talk with the GRE."
Troy: "And what are you going to tell them?"
Crane: "Everything... I'll meet you later, Troy."

Show: Health Potion

Crane: "Troy, can you hear me? It's Crane."
Troy: "Yes, Crane? What do you need?"
Crane: "There's a bunch of kids in the Magic Fortress, did you know about this?"
Troy: "It's news to me. We thought the place was empty. Do they need assistance?"
Crane: "From what I've seen, yes."
Troy: "It's going to take time to get anyone over there."
Crane: "Understood. I'll stay until someone arrives. In the meantime, I need insulin. I'm at the drug store now, but it's been picked clean."
Troy: "Maybe you could check if the computer works? There should be records of people who bought the insulin last, along with their addresses. Maybe they still have it?"
Crane: "Thanks Troy. Out."

Show: Fan Zone

Crane: "Troy? There's a distress message coming from the Fan Zone."
Troy: "That place should be empty."
Crane: "Yeah. Maybe I'll check it out."

After turning off the distress call:

Troy: "Tell me what's happening."
Crane: "I'm in the Fan Zone. This place is a trap. Keep people the hell out of here."
Troy: "Understood. Now take your own advice, and get out of there."
Crane: "I think I'm going to have to deal wit hthis one, Troy. Crane out."

After killing the psychopath:

Crane: "Troy? It's Crane."
Troy: "You alright?"
Crane: "Some psycho's been luring people into the Fan Zone and hunting them. Must be 15 to 20 bodies down here."
Troy: "Is he dead?"
Crane: "Dead as I can make him. Crane out."


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