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Harun is a character featured in Dying Light.


Events of Dying Light

He is a survivor residing within Fisherman's Village in the slums of Harran. A local strongman, he has the reputation of a bully and is disliked by many of the village residents. However, some view him as a decisive man willing and capable of doing what is necessary, suggesting him as a rival to village leader Gursel.

During the side quest "Where's my mother?", Kyle Crane learns that Harun has evicted a young mother, Aida, due to her being infected. He confronts Harun in an effort to learn her whereabouts but Harun proves to be of little use, and even insults Crane as he walks away.



Show: Where's My Mother?

Crane: "Harun?"
Harun: "Can't you see I'm busy?"
Crane: "Why did you force that woman to leave the village?"
Harun: "You mean Aida? She's infected. All infected gotta go outside."
Crane: "Is that Gursel's rule?"
Harun: "Some people don't want to make the tough calls around here. Well, I did. If Aida didn't want to get thrown out, she shouldn't have let herself get bit. Tough luck. Bad break."
Crane: "What about her kids?"
Harun: "What about 'em? There's no Antizin around here. I was doing them a favor so they wouldn't have to watch us hacking up their mom when she turns into a fucking monster."
Crane: "I'm starting not to like you."
Harun: "Hey, I'm not looking for trouble. You seem like a good guy. Have a nice day. Okay? Now go fuck yourself."