Mort Norris

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Mort Norris is a character featured in Dying Light.


Early life

Originally from Great Britain, Norris came to Harran and worked for the municipal government in the water resources department.

Events of Dying Light

He is one of the survivors residing within the Harran University safe zone. When approached by Kyle Crane, he asks him to turn the public water systems back one, initiating the Fountain side-quest.


Show: Fountain

Mort Norris: "Crane -- I'm Mort Norris. Worked in the Town Hall before the outbreak. Modernization and Maintenance of Hydraulic Infrastructure Department! One hell of a job, I'm telling you. Miss it more than I miss my kids these days."
Crane: "Uhh, okay. wanted to ask me something?"
Mort Norris: "Yes! I was supposed to get water running in my neighborhood again, but I can't 'cause of those damn undead and it's KILLING me! Could I persuade you to do it? Please? It would be a great civic gesture, appreciated by tens, maybe even dozens of people!"
Crane: "What would I need to do?"
Mort Norris: "Just redirect the flow of the water! That's all! It'll be SUCH a help...and it'll even get our beautiful fountain up and running again!"
Crane: "...Yeah, right. What do you want me to do, then?"
Mort Norris: "Great! Great! Fantastic! You just have to get to these three pumping stations and switch the valves. Here, I'll show you where they are..."

After switching on all the valves:

Crane: "Mort, I've switched all three valves."
Mort Norris: "Brilliant! Now you just have to do the same in the main pumping station. Give me a shout once you're there."

At the main pumping station:

Crane: "Okay, what now..."
Mort Norris: "Look for the main valve."

After turning the main valve:

Crane: "Done. Mort? Any progress?"
Mort Norris: "Yes! YES! We've got water again! Not just in our building, but in my whole district, too! You did my job and you did it well! Even the fountain works again! Amazing, Crane!"
Crane: "It's better to drink water than energy drinks."

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