Thabit Erdal

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Thabit Erdal is a character featured in Dying Light.


Early life

He was a resident of the Old Town district of Harran and worked for the municipal government as the town clerk. However, he was generally disliked and openly admits to corruption. Following the outbreak, the municipal governement was dissolved and Erdal was left without a job.

Events of Dying Light

After speaking with Ihsan at the northern rooftop safe zone, Kyle Crane learns of a supply cache kept within a bunker somewhere in the district, initiating the side-quest The Bunker. Crane seeks out Erdal for assistance, but he desires the Seal of the Mayor in return.

Kyle must travel nearby to the Avryk Hotel and retrieve the seal from the mayor's room. Once Erdal has the seal, he reveals that the bunker is located underneath Town Hall, though Crane finds the basement door locked. Kyle contacts Thabit over the radio and informs him of the locked door, and Erdal reveals that the necessary Key Card is in the possession of Captain Enver Halim of the Harran Police Department. However, the police captain has been infected and mutated into a demolisher roaming the streets outside Harran University.

Once Captain Halim has been defeated, Crane returns to the basement with the key card only to be confronted by Erdal, who declares Crane a thief and claims the bunker's contents for himself. He attacks Kyle, and is killed in the ensuing fight. Crane contacts Ihsan to inform him of the bunker's contents and Erdal's death.



Note: Part of this conversation is still missing.

Show: The Bunker

Thabit: "Yes, what is it?"
Crane: "Are you Mr. Thabit Erdal, the Town Clerk?"
Thabit: "That was my title. However, all city authority has been dissolved by the GRE and the Federal Government. My title does not exist any more, and therefore I am no longer required - or allowed... to provide any services to you or anyone else. In conclusion, goodbye."
Crane: "Not so fast, Mr. Erdal. The dissolution order requires ALL local officials to be at the service of the GRE and the provisional authority, as needed."
Thabit: "Are you with the GRE?"
Crane: "I'm looking for information about a large supply cache hidden somewhere in the city."
Thabit: "You mean the bunker? Well, if you wish to take possession of it, you'll have to lodge a 2-0-1 "Needs of Agency" form, J-P-4-0-1 "Details of Operations" form... Also, a 6-0-6 "Compulsion of Special Authority" form, and 3-0-2B "Declaration of Emergency Functions" form. That last one has a three day turnaround in the best of circumstances, which these are certainly not."
Crane: "I need it now."
Thabit: "Well, then I suggest you employ the traditional method of accelerating the government process."
Crane: "Which is what?"
Thabit: "Bribery, of course. I need the official "Seal of the Mayor" embossing stamp. The Mayor was last seen at the Hotel. Find his room, and you should find the seal."

Upon returning with the seal:

Thabit: "Wonderful! I promise to abuse this Seal to the fullest extent of my corruption - which is considerable."
Crane: "Tell me about the supply cache."
Thabit: "It was a necessary precaution. Old Town supports a very wealthy class of citizens. They knew the slum districts would exhaust their meager supplies, and that the wretched poor would then invade us like a wave of locusts."
Crane: "So you locked it up."
Thabit: "The bunker is under the Town Hall. I can monitor your progress on the City Services band. Radio me if you need some paperwork from the office of the Mayor. I'll be generating reams of it."

At the bunker:

Crane: "Thabit. Are you listening?"
Thabit: "If you're in the Town Hall, could you filch me some stationary from City Council President's chambers?"
Crane: "Where's the pass card to enter the bunker?"
Thabit: "The pass card, of course! Due to a series of tragic events, the chain of custody of that card has frequently changed, but I believe it finally landed in the capable hands of Police Captain Halim. That's who you need to get it from."
Crane: "Why hasn't he opened the bunker himself?"
Thabit: "Regretfully, Captain Halim's interest in material things is no more. He frequently shambles around K-Street, with several other former police officers. Perhaps they have some vague recollection of their fraternity."

At the bunker:

Thabit: "By order of the Mayor, the entire contents of this bunker now belongs to me! Get away from it, thief!"

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